How long have I been working out for?

How long have I been working out for?


You've never touched a weight

10 minutes


You motherfuckers :(

How long have I been lifting?

How long does it take to lift with nothing but your forearms?

about 10 boyfriends ago.

1 day

kek I love you guys, thanks for the chuckle

juicy childbearing hips right there
n-no homo brah

6 months bud :-))

ding ding ding

Hey guys, guess how long I've been lifting? My friends call me "The Monster"

>My friends call me "The Monster"
you have no friends

I don't understand what is going on here

Post pics then, I used to reverse grip bench press 500 pounds.

guys I'm worried I'm going to turn out like Blahahaha. I've got wide hips and that sort of hourglass look and no matter how much I bench, it seems my chest will never get bigger

Id say a few months op. Btw i was born with the wide hips curse as well my frame is about like yours, i just have a little better chest/arms.

stop sucking your fat belly you fgt

Maybe start tomorrow? Gain a chest?

I have clear abdominals, I've also got a very thick core.

there's some change ! just increase the weight more and more, gains will come fast