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Health #422
Veeky Forums...
Boogie has hit a plateau and won't lose any more wei-
Just joined the 500lbs squat club
Skipped the gym today and had pizza and beer. When do I become Chad? Or am I doomed to being a Brad?
Brooke Wells
Who else here Orthodox Christian? Trying to get Lenten compliant food tips
Let's be real, some of us weren't meant to make it
Fellow manlets, list your height and weights
Gym has 4+(2/3)*5÷8 squat racks
Why do schools not teach you how not to be fat?
When your father never talks to you on a personal level...
How do I lose this final layer of fat I've been trying to lose my entire life...
Push-up thread
Currently embarking on a 20 day water fast
Should i lose my virginity to a fat girl? im 22 and at one point thought I was gonna die a virgin...
I'm a full nerd boy
Sumo deadlifting is cheating
Is this guy really 16 years old and Natty?
Grills love forearms and fast cars
Reminder that this is the body of an apex athlete. A real alpha male
High test thread
Daily reminder that women in real life don't look like your instagram models
Hello Veeky Forums, does jerking off reduce my testosterone...
Would you be comfortable taking you clothes off and getting in the pool with them with your current physique Veeky...
Am i fat for Veeky Forums ?
Veeky Forums is it cringeworthy to upload shirtless pics on facebook?
If only getting rid of acne was as simple as making gains, am I right bros?
Ideals thread
6' 1"
What the hell is wrong with my stomach?
Reminder that this is the body of an apex athlete. A real alpha male
Enters the gym
July 27th, 2017
/plg/ Panzer Lifting General
At the gym
Hey user, show us your six pack!
When will you stop using the retarded-cringe inducing imperial system and embrace the patrician metric system?
It's another episode of user wasting all day arguing with retards on Veeky Forums instead of looking for a job
Reminder that this is the body of an apex athlete. A real alpha male
Boogie will never lose fat
When was the moment that made you decide to go Veeky Forums?
The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long
Ask the Sacred Deer
Redpill me on Snatch and Clean and Jerk, Veeky Forums
What shoes does Veeky Forums wear to the gym?
/fat/ - "The True Path" Edition
Why do only 14 year olds mire me Veeky Forums
Gf/wife weight gain thread
Fitness Cringe
Manlet jokes
I'm a powerlifter so I have an excuse to eat like shit
Is he natty Veeky Forums
Boogie is going to prove all of you wrong and make it
It's official, I am losing my hair
There is nothing wrong with crossfit
Best way to loose muscle and fat?
Let's say you've been lifting for 5 years, but you've never cut, and can't be fucked counting calories/macros...
Why haven't you became a Chad yet and make millions on YouTube?
Why does Veeky Forums and other fitness/bodybuilding forums always attract lanklets?
This general is for the purpose of centralizing female presence in the board...
What type of girl do you like fit?
How much do youneed to lift to pick up girls at your local con? I think no matter how much I lift i'll always be a weeb
Why do you lift
Chad brad and thad
He lifts for women
Boogie will never become a healthy per-
Post what you're eating faggot
Be me
Is meditation a meme Veeky Forums?
T-thanks Veeky Forums
Can I use a women's bar for ohp?
Tell me about the best decisions that made the most improvement to your life
Well, what is it, Veeky Forums?
Fictional goal body thread
Veeky Forums BTFO
If my goal is purely hypertrophy is there any need to flat bench?
What did you have for lunch today, Veeky Forums?
I'm in the pool and there is a qt swimming in the lane next to me, how do I start a conversation???
Why are chads going after traps too? they already have pussy why do they need boipussy
Go in a party
How do I become this big?
Start eating clean
Routine advice
I keep stalling on SS. A few weeks later and I'm still stuck on 65 for deadlifts. What do I do...
Bulking on a budget
Who had a physique that you could really believe as Hercules?
Why even lift weights when it's all about the face?
