Cringe: Veeky Forums edition

Cringe: Veeky Forums edition

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If I wanted some cringe I would ask dor your 1 rep max.

Ugh, he's the worst


Out of curiosity, what's the issue with Alan. He seemed to give some pretty good beginner advice when I started, haven't watched him since though.

the shirt with no muscles or the boner?

He's a living, breathing meme.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with him. Just people memeing.

>SS shill
>nothing wrong

what's wrong with SS?

You don't even lift, fuck off.

>b-but don't even lift, hehe
Go away Alan.

be original once in your whole goddam life

30 kilo grahams. That's pretty impressive.

Except SS is a total shit program which teaches beginners nothing except how to squat, bench, deadlift and put on more weight every workout.

Guess what? That's not the only way to progress in your lifts.

Guess what? No one who has been on SS understands that.


You mean curl-tivation, right?

Delete this post.

this is so bad compared to the other one


Wow a beginner program teaches new people how to do the main lifts and power through noob gains?

It's almost like that's what it's designed for. And almost the reason it's called starting strength, and not strength forever.

He looks bigger than you

It's not even a great beginner program.

It's the only one so far that I don't identify with most of it

Prove it

It is if you add 1-2 accessories to it.

>has never seen a book in his life

Those are not 30kg


>it's good if you change the program

those are 30 lbs dbs

It is what it is and it promises nothing else. If you expected to get shredded and aesthetic from SS, you picked the wrong program and the blame is yours entirely.

The base program and concept is the same. It literally just needs 1 or maybe 2 accessories thrown in for top balance if you're doing it for a few months.

remember when this was funny

Alan Thrall is so painfully mediocre and yet has magically cuckboozled DYELs on youtube that he's a expert in the iron game

All these morons
>1 set of deadlift per week is plenty
>3 sets of power cleans per week is plenty
>Averaging 22.5 reps of bench press at 85% of max is plenty to stimulate growth. Ignore Prilepin and his research. Ignore Sheiko. Just ignore every successful powerlifting coach, and trust Ripp.

Yeah, the first time It got posted, that's it

SS is not a powerlifting program

Hes the only fit fagot i truly despise.
Fucking spastic retard.