Is runner's high a meme? If not how should I go about achieving it?

Is runner's high a meme? If not how should I go about achieving it?

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By running.

I'm not sure if I have a brain tumor or not, but I get a headache every time after running.

It's not a meme, running feels good when you do it a lot
You might just be breathing wrong or dehydrated

totally not meme, i'm recreative cocaine user and when i run half marathon, around 17 km i felt as high as on on dope

probably not dehydrated, i drink a lot when im running, and i just breathe normally?

>i drink a lot when im running
overhydrated then

Does it happen regardless of the intensity of your workout? How is your diet?

Btw you may need to drink more every day, not just during a run (don't drink too much water).

I'm not convinced it exists. Been running 3 years and never felt anything.

Could be that your dopamine receptors are fucked. I'd google "low arousal" if I were you.

Whenever I actually bother to run long, I feel runner's high. I'm a total porn addict, so my dopa receptors should be fucked if anyones.

Go out in the sun and workout. It's most likely that.

I've had it before. Coupled with adrenaline it's an amazing feeling you feel like you could run anywhere

ughh, just run to your limit and you'll feel lightheaded afterwards...

are you braindamaged or just stupid?

The actual cardio is suffering, but afterwards I feel amazing, like the afterglow of a good nut.

make sure to eat right before you run, like a banana or something

>tfw you are already high from a toke and then get runner's high 15min into your run

overrated. the "high" lasts about 5 minutes and is just everything going in slow motion with increased lung capacity. 20 minutes at best if i run 3+ miles straight, with most of that spent driving back home. most noticeable effect is the music i listen to is suddenly becoming half speed after my run

if you can handle it, smoke a bowl or two before a major run to make the high afterward more enjoyable

it's a meme, yeah. if you don't feel like shit and exhausted after running you pretty much wasted your time.
If you don't feel tired as fuck, bordeline pucking after a "run", you just did a meme-walk, not a run.

can't speak for runners but when you row at a comfy pace it's definitely real.

I do that as well, then go into the woods and pace myself off the college boy's track team that trains there. So much beautiful blond boipussi.

You only feel the "high" because your body is feeling so fucked up your brain literally shits out endorphins to distract you from the trauma you are causing it.

Scientifically proven alterations happen in the body.
>its fake you guys, trust me

You don't need a shit ton of water while running. Your body tries to conserve water during exercise. Learn proper hydration

I do get high off running, but I have another problem. I get a stitch in my side first, that's cool, I don't mind. But then, right after, I also get this shooting, pulsing, almost tearing pain a little beneath and behind my right clavicle. It can get quite intense, depending on how hard I push. It stays localised there, mostly, and goes away in a couple minutes after I stop, but the area remains sore, sometimes for a couple days.

I had medical check-ups for unrelated issues, an ekg and heart echo, got a clean bill of health for cardiovascular shit, so it shouldn't be it. Is it just a stitch? What do?

It's not a meme. It's more about distance than speed. You feel great after 10 miles, a cold shower, and a good meal.

Hypertension? Either way, it's most likely something to do with blood pressure in your head becoming too high when your heart is forced to pump a lot of oxygen to keep up with your running.

>Is runner's high a meme?

t. ran often back in the day, never ever had runner's high or anything similar, just shin splints for a while

Iirc, the only thing proven about is that your brain kicks out more serotonine after 2 hours of running. Which also happens if you're badly hurt and that's not really a high, but I guess people just love to lie to themselves a lot.

I used to run quite a lot. Not sure what these skeletons are talking about when they mention runner's high.

sounds like arrhythmia

time to go find yourself a harem of sexy disabled school girls

This. You can't even process water when you're exercising. It goes straight to your blatter

Nigger I'm neurotic as fuck, have been dealing with generalised anxiety disorder for a decade and barely manage to force myself to work out as it is, why you do that to me?

But no, it's not arrhythmia, because I don't get dizzy or light headed, and durr, my heart beats regular when it happens. Seriously nigger, does any of you experience something similar?

> brain kicks out more serotonine after 2 hours of running
so it's not a meme?

Try to read the whole sentence, Mr. American.

>Nigger I'm neurotic as fuck, have been dealing with generalised anxiety disorder for a decade
Then why the fuck are you running LISS? Retarded?

