
how much is too much protein?
Is the upper limit 1.7g per pound of bodyweight? Is it 2g?

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No scientific evidence supports more than 0.86g/lb of lean body mass

Ignoring broscience, bro-advice, anything supplement companies tell you, or anything anyone paid by the supplement industry tells you (like Layne Norton)

for those wondering context, today I'm 600 calories under goal but 7g away from Protein max. I don't want to waste my expensive protein bars


To much protein depends on how much you weigh. Dont take in more grams of protein than your body weight. If I weigh 200 lbs it wouldnt make sense to intake 300 grams. Your body will get rid of the extra protein.

When your piss gets really foamy, cut back cause you're pissing it all away

There's really no reason to get more than 25% of your calories from protein. The science doesn't support it. Some studies are even lower than that; like 10%.

The protein hype was started by the protein industry. Don't be suckered in by it.

I just had a meal that had 65g protein, last night i ate 200g of protein for 6ft 85kg. Feel strong as fuck, feel good, and will be heading to the gym shortly for a heavy leg day.

Feeling so good might even break another PR this month.

if you have hemorrhoids you're probably eating too much protein

good advice

also guys, is there a "limit" on how much protein should be eaten at one sitting?

Is there a maximum worthwhile amount per intake?

If you eat 1x60 grams of protein at once is it as beneficial as eating 3x20 grams over 3 hours?

No. That's bro science too


we posted the same thing at the same time, lmao

since we are obviously connected somehow we should go fuck.

There's no difference. Read actual studies on the topic rather than asking questions on a Vietnamese basket weaving forum.

You can't possibly eat "too much" protein. It's too filling. Want to overeat? Carbs and fat are your ticket.

Seconding this, but that amount was only shown to necessary for high level athletes training extremely hard over 6 times a week, aka not you.

If you're natty and eating mostly whole foods then you don't even need to worry about protein.

So i weight 176 lbs, do i have to eat 176g of protein?

American College of Sports Medicine recommends 1.2-1.7 grams per kg for strength athletes.

unrelated but what's better: steel cut oats or old fashioned oats?

old fashioned. Steel cut are for fat people, you want that easily digested starch for gains.

OP here, if you don't mind spending the extra mOney, steel cut outs are the way to go. They are solid and thick and taste like real food (if you like that texture)
Otherwise, old fashioned shall do.

OP. Oh really, never knew that. My broke ass buys instant oats anyways, but that's an interesting take.

I ate 2 pounds of yogurt in ten minutes yesterday which contained approximately 88 grams of protein.

That was too much.

Look up proteinuria

Lol RIP your anus. All that dairy would tear me up.

instant oats are med-high gi...pointless to even eat oatmeal then unless you enjoy the taste.

It honestly wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It went straight through me and took everything with it but I felt great afterwards. Probably can't eat yogurt for the rest of the week though.

then what brand/type should I be getting?

I used to eat a tub of yogurt at night but i switched over to low sugar/fat/carb ice cream as my reward after i've hit my micros eating good carbs, good fats and 1.2g/llb protein. It's fucking crack to me.

No, 30g is a meme. Digestion slows down at higher amounts but it's not lost

rolled oats or steel cut. there is some organic instant oatmeal that's rolled oats though.

halo top? I've heard good things about that. The normies love it.
Also concerning sugar alchohol, how does the body process it? Do we just shit it out?

nah bro you piss out the extra proteins

>pointless to even eat oatmeal then unless you enjoy the taste.


thanks, broseph. Is quaker still a good brans, or is it overrun by Jews that are putting bitchtit chemicals in my food.

well i eat mainly blue bell or breyers vanilla then i'll have a little bit of halp top (cookies n cream or cookie dough) for my taste buds.

Not him, but Quaker is dogshit.

couldn't tell you but probably. it's fine they have like a 3 min steel cut version but i get this irish oatmeal that takes 5 mins in the microwave. make sure you read the back that you can microwave it unless you want to boil it for 20 minutes lol

presumed, because Quaker is a big corporate company. Who knows what the fuck they're putting in there for means of mass production.
Suggestions for brands tho? Or should I fuck oatmeal all together?
For clarity, do you mean dogshit of taste or nutrition?

nothing comes close i've realized to a better carb source then oatmeal. you'll feel the difference if you eat it pre-workout.

