What are youre thoughts on the thicc fad?
just lazy bitches telling themselves that having a fat flubber ass is hot?
or overweight?
T h i c c
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your* lol
I hope the trend leaves so I can have them to myself again
it's a lot of bitches getting cosmetic surgery and then pretending like they've got god tier genetics
and retards falling for it
kim k look fucking ridiculous
They spend thousands of dollars on their body then tweet out #bodypositivity like anyone who puts on fat will look like them.
you'd better post more of that semen demon
god bless thoumst
its liked by the same people who support HAES and other obese people, they do it to justify their destructive lifestyle
girl in pic has had surgery?
what surgery exists just to get thicc?
Wish I saved the webm but girls can get injections to make their body look fuller.
the girl in the op looks like she's had fat injected into her ass
the asian girl is probably safe, her other pictures look very normal. she just uses nice angles to look bigger than she is
this one?
Yep, that's the one
they actually seem to do a very good job of that, as long as they dont go overboard
could this be a non-degenerate cosemitic surgery?
Literally any cosmetic intervention to your body, from something as superficial as make up to something like doing shin lengthening surgery or ass/tit implants, including roids, peds or leaning agents is absolutely degenerate because it promotes anti-natural selection. Not sure how to word it but you get the point.
ok who is this
It's fine if it's natural, stupid if the woman is actively eating fats in order to become bigger.
I like curves, not fat.
Degenerate is a moral judgement, natural selection is not a moral phenomenon. you should instead argue from a standard of morality like biblical Christianity if you're deciding what is or isn't degenerate
Fuck you nigga we gattica now. Fuck your "natural selection"
Well my girlfriend has gained 45 pounds since we started dating so I guess I like thickies now
they are attractive but probably bought into the "coalburning is okay" meme of Kardashians who made thicc meme okay outside black and latina
I demand sauce,now
& people idolize this garbage.
god damn, I love how it just accentuates her uterus
how does this make you feel?
Bad technique of guy picking up 45 lb weight.
what about this?
who dis?
good thick
cant tell you that
Either the definition of thicc has shifted in the past year or I've been using it wrong.
Is pic related not thicc?
I've always used it to describe women with wide hips and "thiccer" thighs and ass but not braphog tier.
OPs pic doesn't look fat either, just a specific fat distribution yet everyone compares it to landwhales.
Cellulite + injections/implants = mfw
pls give source
google give me a different girl?
you must. I demand freedom of information!!!
cant do it friendo
why is life so unfair? please, last time. You cannot tease me like this and cut me off.
think I found her insta but it's private and only has 3 followers which seems odd
dammit. Well, i guess ill just off myself now.
thicc pussy smells like poo and bad breath
not necessarily from the clip, but whats the deal with some nerd girls having dynamite bodies, yet still rocking the nerd face w glasses and not attempting stacey makeup? they feel unworthy?
because they don't give a fuck about you
>wearing regular bra to work out
Alexia Mizell
Next time do a reverse search you fags
I am but one man
whether they give a fuck about me or not is irrelevant
but i did it and they dont look the same girl
alexia is tanned, has dye hair and dont look full caucasian as that girl in OP pic
Kinda looks like a transgender; my dick is confused.
everything comes with the price
99% of thick fags are burgersharts, goes to show how badly the negrification has gotten over there.
Women should have (firm) fat tits and ass and a flat stomach. If you like any other body type it's just for fetish purposes or you might be gay.
Is this supposed to be the famous ass everyone is saying is amazing? What the fuck I wouldn't tap that.
I like fatties (so thiccer than actual thicc) so its good for me. Still think body positivity and HAES is still retarded as fuck though, just because these whales turn me on doesn't mean their flawed ideology is correct
It's because people with fat fetishes also like thicc bitches so they post heavier and heavier until it's just fat. Probably also easier to differentiate a thin/thicc comparison from a thicc/overweight one
>locking knees
Thick japanese are a miracle of nature.
Ty user