Only the real alpha's like me and jerry stay home for fraud on Saturday night.

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7 year itch

I could not have it said it better Jerry. It's true all of it.

Why worry about it? What the fuck you're talking about

how long are you two together? after years you will discover the flaws. NOBODY IS FLAWLESS YOU FUCKHEAD

Foam roll / mobility incl Upper back and glute activation, knee warmup
Treadmill warmup 12min
Overhead squat 3-5 sets 5-8 reps
Forearm twists, curls, roll ups
Bw Dip " "
Bulgarian squat 3-5 sets 8-12 reps
45deg unilateral hyper " "
Leg raise - neck bridge

Tricep ext / bb bicep curl
Forearm circuit repeat

30-45 min cardio
Cool down stretches

Autistic enough?

Is cutting on gear a waste of time and gear? I didn't even started bulking yet but im thinking if going overboard with food do me more harm than good.

Seems stupid. Just don;t overthink everything.

No? you want to perverse muscle

Retarded question but the half life of aromasin is around 1 day, and I have 12.5mg caps.

If I take no ai my e2 is high, if I take 12.5mg even every other day, it gets too low.

What do I do? I have heard of taking it only on pin days, but wouldn't it just be high again on the days right before I pin and take ai?

I mean it's a waste when you let yourself go on a bulk. How low i can go with calories on enhanced cut? Last time i had to stop at 1300 because i had no strength and will to live anymore.

What are your future plans? Is there really a point where you see yourself coming off of roids forever? What are you gonna do then?

What is the optimal cruise length between blasts?

In4 mast is jelly of a diabetic