Anyone feel sorry for him? seems like he cant take a trick when he is just trying to improve his life by losing weight...
/mat/ Martial Arts Thread
What age is it too late to make it? To turn it all around?
Ask a guy who has successfully managed to get a 40+ year old women from another city to fly him up multiple times to...
Thoughts about vegetarianism for a beginner? I could care less about the ethical reasons...
ATG squats
Boogie proclaims himself the King of Veeky Forums in latest tweet
Tfw man with good genetics are allowed to get away with everything
I didn't pass highschool physics
Has anyone here ever thought about running away from home?
CBT/Mode thread
20 grams of protein per 100 calories
DNP General
Veeky Forums Approved
Hurt my back like a week ago on squats
What do you guys do for work?
Gym Skanks
Is he going to place well at the Ruby this year?
Is this true?
Hear all these horror stories about steroids
Veeky Forums humor
Was getting a professional massage the other day when the lady hit some nerves near the rib spine connection
135lb bench press after 8 months
Eggs. Yes or no?
Why lift when this is what girls find attractive?
When WILL they learn?
Can lifting really help overcome shitty genetics?
Who here /iron pilled/?
What can i do about my build? Am i ayylmao status?
What deodorant does Veeky Forums use
Is this meal a meme?
I'm a skinny 20 year old man who might be going to prison due to honest mistakes...
Do you think he'd feel at least a little bit of shame if he wasn't a sociopath...
Tfw start lifting on monday
Last rep face
Believing this anti masculine garbage
Help Veeky Forums
/fraud/ steroids general
Hey Veeky Forums i just asked some fit sloot at my gym for her insta...
Chubby white teenager licked her lips while staring me in the eyes when she gave me my weights
When will they learn
Veeky Forums there is a qt next to me what do i say
Start doing full body workouts
If i get acne or bitch tits ill personally kill all of you
How does one get the perfect Aryan GF?
Tfw substituting whey protein for powdered milk
Le testosterone general
Post wheyfu
Look what I just found on the front page of Reddit. It has 12,000 upvotes so it's gotta be good right? :-)
Dr. Layne Norton, PhD is back and sends Veeky Forums a message
Diced chicken
Tired too quick
Who is your workout buddy?
Everyone always talks about the positives of loosing a bunch of weight but how about we talk about the negatives
Reminder that no amount of lifting will make up for your shit frame
20 years old - low vitamin D + something about thyroids
German propaganda
I am male. Is it possible to get a big round ass through diet and exercise as females can?
Is this the biggest meme exercise in the fitness industry?
Veeky Forums what are your thoughts on beards and facial hair
Gonna eat this pizza in one sitting. AMA Veeky Forums
How can some vegans be so fucken' shredded Veeky Forums? didnt a diet high in carbs make them retain a lot of water...
Post your rare Chads
Is PPL a brosplit that should be avoided?
Is 2000 calories a day enough to lose 10 lbs in a month? Should I just go for a pure fast?
What is the best bod type and why is it built fat
Hi Veeky Forums, /k/ here
Lil bro is 12 years old. What kind of exercises can u get them to do...
Is there any sort of powered drink that contains all the amino acids i need but also caffeine that i can drink every...
Well, Veeky Forums?
Why are the Chinese so good at weightlifting while places like the US suck dick?
You mirin?
Meet attractive girl
Will this diet help me lose weight?
Tell me about the gym rats you've gotten with. How did you make your move?
Post your goal body
Dad is forcing me to get a job and stop being a NEET or else he will kick me out
I want to become a strong man. where do i start?
/fat/ - "grandma makes tasty treats" edition
Redpill me on Texas Method, Veeky Forums
/Skelly General/
Is a 225 lb. bench press considered respectable?
Current /backthread
Which person inspired you to get initially fit?
Yea bro, it's all about lifting and facial aest-
30 years old
Tfw you've never asked a girl out
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Who is your gains goblin?
