There are people on this board who believe this physique is natural

>there are people on this board who believe this physique is natural

lmfao delusional faggots

every guy I know with a similar physique like jeff's usually have 3+ cycles in them,openly admitted

Keep wasting your time on natural lifting,keep blindly chasing non realistic goals.

I'm starting my cycle next month

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why is this photoshopped



How does he have a 6 pack from the side and a 4 pack from the front?

He's not flexing his abs in the right pic

nah you're just a weak faggot that doesn't lift, pussy

Agreed. Once I semi-crossed the line, my body got much more muscled. For the past 15 years, nobody said "looks like you've been working out..."

Once I got on some powerful pro-hormones, and mixed in some white rice and kidney beans in my diet (more calories), I blew up. I got a bit stronger,,, but really filled out for a man over 40.

>yes I said over 40.

Natty dudes who aren't rich can't afford the right foods , quantity of foods, or time to spare to work out. Because they are working crappy retail jobs, theatre jobs, etc......

Even with natty lifting you can look big and good you dumbass!!!


This is just pathetic. I have nothing against steroids and fully understand that most, when used correctly, actually improve your health and not otherwise, but this shit is just sad.

Why the fuck would an obvious roider lie about being natty? This hurts real nattys (since they'll have unrealistic expectations), this hurts roiders (because they'll have a '''natty guy''' that's bigger than them) and this fucks up with any man out there trying to get pussy, since girls will assume this is true and expect every other dude to be as jacked as he is.

Why would anyone blatantly lie about something as obvious as this?

when used correctly, actually improve your health

are you on crack? at best, it isn't a serious detriment to your health.. at best

why does the woman have a more masculine face?


money. thats why.

>actually improve your health and not otherwise, but this shit is just sad.
Like marijuana cures cancer right bro

Steroids are illegal in the united states and use is highly stigmatized
being fat is bad for you, didn't you know?

>joff isn't natty

Next you will be telling piano man takes roids too

No. Most testosterone combinations improve red cell count, your immune system, and some other steroids (Like BPC 157) can also heal otherwise untreatable illnesses. There are also performance enhancers, fat-burners (like Winstrol), etcetera.

I don't roid, but responsible use has little to no drawbacks depending on your organism.

he probably makes 6 figures from his physique and wouldnt make nearly as much if he admitted to cruising AAS

i thought people on Veeky Forums were smarter than this. sad day.

>implying it doesn't

I refuse to believe you're that stupid

>yeah bro 420 is the cure for everything
I refuse to believe you're white.

flexing his mid core more than the obliques

I understand why someone who competes as a "natural bodybuilder" can't admit to using PEDs, but fucking boasting with lies like this is really pathetic - no respect for this kid.

All you have to do is watch one video of this retard and then you'll realize he has no fucking idea what the fuck he's doing and can't possibly be anywhere he is today without loads of steroids.

if you've seen his "a day in the life of" video, all he does is lift a few weights in that beach area in LA and then goes to crowded places and strikes poses for the rest of the day so people give him attention

Look, this guy wouldn't make a fucking penny if he admitted he wasn't natural. The whole industry built around "natty" fitness celebrities relies on young guys thinking that they can get that big and lean without taking drugs as long as they buy the newest x supplement or "revolutionary" workout program.

I'm sure he did a lot of work when he was younger to get to this point, iirc he used to do vlogs when he was in his late teens about competing and it seemed like he was really focused on putting hard work in at the gym and keeping a really strict diet.

Nowadays he lives the zyzz lifestyle and spends more time doing photoshoots in the gym than seriously working out, and only really puts in hard work when it comes to the weeks before a shoot, and the drugs help a lot with that.

I understand why he claims natty, but you gotta be real fucking gullible to believe it.

I'm not him, but I refuse to believe you ever got laid

I am him and I refuse you've gotten laid outside of Mary palmer and her five sisters.

Getting 'roids is fucking hard. I don't care what any bullshit online warrior says; guys who get juice guard their sources.

you got me convinced of whatever you want me convinced of

brb, lighting a bowl

>>there are people on this board who believe this physique is natural
I really don't think there are

Does Jeff take it up the ass? He looks very effeminate