Because I refuse to let this shit control my life? Or, you know, act like a pussy? Giving in to this fear just feeds it, if you don't fight it constantly it eventually subsumes your life. That way lies medication and therapy, and fuck that shit, SSRI's are hell.

Also, I didn't specify, it wasn't actually liss, but HIT. Jog, sprint, walk, repeat.

Btw, is something wrong with doing long runs when you have anxiety?

It's not as dramatic as it sounds. But when I had a good morning routine including a run I felt a mood lift all day. I'd run 5k then have a cold shower, then breakfast. Both psychologically having faced a challenge first thing in the morning and beating it, and physically from a "runners high" I'd feel good.

I've done marathons too, cross country ones over mountains, and felt pretty good after. But calling it a high is a stretch. You just feel satisfied and relieved in my experience. Despite legs cramping like a motherfucker.

>Btw, is something wrong with doing long runs when you have anxiety?
Yes. Running increases cortisol and lowers testosterone.

Ever wondered why LISS was only invented in the 1950s? And thousand upon thousands of years before, it wasn't done?

Every time your left foot meets the ground, exhale

You called it a meme and then showed why it's not a meme, you fucking retard.
>which also happens if you're badly hurt and that's not really a high
>implying that's not one of the strongest highs
>I'm 14, and what even is morphine
Runner's high is the result of your body releasing hormones and neurotransmitters in response to the cumulative stress running places on your body. Basically, after running for a while, your body treats it as though you have an injury. It starts releasing pain-dulling and feel-good hormones in response, same ones it would release if you shattered a leg. Difference is, you're not injured, so you just feel good.

>wasn't done for thousands upon thousands of years
>what is persistence hunting

But the bit about cortisol is true. Good thing I mostly do HIIT, then. I gotta admit I kinda like a good stretch on a bike, though, at least when I don't start freaking out halfway.

I'll try this, thanks.

>I get a stitch in my side first
Had this shit, slowing down helped, now it's gone

>walking or running for a long time was invented in the 1950s

Nigger our bodies are built for this work. We have some of the best endurance of any animal on the planet. Only the horse can match us

You guys are all retarded. Runners high has nothing to do with how you feel after a run, otherwise there would be a lifting high because you feel like a champ after lifting. A runners high is a feeling you get predominantly during a distance work out although im sure it happens for sprinters a few times. The feeling is basically a second wind if you feel like shit after a few miles you might suddenly feel fresh again and possibly lightheaded. As far ss i know this has to do with switching from or to anabolic running. The is no such thing as a "high" it basically means you feel better for a quarter of a mile until you feel like shit again

>only the horse can match us

No. No it can't. A decently trained human male can run just about any horse to the ground, given a long enough distance.

Horses are actually quite fragile. Really, we're the toughest motherfuckers on the planet, when you get down to it. Monkeys are stronger pound-for pound, but they pay for it with sub-par fine muscle control and endurance that isn't anywhere near ours.

Youre out of shape and dehydrated. even if you don't feel thirsty drink 2 cups of water 45 min before a run and that should help. The more you run the sooner it won't happen, its really a beginner thing

I don't know what the fuck you people are talking about, because I absolutely get runner's high. You have to find a pace that's steady and somewhat challenging but sustainable for a long haul and PUSH YOURSELF. You have to hit the wall first and then keeeeep going through the pain.
Usually takes at least 30 minutes of continuous running for me if I picked the correct pace.

No problem, a stitch is caused your liver and the muscles around it contracting at the wrong time. Exhaling on your left strike helps prevent this

You're right. But horses are also well adapted to endurance, and could run us down over a pretty significant distance. Hence people riding them. But yeah, people ride them into the ground and ask for a fresh one.

Imagine if horses were a predator driven to chase, and were smart enough to carry water with them, and to carry a weapon that would let them take down anything else. And they work in teams. They'd be terrifying. Almost as terrifying as primitive man.

So much this.

I used to run before I started lifting and have experienced it very often, especially once my body got used to it.

Basically, what happens is this: you're running and you are exhausted and out of breath but you keep running. When you keep running, your body starts regaining energy and you no longer feel like being out of breath.

It's an amazing feeling, it's like you're not even running and could run forever.

Aye, I think a human outpaces a horse at around the 25 mile mark, not before. Sooner in hot weather. So its not like its easy to do, or like just anyone could do it.