How do I into fitness Veeky Forums?
How many sets of diddlies should i do Veeky Forums
Is self made TRT most redpilled thing u can do?
Can I drop barbell bench for flat dumbbell bench?
Progress thread
How do I get abs like this? I'm a female
Is gaining 40lbs of muscle in a year a realistic goal?
Fucking hell bros
What kind of training program should I use to prepare myself to join the US military?
How do I avoid looking like Drumpf when I get older?
My mum and sister just tried to hook me up with some massive fat cunt whale
How's my OHP form?
Why do you lift Veeky Forums
Stop eating
How can i get prime teen pussy?
Body rate thread
What's happened to Veeky Forums recently?
Shoulder weakness
I'm intimidated to come to this board
Can light products help reduce weight?
Femanons, it's all about the tiny waist you know. this is what men really want
Alex Jones Whey
/NOFAP/ general
/run/ - running
What does he do
Look good
300 calories
Tfw gym bully teased me again in front of his friends and they all laughed at me
How're you holding up Veeky Forums? Tell me how you've been recently. Anything you need to vent about...
Fat shamers utterly BTFO by Boogie
How much shorter should your wife be than you? Is it ok to be 6'3 and have kids with a 5'0 woman?
R8 my lifts
What kind of training is this?
Is there any proof that being completely sheltered from the opposite gender (female) can lower your testosterone...
What does/fit/ think of archery? What's the most poundage people here can pull back?
PUSHUP THREAD do the last two of the number u roll
This is a 50 yr old man
What are some Veeky Forums approved vidya?
Keto a meme or not?
Tfw so autistic I don't even have 3 good photos for tinder profile and would have to use 3 creepy selfies
ITT: Cringiest thing you do while alone at the gym
So kid you want in to the chad party? How much you bench?
Femanon here
Is tuna the biggest secret nutrition redpill?
Is the west, dare I say it, cucked?
That guy who comes to the gym after you and leaves before you
Parents are forcing me to get a job or else they intend to kick me out
How much do I have to lift to get an AVERAGE asian gf?
Is Rock climbing Veeky Forums approved?
I'm Chad Now, Thanks For The Help
How do you plead?
This is ideal female form, take good hard look boys
/Skelly General/
What mode is this?
There are people on this very board who haven't read this book and couldn't tell you what separates a novice from an...
Do you think bully is considered good?
You've been told you will die tomorrow at dawn
Brain Fitness Info
Wake up
Are there any non-meme ways of preventing carpel tunnel that actually work...
Fitness lies you were told as a kid
how much you spend on food in a month
Is there a bigger meme than carbs?
Meme's you've fallen for
That 33 year old guy in the gym with the 18 year old girl
How did this scrawny ass brainlet white piece of shit get a hot indian babe to cook keto food for him?
How is he able to do this?
Post the best picture of yourself and Veeky Forums will rate you
/fat/ - Motivation edition
I am eating 1000+ calories a day I am Skinnyfat (all my fat is around my oblique/low abdomen area)
Is it possible to be a Veeky Forums alcoholic?
Well, Veeky Forums? (:
Double Standards
How strong should your lifts be before you consider using a weight belt?
Crossfit will never get you any resu-
Anyone else become super attracted to tomboys after you got fit?
Post your age and the amount of women you've had sex with
Women aren't attracted to big muscles
Dinners ready!
Lads, why do I hate my girlfriend and loath spending time with her even if she is a qt and perfect in every way?
Are push ups a meme?
Ever since i started lifting i'm horny 24/7. and i mean that as raging puberty boner horny...
Why aren't you on the fast food diet?
Is it true 99.9% of women won't initially approach men even if they're Chad who lifts or is that a meme?
This girl has never lifted a weight in her life, yet she has 10/10 body
I've got a Vegan lifter, he's about 160 lbs. How do I support him... as far as nutritionally to recover-
What's your typical breakfast, Veeky Forums?
