
>he thinks lifting changes his mannerisms
I hope you're using your gains to become more masculine Veeky Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw very animated person

>Veeky Forums @ 1:22
stop using the word like too and speak direct

Couldn't make it past 30 seconds

man that 2nd dude is autistic as fuck

now imagine what girls will be thinking when they talk to you

bump for education

>play video
>buzzfeed vibes
>it is fucking buzzfeed

Sort yourself out, OP.


Nah, if you're watching a meme video on how to be more masculine you're already too far gone.
Good luck though, I'm sure this short vid will cure your autism and make you the macho dream man you've always wanted to be.

CHAD knows how to attract women with his masculinity while YOU criticize buzzfeed alone on your computer you autistic virgins

That fat degenerate faggot is talking as if he has a dating game at all

Motherfucking OP.
When will he stop being a fag?

>online poll results
>also all split down the middle 50/50

women truly dont know what they want

Maybe they're not all the same, but in fact, individuals with varying tastes.

Reminds me of that guy who got bailed out of jail just for his looks

honestly this is the average sort of girl i wish i had been having one night stands with in college

nothing really noteworthy about her but it would be a good night of feeling like you're normal. i'd almost rather bang her than someone objectively prettier because at that point you're like "ok you're banging me but you're out of my league, what's your angle"

with this girl you're like "ok shes just horny like me, we're both average. cool"

anyway whats this thread about?

yes, and women in general dont know what they want

this study is not only completely unscientific but it reveals that if you ask a woman out theres a 50/50 chance she'll say yes or no, total waste of time

for fucks sake op

Yeah exactly, literally everything, including right or wrong all depends on a few millimeters of bone in your face.

women, especially buzzfeed harpys are so wrong on their own choices

Here's the real deal

anyway whats this thread about?

See a doctor

>Here's the real deal
fucking kek @2:50
that guy is hilarious

Ah another psyop designed to get men to commit suicide. Fantastic.

This guy has shit music taste

the problem i have with this is are these women even traditionally feminine? why would i care about the opinion of attraction from a woman who cant even take care of herself let alone a home, or even know what makes traditional manliness 'good'

Who would benefit from that though?
If anything, the current powers that be benefit more from a class of wageslaves being alive, hopeful and productive.

This seems like a good idea for a test, but unfortunately, they only tested it on people that work at Buzzfeed, and that will always skew the data.

Depending on what kind of people you hang out with/want to attract, you should act more effem/masculine. In general girls want masculine, but if you're going for a hipster/woke/liberal cutie, you will need to chill on the hyper masculinity. Sad but true.

how would you properly test this?

best way is to get alpha advice by actual alphas and test it yourself

This shit had me in tears.

> buzzfeed
> AND a faggot

>giving the 'sup' nod to a woman
>not attractive

Really makes you think

funny shit, but idk about using online dating as the be-all and end-all of dating.

Autism and insecurity itt.


I think this is perceived from a bar setting.

Where they'd rather have someone more approachable.

In the scenario of like at a workplace the most masculine man tends to get the most attention from women.

is every man in this video gay? who the fuck cares what the gays think?

I don't care what fags and lesbians think is attractive because I'm into straight women.

>post video questioning how people act
>people act autistic when they realize they act like trash
look at to see how you look to girls

is the higher percentage option the more attractive one or less masculine one?

>listening to what women say they "want"

That's like asking a store owner to give you advice on how to rob stores.

the point was to show you how y'all look like to women

>asking buzzfags anything

This would have been a great video if they used true normies instead of liberal urbanites and SWPLs.

>t. femanon
get out. women were made from the rib of adam and are inferior.

Cope harder

'Women are le indeviduals who see inner beauty' is a cope
what that guy said isn't
you retard

are you the same dumb cum dumpster that posted that article about freezing eggs, cause there are no worthy man around, a couple days ago?

that was an exceptional case and doesn't really ever happen (to men), but yeah it still makes me rage

>who the fuck cares what the gays think?
they probably think similarly to girls

mirin the Veeky Forums guy

>let numale fags and feminist "women" (that's how would participate in an online poll by buzzfeed) rate a nigger actor performing what WE THINK constitutes "masculine" and "less masculine" behaviour
>and then let's conclude "less masculine" behaviour is somehow getting more popular or whatever, lmao

There's nothing to learn from this except that living in a big city makes people mentally ill and that fags and niggers are overrepresented in the media.