But man, I've been talking to a horse breeder, and its outright ridiculous how fragile those big fuckers are. Most leg fractures are fatal, bad hoof hygiene is fatal, not warming down after a hard run can be fatal, the damned things die at the drop of a pin. Sad, really.

You read the Deathworlders series of open-source novels? Shit is a fun fucking read. Gives me a human-boner. A boner for humanity in general. N-no homo-sapiens.

op, I am not a runner, but I've had it before so I know for sure it's definitely not a meme.

I usually do cardio at the end of my lift routines... and I don't usually do a whole lot of it because it's a waste of your life. Anyway.... I haven't figured out what causes me to sometimes get it and sometimes not, but it only happens after my longer bouts of cardio. As soon as I stop I get hit with a wave of endorphins.... feels almost like an orgasm. Personally I think it's my bodys way of giving me the ultimate reward for STOPPING that nonsene at once.


so much false...

How much of that fragility is due to economics though? We place a lot more value on our own lives, we have the medical profession funded by insurance or by governments.

If an expensive race horse breaks his leg, it's simply not worth the owner spending thousands on a vet to keep him alive, just so he can have a horse kicking about who can't race any more. It's a bad investment. So he shoots it.

Other times they drop because they're trained so hard and given any kind of drug or supplement that is legal to get the edge, and end up dropping dead from a heart attack if their genetics aren't as perfect as the ones the training was based on.

Of course in the wild they would die from a broken leg too, because they don't have the means to fix it themselves. And it would be a lot slower and crueler way to go than a bullet.

I think I have read some, read a bit of HFY stuff. But not for ages. Think I will now

Absolute stupdity. Zero logic. Comparing lifting to cardio is seriously KYS material. There is ZERO comparison.


Jesus, why are people so fucking stupid.

>tfw have an addictive personality and cannot risk running due to being addicted to runners high and ruining all gains.

>Nigger our bodies are built for this work.

LISS was invented by a German in the 1950s. Before that, it was all interval training. Btw, the guy got into an accident while runnign and had both of his legs amputated.

Some decades later, the US jumped on the bandwagon and made it mainstream world wide. FWIW, the old Greeks saw LISS as unnatural and unhealthy.

>>what is persistence hunting
Doesn't exist. Never existed.

You're an idiot

No... humans are adapted to endurabce but they will never outpace a horse. Horses can trot for 100s of miles.
Some animals are more adapted to endurance than humans

Nah, its not as easy as spending money on it. Believe me, some of those racehorses are worth millions, if more money could save them, they would spend more money on them. Its more to do with the fact that horses are heavy, and their bones are strong, but brittle as fuck. when they break, they often shatter, like glass. Also, there is no supporting muscle on the lower limbs, bed-rest is out of the question because, again, horses are heavy and get bed sores and pneumonia easily, in all, there is a hundred and one reasons why its not about economics. Horses are just fragile, in comparison to humans.

Now, how much is all of that caused by over-breeding, and specialising horse lineages for speed and power, as opposed to reliability and general fitness? I don't know, but I assume its a huge factor. Primordial horses were probably much sturdier.

Its not, but why would you push yourself that far? Runners high describes a state were you no longer feel pain, since your body thinks its vitally important to keep running.
At this point you run the risk of kidney and joint damage. If you belive the legend, it even outright killed the marathon runner.
When your body tells you its time to stop, you should (eventually) stop friend.

And yet this guy exists, and every one of their people walked or ran to get wherever they were going, if they didn't own a horse, and every one of their infantrymen marched days to their battles like light units still do now. Its just what we do when we don't have other means of transport.

Its real, its happened to me a few times, usually when i feel like quiting but keep trucking and get through the pain, then you get hit with this good feeling that makes it feel like you can run forever.


Why are we so fucking fantastic at running distances?

Gotta follow the Buffalo heard

Is a legend to show you how shit endurance running is.

>and every one of their people walked or ran to get wherever they were going
And you think they were jogging? Are you playing dumb?

Walking isn't jogging, just FYI. Jogging is a degenerated outcrop, invented by a German doctor in the 1950s who died in his 70s after making bank on writing a book about how to live to 100.

Just deal with it.

You clearly have zero understanding of horse anatomy. I'd suggest doing some research before you propose ideas that are completely outlandish and only demonstrate your ignorance. I know you were not claiming to know, but the way your argument was presented, you tried to come off that way (and failed).

If you are so inclined.