Is SS good for a big butt/curvy, feminine figure??
I'd like to develop a big, round feminine butt
How do I achieve this physique
Boxing > Lifting
Is $1,200 enough to start a home gym? I'm looking into getting a rack, bench, good barbell, and around 450lb of iron...
Sad Beardlet
This is true you know
Why has surgery become an acceptable weight loss method?
Is it worse to permanently be a lanket or a manlet?
Symmetric Strength Thread
Does your woman orgasm everytime you have sex?
Who here /barrel chested/?
Plank thread - Last 2 digits = Seconds planking
Male to female transsexual
ITT: post rare Arnies
So, it's been decided. Once he makes it he will officially be the new king of Veeky Forums
Has anyone gotten any weird stares from doing direct neck training at the gym?
Fitness cringe thread
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
1 year mark
The Testosterone crisis no one talks about
Pick an M&M and answer my question
Shuffle into gym
Been doing isolations for the past year and my measurements are pretty much the same. my biceps even went down in size...
How do I fix this shit?
Rate this ass, bitches
Pre workout music
If you take creatine, and sleep 5 hours a night you're a fucking idiot
How did this scrawny ass brainlet white piece of shit get a hot indian babe to cook keto food for him?
Genetics is literally everything
How do I get over being 5'8?
Are sk8r shoes good for skwats? pic not related
This guy slaps your girls ass and tells you to get ready to die
Ever since I started lifting I'm only interested in black girls
Lifting mistakes
Posts ending in dubs must recreate this pic
Women lifting inspiration
"315 lb deadlift is for pussies"
If i cut on 1000 cals a day for 2 weeks, will i die?
3 weeks food in one pot
"Started powerlifting, didn't "turn into a man", and actually gained MORE curves."
/routine/ thread
Sprained shoulder
Are oats really that good?
I'm a filthy fucking skinny-fat and I'm having trouble breaking out of it...
Am I still skelly Veeky Forums?
How the hell do I get enough protein?
/fit humor
Machines vs Calisthenics
Start doing rack pulls above the knee
Ab Wheels?
/fph/ - This is why America is fat edition
Summer Improvement
Manlets of Veeky Forums how many calories a day do you consume to lose weight?
Has lifting changed the kind of women you find attractive?
Masculine asians don't exi-
Sexual health
Tfw lost my left arm in a farming accident
How is this routin
Naturally Enhanced PDF once a motherfucking GAIN
Progress Thread
/fat/ - One more bite edition
July 25th, 2017
Fat fuck general
Average height of Mr. Olympia winners is 5'8"
I'm a 5'2" manlet and I wanna get leg lengthening surgery
Beginner lifting programs besides the sticky ones?
I dont know what it is with females but im not too good at that shit
When were you when 9/11 happened?
I dont know what to say to girls
"Alright, so what kinda haircut you want today, my dude?"
What would your life be like if Veeky Forums didn't exist? Do you think this place does more harm than good?
Rack Pulls
How you holding up?
Gee, what a shock
Be me
What kind of working routine would I need to do to get a body like Geralt?
How big can shoulders generally get naturally?
Is keto diet a meme?
Is Veeky Forums secure about their penis size?
That first sip of the day
Always think I have low test
How do I respond? I've been working all day
Whats gets you more pussy?
/owg/ - A thread for the discussion of weightlifting and all things related...
Serious question:
Why do you guys think it's alright to hate on fat people?
I don't understand
Why aren't you 60 years old, jacked, and fucking a 20 year old qt?
What Veeky Forums sub culture do you hate the most? Me? Distance runners, can't stand those insufferable cunts
Randomly befriend girl and a couple of her friends at the gym
Is Clarence gymkino? No bullshit straps, belts, shirts. Just raw lift
Do you drink Gatorade?
Banned from gym for one week plus mandatory $80 training session when I go back. I just want to switch gyms again...
