wtf i love VG now
Wtf i love VG now
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i don't understand
what was the purpose of this
a fitness channel does a 180 degrees and talks about religion
did he just wake up one day and say "oh boy today i'm gonna post an offtopic video for no reason"
he brought it up because the channel is dedicated to promoting the morality of veganism and how the fundamental ideals of islam is gay
damn dude... i live in canada so i know how fucked this guy is now. especially since he's in toronto which is the liberal hive
he better hope he can live off youtube forever because he will never get a job in canada after this
He literally says it in the video
"My channel is all about criticising bad ideas, like eating meat or believing in Islam"
I'd be more worried about some pissed off muzzies finding his ass for dressing up like Mohammed
good luck vg
rip in peace
He owns guns or is planning on buying guns. The government recently gave him the green light to.
someone forward this to the fbi. they need to catch this terrist asap
>being this much of a pussy
*blocks your path*
VG is my hero. why does it think my post is spam... Is it because I said Vegan G___s?
Isn't this the same idiot who was digging through trash and said bread was vegan?
Holy shit it actually was... What the fuck.
His name has been banned for a long time. People got so triggered by his channel that they would use him as flame bait. Eventually the mods got tired of it.
Funny how things are now what with there being 4 constant vegan flame bait threads.
he made this video like months ago, nothing happened you cuck
Wtf is the deal with his wife? The she treats him and talks to him, and he just accept it... I saw that mail unboxing one where both open mail from fans and jesus fucking christ, weird as fuck their relationship. Is some sort of abusive thing, she clearly doesnt love him and he fears losing her.
Can you guys give more insight and knoledge into this, please?
My theory is she's his handler of sorts. He needs someone in his life to make sure he doesn't literally go crazy. She's a terrible degenerate though so this could backfire.
Something clearly is not right.
I think both, especially her, tolerate each other for the sake of not being alone.
Bread isn't vegan?
vagina stains is a beta cuck and shes using him for a green card, simple as that.
seems like he's trying to emulate friendly jordies
Is this you?
>taking out your resentment at your wife on a fucking manlet
talk about pathetic
VG is not a fitness channel, he is an attention whore. As soon as people stop paying attention to him he needs to say something that will trigger people to talk about him again. This dude will be on YT saying shit to get people worked up until the day he dies and it will just continue to get more and more sad. He will probably break vegan in 2-4 years and go on a bunch of bullshit about how stupid being vegan is for the same reason.
He said if he ever sees VG in person that he'd lay him out even if it means going to jail. So VG called him on his bluff. Little manlet faggot had an axiety attack when push came to shove.
>vagina stains
...because he doesn't have a real job you fucking moron
>vagina stains
>vagina stains is a beta cuck
I'm gonna start calling him that now.
You guys think they fuck? I mean, she hates even holding his hand...
I think she only let's him touch her feet. He's a disgusting cuck who probably was molested by his mother as a kid.
She looks assexual. That or she has some hardcore fetish. But she aint normal, brah
>vegan gayns makes a completely reasonable video for a change
We're in the strangest timeline.
He has countless reasonable videos where he ousts shills.
>its another alt right islamophobe circle jerk thread on Veeky Forums
Great, just great. I love it when people think attacking oppressed minorities is funny. I really love it, its so great and awesome. Maga everyone xddd /s
But outing islam is litterally not being afraid of them.
Submitting to them by defending them IS being afraid.
Islam is garbage. It is a merited attack albeit no in fit.
I watched the whole thing. There weren't all that many jokes, not sure why you think it was a comedy video. Mostly just facts about Islam. Thanks for letting us know Muslims can't take jokes though.
I want to cum inside Jasmine's pussy!
stop giving VegaNoGains attention
>IRL ahegao
if fucking only.
Jesus and Mary are part of Muslim mythology, so if Christianity never existed, then Islam wouldn't have existed either.
I'm not defending Islam, just pointing out that your meme pic is inaccurate.
He's a mixed race vegan.
How is that /pol/ at all? Just because he said he doesn't like Muslims? If that's the case then hundreds of millions of Africans, Indians, and Asians and pretty much anyone who lives next to Muslims posts on /pol/ as well.
Check these out too
He's got some good content
>opressed minorities
No one oppresses minorities like Muslims. Just ask any nonmuslim living in a Muslim majority country.
This is just like when Jews say that everyone who dosen't support Israel is a Nazi. Fuck off with your buzzwords and come back with a real argument brainlet.
le edgy green man is finally right about something
It's telling that you two are singling out trite anti-SJW videos as "the good ones" instead of the ones where he cites scientific studies and BTFOs industry shills. I bet you faggots still watch The Amazing Atheist.
Telling of what dumb shit?
Everyone already knows about his worst of the fitness industry and antimeat videos. I was highlighting something different for a change.
Armchair psychologists are the biggest psuedointellectuals on the internet and belong on >>>/Reddit/
>hebrew shitting bricks that he'll move onto the jewish question soon