You will never be as bearmode as pic-related

>You will never be as bearmode as pic-related
But I want it so.

Other urls found in this thread:

eat big
lift big
get big

it's that easy

Become obese
Do curls
Find good lighting


>wanting to be a fat manlet bench chimp

it's hilarious to see just how low manlets will reach. then again, they can't really reach any "higher" now, can they?

How do you know he's a manlet?

His arms are short as fuck,

You have to bloatmaxx my boy

at least 500kcal surplus

10000mg sodium, 10g creatine (natty dbol) high carb every day

>corpulent slob manlet having to swing his ENTIRE 320+ pound body into a "curl"

What the fuck even is that form

>ss victim dyels never heard of a cheat curl

Literally why would you want to look like that? I can understand wanting to be strong as fuck but it's certainly not the looks that motivates powerlifters.

Some people really don't give a fuck about looks, I saw a guy in the gym age 19 Benched 190 kgs followed by 300 kg squat and a 330 deadlift, the guy literally looked like a potato he was like 5'7 and easily 120-130+ kgs I respect what these guys do because I could never just let go of the aesthetics part of lifting and i'm not even an ab obsessed twink.

Or maybe they're just very wide?

>Intimidating mass/volume
>But your belly helps people feel at ease
>Grills think you're a teddy bear
>Still a bear

I'm not seeing the issue.

Are you blind or something? Can you not measure distance?

They look like they can't raise their arms above their heads

A man with sufficiently wide arms/legs/etc. will throw off your perception of his proportions.

>probably doing box jumps onto those
bet you don't have close to that kind of vertical power

>gerbil dick mode

How come every time a bearmode thread comes up, lankfags come out of the woodwork?

nice fatceps

Because tall people can't have short arms?
t.6'3 lanklet with a 6'1 wingspan

How come every time a bearmode thread comes up, they're in denial of gerbil dick mode

Why would I want to be bearmode?
>worse for your health
>worse for everyday activities
>worse for fucking sloots
Are there any advantages in being bearmode aside from autistically masturbating over your heavier lifts?

>you will never be fat with big biceps
yeah i'll pass thanks

I want to be thicc and attract bear mode bf