God tier music material while lifting
What are you cooking tonight Veeky Forums?
Buff Mason
Tfw 2d:4d ratiolet
Fictional Goal Body Thread
How unfortunate
God tier supplement right here
Anybody who does this exercise has a small dick. There's no other way
Lifting after fapping
Anyone else having gay thoughts after getting Veeky Forums ?
How are you holding up bros?
So milk has growth factors and peptides in it. Will drinking a lot od milk help me grow even faster?
Fapped to porn again
Boogie cancels surgery, says he will walk instead
How do I achieve this body?
Why do gym trainers hate free weights so much?
Is it worth doing squats/deadlifts?
Share your potions
I love tall woman
Does Emily Ratajkowski have the perfect female body?
Are these a meme?
Why was this a phenomenon?
How much did you DB bench as a n00b?
What made Veeky Forums one of the best board on Veeky Forums to one of the worst?
What are some Veeky Forums approved jobs?
" le legging are comfortable meme lmao what a bunch of fuckin attention whores. "
What's the first fad diet you remember when you first started working out?
Do you still play vidya after getting Veeky Forums?
Why aren't you swole where it really counts Veeky Forums?
You know running is a meme right?
9/10 men are fat
So femanons, to settle the debate, what male body type do you find the most sexually attractive...
Blocks your path
Was there a libido mismatch between your bf/gf? How did you deal with it...
/femfit/ - Female Fitness General
Daily reminder
Did getting fit make you more confident and assertive?
Wtf look at how big her biceps are
Was i wrong or not?
Babbys first protein
Are there any supplements (i.e. vitamins, minerals...
Bulked from 155-170 in 30 days, i-is it too late to salvage?
Do girls also have autism?
When you can see and feel your butt grow and become more firm
What The Health
How cultured is Veeky Forums. Post your favorite piece of art
Would I need to bulk in order to get a body like this?
21 hours into a 72 hour fast
Old health freak hag near me eating smoothie that smells disgustingly of eggs and some weird plant shit
Was Veeky Forums always this toxic?
Stuff normies do or say that piss you off
What's his name again Veeky Forums?
Femanon here
Redpill me on primal diet
/plg/ - panzer lifting general
Prev thread
/Routine General/
30 days nofap no porn starting TODAY
Reminder that heavy squats, deadlifts and bench are not sustainable
Veeky Forums- fit ideals thread
Naturally Enhanced PDF AlphaDestiny
Anyone else a long arms fag...
Alright you stupid fucking first-year lifting assholes. I'm tired of hearing all of your bullshit memescience
Never cared about relationships entire life
Why do chinese oly lifters look so much better compared to any other nation?
Do you care about food's taste?
Vegan Thread
Plees help i bought but idk how to open there is a seal inside the zip
Has Connor Murphy finally lost it?
Is hypothyroidism a meme? Girl I'm seeing says she has it...
Stay hydrated boys
Start talking to qt
How can I get big womanly tits without also becoming a landwhale?
Notice gf finally developed double chin
How effective is PSMF for cutting?
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Foods you can never EVER enjoy again!
Goal Body Thread
Is it better or worse now that it's only the Lenny and Brad show? This used to be the best fitness channel on YouTube
"DON'T BE A SIPPER" - Scooby
Latsbrah says to train your muscles every day or every second day ie. "progressive overload"
Tfw always thought that 4-6 reps were ideal to build mass and get strong
Cancelled my gym membership
If im not bleeding because of ADF fasting, should i still start the contraception when i feel period pain?
Who does Veeky Forums lift for?
Braphog thread
That feel when you ate 6000 calories today
Post your flaws
/fraud/ general
/cbt/ – Current Body Thread
Is it possible to be Veeky Forums and do hard drugs like heroin simultaneously and live a normal life with a job, etc?
What do I do fit
How do you tell muscle jiggle apart from fat jiggle?
Can't shoulder press heavier than 35lb dumbbells
In all seirousness, what kinda of guys do these girls fuck/date/hook up with...