>individuals with VARYING TASTE
Almost like separate members of the human species, you mong. They can be as shallow as dudes, but they're definitely not all the same person. If you think your game works on all women then you are in for a rude awakening, just like some men are into fatties, niggers, faggots like you, etc

No, they don't. The average fag has sex with dozens of men throughout his life. The average woman with a single digit number. The average fag NEVER has a proper long-term relationship. The average woman is interested in nothing but long-term.

It's actually fairly interesting if you just view the video and make your own conclusions about the dude. I realized I must look stupid making hand gestures so maybe I'll pull back on it -- then again, I mainly pull chicks looking for cute guys so maybe I should play it up

That researcher is wrong assuming that attractive people only do better because everyone treats them nicer due to their attractiveness. If this were all there is to it then why should anyone be nicer to them in the first place. Clearly, attractiveness gives away that you have greater potential to be successful and that is in turn why people then so-to-speak "bet on you". Who is going to have a great career? Who is going to be an awesome warrior for the tribe? Probably the tall, handsome guy, right? Statistically correct. The little shortcuts attractive people are offered only amplify this effect, they don't create it. The looks we consider attractive point to health, strength, fertility, intelligence etc. That is why they are attractive.

>he thinks women aren't a hivemind
pls gb2plebbit

faggots get sex no matter how fat or ugly they are

>implying men aren't a hive mind
This is what you sound like

fuck this worthless penis

where can I buy one of these things? that looks fucking hilarious to put on snapchat

It's just a regular dildo. You can buy them from sex shops.

>which version of this man turns you on?
>first guy they ask is a flabby gay dude

into the trash it goes

so before I buy a dildo, realistically how funny would this actually be to do?

Just do it with your dick bro.

Look at the view counts. This is the world now you social reject.

these videos always give me a good laugh

not that i disagree with the guy, it's the way he edits this shit and the way he speaks that cracks me the fuck up

>tfw fit, stoic, formal, good eye contact, deep voice, forward
>girls don't approach me

Regardless, buzzfeed is cancer and I'm angry I even clicked.

>expecting girls to approach
gee I wonder why

Why? It's the truth. Looks trumps all when it comes to attraction. You can have money, charisma or power but none of those can come close to the raw attraction that our primitive brains fall back on when presented with looks.

Real niggas make the best of the hands they're dealt with. Whining about HEIGHT, FACE AND FRAME is not going to get you anywhere

fucking roasties

shit damn, not even the muscle chad stood a chance

let this thread die faggots so I can repost this with a more focused topic so that you faggots wont just sit there talking about buzzfeed when the point was for you to check how you act

you mad the thread got derailed fag?

>make thread for X
>people talk about Y
>dont want to be a newfag and just post another thread with the same topic
seriously just watch the videos as a pointer on how you act

Your mom should have aborted u

god damn dat guy, doubt he fucked any of them thou
just delete the thread if you are op.

So act like a fag attract fags, who would have thought?

god i love how people starting making shit like this instead of growing the balls to learn social skills and pick up chicks

I'll just let it die and a week from now just remake the thread with this video so we can have an actual discussion on alpha mannerisms

also that dude is Daniel, a world famous dancer. He is has a "girlfriend" named Desiree


post the vid of him dancing with all the hoes
there is also a vid were a girl does the same thing

Wonder how much he pays her.

Jesus can you read? He said that he doesn't disagree with the guy


source me please, filename gives no hope
>inb4 some beta thinks its worthwhile to learn to dance to get laid
dont bother, its not worth it

why do you want to watch beta porn?

makes me feel good about myself mate, like watching beauty and the geek
What the hell is going on in both of these videos?
Is this like a dance class graduation ceremony? Or are these two people like prostitutes for dancing?

>makes me feel good about myself mate
I got the perfect type of porn for you then



It's a salsa congress, its happens once a year in a major city where for 3 days all the cities best dancers come aswell as people from outside the city come and they just dance all day for 3 days.

there's always famous dancers in the scene that come and EVERYBODY wants to dance with them. Daniel y Desiree are world famous so everybody wants to dance with them

desu its not worth learning to dance unless you really like cougars or you were young enough to get good because the young girls are in SUPER HIGH demand as both young and older dudes want them so as you can imagine if you're a shit dancer you're fucked. So young bad male dancers get shafted

You think the powerfull want people to be alive, they want only (((people))) alive.

Alphas dont know how to do that shit, they are just acting on instinct.

how are the hands beta?

are you serious right now?

>So young bad male dancers get shafted
>started learning earlier this month
>Look at research that shows attractive male dance patterns
>The most attractive form is basically Zyzz-breh-tier

Time to learn aggressive re-loading animations.

wristlets never learn