Would it hurt you not too?

too much protein can actually fuck up your kidneys if you already have kidney problems

So what is the recommend dose?


>not saving it in a bottle until it turns into ammonia and putting it on Hay bails you get for free at petting zoos that are packing up and using the piss and turning hay into compost and growing your own veggies and potatoes

it's like you don't want to recycle nutrients and magnetism

This is about sugar alcohols
Sugar alcohols end in the suffix -tol (sorbitol, maltitol)

And as for other no calorie sweetners like stevia and the like.. They are not processed by the body at all. They pass right through without metabolizing. But they taste sweet (sickly sweet imo) to humans.

but i wannah get big

You can. Just get your calories in, and work hard. There are vegan body builders who don't get more than 20% of their calories from protein.

>mfw any average lifter will down 70g protein pizza in a sitting + a shake + whatever else amount they ate that day.
mfw i piss like a racehorse and it is always foamy at first.

And they look like shit

OP here.
So my curent calorie percentage break down is
>carb 50%
>protein 35%
>fat 15%
Since anons are saying I should lower protein, then which macro should I raise to compensate? Isn't carbs the best in the scope of mass building?

My regular diet hits about 130-170g daily with only 1 protein shake for breakfast. I dont like to eat for a few hours after getting up. Liquid breakfast is best.

Honestly the mental part of trying to eat that much protein will probably do more for you than the protein. By simply paying more mindfulness to your diet and trying to meet a goal you will have better nutrition overall.
Way to add nothing of value to the conversation..

>captcha - private ladies

You obviously haven't seen many vegan body builders.

Again, the point is that the science doesn't support the idea that you need huge amounts of protein to get built.

I don't think we're necessarily saying you should *lower* your protein intake. It's just that it's not necessary to have huge amounts of protein. I think 35% is fine, but you could probably do fine with less, if you wanted. Something like 15/70/15 split would be adequate.

>Isn't carbs the best in the scope of mass building?
Yeah but your gonna get more fat with it too. Fat is unavoidable overall but you can reduce the amount you pack on. And you can always run a cut after you bulk up and ditch the flab.

what if you had a shake right before bed, and post-sleep you have a light breakfast?

what would be considered a "huge" amount of protein- the upper limit?

>you're gonna get more fat with carbs
I thought it doesn't matter what the fuck yu eat, it matters how much of it. If I ate a small caloric surplus and ate smart- "lean bulked"- wouldn't I limit my fat gain?

I've had them before bed too. It's just a drink, bro. Its not magic. You may not be that hungry in the morning though. Protein and fat (from the milk) take longer for the body to digest. If you dont want to worry about timing your protein consumption try the casein protein. From what I understand it's a protein that takes the body like 8ish hours to breakdown. Constant release kinda thing. I saw it at the wallymart above the whey protein and did a google on it.

I'm not an expert in any sense of the word, like a nutritionist or a personal trainer; I just read the studies. That said, I really have no idea.

I think you have to have a LOT of protein in your diet to have negative effects, and I don't see you even coming close to that upper limit. Remember, increasing your protein intake means you have to take it away from another macronutrient, and you don't want to have your fat any lower than 10 to 15%. And carbs are important for energy (and that most of your micro-nutrients are coming from your carb-rich foods.

I personally go for a high carb, low-fat, moderate amount of protein split.
At around 45% of your diet.

Rabbit meat seems god tier for gainz

>I thought it doesn't matter what the fuck yu eat
Bulk with mcdonalds if you believe that.

>a small caloric surplus and ate smart
Yes. But high carb diets cause more fat growth than high protein or high fat diets. This is also what your body wants when its growing. It wants the whatever it can get first and carbs digest first.

Plus carbs leave you hungry again soon.

is a rare form of acute malnutrition thought to be caused by a complete absence of fat in the diet.


so what would be "high carb"? (the gram to bodyweight ratio?)
would 50% of total calories be fine?

It's got 7g more protein than chicken (29g vs 22g in a 4 ounce serving)

Shocking how little people here know about nutrition when that's the majority of bodybuilding.

what are we doing wrong?

Shit, my bad

Read past the first paragraph and it talks about healthy people and not people with renal failure.
This guy has a good explanation as well.

Do you want to know what I.T. Technician really means? It means "I'm better at Google than you"