What does Veeky Forums do that Veeky Forums find cringey?
Until I go grocery shopping this afternoon, all I have is bacon & eggs in the house
College Thread
As a 4'11" women what routine would get me these wonderful thighs. I'd like to cosplay for anime boston next year
Starting out. What do I even do?
ITT: We thank those who helped you achieve your gains
Mature, life long fitness, happiness mode:
Do i
What's in your fridge/freezer Veeky Forums?
Why aren't you drinking Soylent for gains?
Is sleeping really THAT important for muscle development or is it just a gay normie meme/ spook?
Ok cool you are ripped and look maxed now take me to milan were staying at a $2k a night hotel and eating 500 dollar...
Why are vegans fucking insane?
What are you cooking tonight Veeky Forums?
Does Veeky Forums think they could take on a real life nigger...
So tell me again why it is a bad idea to do JUST ONE steroid cycle, attain your natty limit after 12 weeks...
Hmmm makes you think
When did you realize that you'll never be able to do pull ups?
Lifting for women
When it comes to fitness youtubers/motivators etc
*blocks your path*
Premed / med student Veeky Forums
You walk into your gym, what's playing?
How do I reach Venom Snake mode?
/RackPull/ General
Vegan bulking
/scg/ Skin Care General
What's the best and worst thing about your gym, Veeky Forums?
Match with girl on tinder
This guy slaps your ass hard in the gym locker room
Is this achievable natty in a year from skinnyfat?
Will lifting help me get a cute tomboy gf?
Mires Thread
Ahhh... the first /sip/ of the day
Any legit skinny guys here that managed to get swole natty? I'm talking genuine lanklets that managed to ascend here
Finally reached my goal of doing 1 hand chin up or pull up, can do like 30chinups and 30pullsups with both hand...
Fit Girls Bread
Old one close to 300 edition
Daily reminder: if you're working out for girls, this is the body they want to see
/rate/ GENERAL
Hey Veeky Forums
Femanon here
208 grams of sugar in one gallon of milk
How do you do farmers walks? how many sets, how far, what weight...
Which flavour of myprotein should I get?
Weight loss almost impossible
How do you deal with midnight munchies fit? What should I eat when it's 2 am and I'm hungry as fuark...
Picture of my gf a few months after we met. she was a little chubby but not that much...
How do I get my girlfriend to this mode?
Femanon Fitness General, Skincare Edition /fem-fg/
Is Boogie going to do it this time?
Why does vagina stains act so autistic? Does his vegan diet cause it?
Question about fasting
Skelly that made it
Who else here is too ugly to get laid?
Pendlay Rows
Is Coconut water good or is it just a meme?
Vegan Revolution
Testosterone starts going down when you turn 30
How does Veeky Forums deal with hypergamy?
Meat eaters, how does it feel that I have a natural fitness advantage over you as a vegan?
Push up thread. Do the number you roll
You have to flat barbell bench to make any gains
Redpill me on "just be yourself/confident"
He lifts for one of these
When did you guys realise that
Just work and lift
First time posting on this board
Your Genetics
Pajeet gains
What will you do fit?
Anybody else /extreme/ cutting?
How many times have you been hit on by women in your adult life...
Unpopular fitness facts
I just bought this shirt but now have a problem
Why are girls/women literally the most important thing on Earth to Veeky Forums...
Used to be fatass, hugless virgin
I don't want to be a manlet anymore
So Veeky Forums, do you deadlift mixed grip, or correctly?
What do you talk to women about?
Is soupa de macaco a good food for bulking?
Are plateaus a meme or is boogie onto something here?
What happens if you take roids but don't work out? Do you still gain muscle for free?
Alpha Manlet thread
How can chads have this physique if he only eats pizza?
Tfw voicelet
Feels Thread
Who's your favorite Veeky Forums-related Youtuber?
