While trying to gain weight, is there a problem with getting most of my calories from bread?

It's the most bountiful source of food I have.

Yes your body will consist mostly of bread and sooner or later you will dry up and crumble like pastries.

When I say "most" I mean "eating a lot of bread to gain weight"*


I seriously hope your bread is organic and vegan

is it shitty american sugary bread or normal bread?

Depends. On training days, keep carbs at just 25% of your daily calories and up that to 50% on rest days. If eating so much bread does NOT interfere with this then you should be fine.

Nit ideal but workable. Put peanutbutter on it to add fat and make it a complete protein.


Carbs are great for when you wanna become a lardass. So I say if gaining weight is your goal, then keep eating more carbs. Eat a lot.
Just make sure you don't eat too much to clog your arteries and give you type 2 diabetes.

HAHAHA holy shit this faggot thinks BREAD is healthy

Oh, so bread is actually healthy.

no, it's basically empty calories.

What does "empty" mean? I need the calories to get fat. Is it a source of calories or not? Can it fuck my intestines up if I eat a lot? Will I become Mr. Diabeto? This reminds me of the "high quality pixels" meme

If it's to help meet excess calories then yes it's fine.

What, did you think guys who eat 4-5k or more calories a day do it all clean? Sometimes to hit calories some fried chicken and peanut butter sandwiches need to heed the call.

If you're trying to lose weight then no, it's fucking garbage.

What about whole grain?

Bread is quite possibly the worst food for you. It's just empty calories. Over the years, the flour we've used has slowly become more bleached and refined. Whereas before it was actually healthy and nutritive. I'm no healthy fag, I smoke weed, do MDMA and ketamine but you know what I don't do? Eat bread.

Hey fuck you buddy.
Bread is awesome.

unless you're baking it, it's almost certainly fake whole grain. In Europe too. In bakeries too. In NL and DE too.

Shouldn't you Europoors be getting ready for bed?

Fucking jews playing with our health.