What is the best sport to practice if I don't want to minmax and just want a well rounded fit body?

What is the best sport to practice if I don't want to minmax and just want a well rounded fit body?


Why are wh*tes such manlets?

Why are niggers such incompetent human beings?



google tallest country.

Bouldering! It's a well rounded sport and also good for your core and mobility, which will help you with your lifts

Swimming, but you'll have chicken legs

weightlifting and do some cardio on the side.
Or Gyrmnastics, but then you wont get the same amount of strength.

Weightlifting + gymnastics would be the best.


Depends what level. Adult and doing stuff recreationally? Probably some sort of martial art like boxing. It's individually driven so it's based on your own schedule and requires great conditioning. High school faggot that shouldn't be on this site in the first place? All the most shredded dudes when I was in highschool were wrestlers. If I could go back and do it again I'd do whatever combination of wrestling, basketball, soccer, and tennis (builds up calves pretty fucking good and looks fun) I could feasibly do. For a young kid I'd place them into basketball, soccer, or tennis first to get them in an active mindset and then read about whether gymnastics stunts growth or not. If it doesn't get them involved in that and in wrestling or boxing so they can whoop some ass if someone calls them a faggot for being a gymnast

What's the difference between long distance runners and marathon runners?

there is no way that guy is 5'8" 167lbs

Joseph looks like a pocket sized big lenny

>bob kennedy
>not even once

marathons fall under the broader category of long-distance running. Athletics defines "long distance" as any run longer than 3 kilometers

Decathlon, every other anwser is wrong.


How old is this? Ballers don't have this body any more.

nah, proportions are way off unless you go to an elite level. That cardio will ruin you trust me

>well rounded

It's just grip, biceps, core, lats

you won't be well rounded after a year of just bouldering

Wrestling each time you step on the mat it's a full body exercise

I want discus man