What mode is this?
/run/ - running
I'm a moron and bought 3 containers of this because of the carb/protein ratio. i thought it was vanilla flavor...
Workout mixes are just wheat and filler, they don't do anything!
Manlet Hate Thread
Fiction goal body
What to do to get on this level of skinny? Current weight is average/normal
Is it impossible to find an Asian girl that also goes to the gym/work out? Do you have any at your gyms?
Goal body
Post about my health issues online
Argue for the objectively best lifting shoe. Back your opinion up or you'll lose 3 inches of height
Rest in peace Rich
Well i fell for your fucking memes you faggots
Decided not to kill myself and give this a try instead
So I've been going to the gym for 3 months
Wife's son doesn't want to exercise daily
Is lifting mentally unhealthy?
Tfw that photo
What is Veeky Forums's opinion of honey, is it as bad as sugar ?
Veeky Forums humor, go!
Fix my routine
Adam ruins everything BLOWN THE FUCK OUT by green nigger
It's official. I've lost an inch in height from squatting. I went from 5'9 to 5'8 in a matter of the 3 months
You will never make it if you have wide hi-
Test level and beta behaviour
Is it possible to get a good workout with two of this?
Walk into the gym
Dad bod
What does Veeky Forums think of my breakfast?
Who here /gymbully/?
Im a /k/ommando planning on enlisting into pic related
Any anons here struggle with suicide? Did getting Veeky Forums change your mind?
How to reeduce appetite for becoming lean
Who else /lifting for dbz/ here?
Daily reminder
Veeky Forums French Edition
What is "making it" for you?
How come people still drink coffee?
Workouts don't bring joy
/std health/
Since you started lifting have you given up on these?
How do I lift and not become a cookie cutter fuck?
Tfw you bench 365lbs but still dyel
Music your Gym plays
What's the point of life?
Synthoil Dora
That guy that ragdolls after squatting
Auschwitz mode who made it and escaped
What's Veeky Forumss opinion on Pic related?
/plg/ Panzer Lifting General
/fat/ - "lil brother eats pizza and cake everyday but is still thin" thread
Who else wears Euro styled trunks at the beach to show off their gains?
What kind of gun does Veeky Forums take to the gym?
Welp Veeky Forums..I got invited in a house party from a chick I barely know. I don't know anyone there
Connor Murphy
What do you put in your shaker first? The milk or the protein?
No social skills
Have barrel chest
Fish oil, does it actually make a difference? I hear a lot of people saying they take fish oil on this board...
Advice you would give to yourself if you started working out
Pushup thread
What can I expect from rock climbing?
Fags that have problems with milk: try to make kefir. It eats the lactose and its probiotisch are good for digestion
Skills to counter the 'dumb meathead' meme
Why aren't you going vegan Veeky Forums ? Even clarence0 did the jump
Redpill me on NoFap
How do you guys keep motivated to lose weight, I try and try but always lose intrested, any tips?
Friendly reminder
Is taking your dog for a walk Veeky Forums?
How often do you cheat on a cut?
You may only post ITT if you have a flaw that prevents you from ever making it
Is squatting a meme goys. The swolediers at my gym never squat
Meal prep my own meals for the entire week for my gains
I could use some advice
/fraud/ general
What mode is this? How do I get a physique like this?
Femanon Fitness General /fem-fg/
Do police really raid gyms in Scandinavian countries and drug test people?
Nattys, do you consider steroids user as "cheaters"...
Swimmer's Body
Which do you enjoy more, running or cycling?
How close are you to your fitness goals?
Fit, i need someone to talk to. i love my wife. my wife and I argue a lot. she hits me as hard as she can. punches...
This is UFC fighter Sage Northcutt, 6'0", 170 lbs, 21 years old
Is he natty?
Bannon mode
I just got on Propecia
What does Veeky Forums think about Bradley Martyn?
Be me
Penis enlargement workouts
Biggest lies you were ever told?