It exists right fucking now. As in, right this moment some skinny nigger in the middle of the Kalahari Basin is chasing a kudu until it drops and dies of the heat. There are accounts of Europeans reverting to endurance hunting techniques in the absence of tools, and in events of societal breakdown, like revolutions and wars. Successfully, I might add.

Nigger, what? A horse most certainly cannot "trot" for hundreds of miles. 20-25, at most. NO animal is better adapted to endurance than humans. Sprinting, certainly, most four legged animals are quicker than us, cats, and most primates are stronger pound for pound, but endurance? Nothing beats a trained, acclimated human male.

A legend that people have successfully recreated. It's possible for a man to do that run.

You're shifting the goal posts referring to the suburban jogging meme someone cashed in on rather than any kind of steady state cardio activity.

I'm a light infantryman, going on hundred km marches and running marathons with 30kg of weight is my bread and butter, and if you think that's degenerate just because you can't do it you can go get fucked.

>As in, right this moment some skinny nigger in the middle of the Kalahari Basin is chasing a kudu until it drops and dies of the heat.
Wrong. That would be a ritual they do from time to time, but nor for real hunting. L2anthropology.

>A legend that people have successfully recreated. It's possible for a man to do that run.
That doesn't make it any healthier.

>You're shifting the goal posts referring to the suburban jogging meme someone cashed in on rather than any kind of steady state cardio activity.
Wrong. YOU started with the Greeks.

>I'm a light infantryman, going on hundred km marches and running marathons with 30kg of weight is my bread and butter, and if you think that's degenerate just because you can't do it you can go get fucked.
Well then, enjoy your degenerative diseases, cancers and Alzheimer's.

I don't really give a fuck about what an retarded American like you wishes to be true. Just be butthurt some more.

I am a sprinter. Even when I didn't lift for 10 years, I had dense muscle mass and was naturally strong. Ever since a kid I was a very fast sprinter, but sucked wind on long runs. I am well proportioned, not skinny and not stocky.... I am also very vascular. I simply am not built for endurance running.

Not all humans are built the same, and not everyone is capable of the same things, or react the same to certain stimulus.

It's funny how people take their own form and function and apply it to every human on the planet. Just another demonstration of how much people are wrapped up in themselves.

Could the high be more along the lines of your brain slowing down, only thinking about the steps in front of you?

I find cycling has that effect on me. I lose all my stress and thoughts and focus on the ride, this gives me a sort of euphoria.

Never felt anything like that. And after running I feel like shit for 7-8 hours, the same absolute shit feeling I get after sauna, which is why I never go to sauna (even though Fingolian), and why I never run other than sprints which make me feel good.


And no, you did when you said the old greeks saw LISS as unnatural and unhealthy

You're right not everyone is built the same, but it's a fact many of the differences between us and other apes are adaptations for endurance.

You'll never sprint at 120kph like a cheetah, you'll never be as strong as a gorilla. It's not being wrapped up in yourself to comment on the evolution of our species and one of the things that has led to it's success

I dont know where the whole you have to drink a lot of water on a run thing comes from. When I run, I make sure I dont drink any water like 30 minutes before hand. If I do I get dehydrated before I run half a mile.

I don't drink while I run too, same reason.

Hydrate after a run, and runner's high is not a myth. You have to run consistently and then your body will adapt and you'll get your runner's high.

This. Runner's high is real but it's the body's way of taking your mind off the pain.

>now it's gone
>start to speed up
>stitch comes back

Honestly I get them If I run too soon after I've just eaten. To ensure I'm good for a run, I try to take a dump first, then go on a run. Works everytime.

What is your reading comprehension? Im comparing the feeling of completing a running workout with the feeling of completing a lifting session. Not the excercises themselves. After any physical activity you feel better and happier, people thought this was a runners high but im saying you get it from any physical activity such as lifting.

fuck you man, i tried this and ended up hyperventilating and passing out at the park

It didn't even tell me how much i could drink before feeling ill wtf shit article

I didn't mean exhale on every fucking step, just wait until it's your left foot and then exhale. Stupid cunt

Everybody who says he doesn't feel anything is a fucking bitch who doesn't push themselves. You don't get runners high if just stop when you feel tired

If your a salty sweater that might be the problem
try drinking an salty electrolytedrink (myprotein has a dirt cheap powder that helped me loads its mostly salt though)before and or after
broth is also good