/SIG/ - Self-Improvement General
Okay Veeky Forums, I need a reality check. I need to know if my genes are so trash I should stop lifting
Is training for "hypertrophy" a real thing? Do you essentially have fake muscles that are only for show when you do...
Veeky Forums acceptable fast foods?
Tfw too scared to box jump
Dairy milk gives me the shits if I drink too much because I am lactose intolerant. Been trying almond milk...
I've been diagnosed with alcohol intolerance because of my IBS-C...
Tfw gf has herpes
Have any if you guys got acne for working out? How do you deal with it
I'm 5'8 and 125 pounds. I want to start getting fit. I cant afford a gym membership or pull up bar or any equipment...
Well Veeky Forums, it's that time again
Post your recommendations for god tier workout music
Explain to me how a lean 130 elite marathon runner becomes a lean 160 pound weight lifter in 3 months if you can only...
I'm sick of not lasting long in bed Veeky Forums. I wanna get back to my prime days, how do I achieve this?
Does the ketogenic diet cure diabetes?
Hi Veeky Forums, been doing SS for four months, can i get a form check on my PRESS?
Mode us!
You guys have sodium face? I have been drinking a gallon of water a day and I think its counter acting bloating
How can Veeky Forums ever recover?
Who do you lift for?
Boogie2988 General - Surgery Edition
Go to symmetric strength
Post manlet feels
How to achieve tyler the creator mode?
Be 18, 5'11 but still growing
People who've gotten fit while being with the same girl, how has her attitude changed? Any changes to sex life...
Making abs show in 1 day
Stretch marks
Was pushing pretty much the whole way. I'm 185 lbs / 6'2. What are your 5k times?
Tfw fell for the SS meme
Whats Veeky Forumss opinion on personal trainers?
Is clarence0 natty?
Symmetric strength
Friday Feels
Is the Titan T2 Power Rack a good choice for building a home gym doing the strong lifts 5x5 routine...
Daily reminder that your health should always be more important than getting big, so:
How do people pull off glasses without looking like a nerd?
CBT - Current Back Thread
Reminder that this is considered perfection on SS
Military Fitness
Is Natty our BRAP Queen?
Back angle when squatting
/plg/ Panzer Lifting General
Stop focusing on deadlifts
Tfw no spotter
Remember, when you're gaining you're muscles:
Why is it that everyone online says it's impossible for me to turn pro if I start amateur boxing at age 27?
How come I've never seen before/after calves progress pics? I know why...
Is 15cm being a dicklet?
Tfw can't deadlift the bar
Who here /enema/?
Why did you settle for a dyel gf Veeky Forums? Why aren't you mating with an equal?
Why does National junk food day exists? when most people eat bad?
/fat/ - Overripe Strawberry Edition
Why do women go to the gym and try to gain muscles like men?
Why lift when it's all about the face?
Thoughts on rowing machines?
Why are short men hated so much?
A woman is only capable of biologically pair-bonding (falling in love) with a facially attractive man...
Draw a line Veeky Forums
Official /gymbro/ finder thread
Why you are addicted to porn!
I need to gain around 10kg of good mass by January
Watched the greatest story never told
What does Veeky Forums think of the women who promote the "health at any size" movement?
Why so many men don't like when a girl takes the lead ?
Wtf happened to Elliott Hulse
Why do runners bodies look like shit?
You better not skimp out, user
Boogie will actually go through with the weight loss surg-
Had mild gyno when I was a teenager, could feel the lumps
Place bets on whether she replies or not
Quit all soda and sugary drinks
"Not worth the risk of injuries" exercices
250g cottage cheese
This guy I know always loves to brag, but is it me or does he look very disproportionate...
What's next for him?
TFW you wasted thousands of hours on Veeky Forums instead of doing something productive
CBT - Lumbar Disc Problems Edition
Homosexuality in OP
It's not fair. My fat ass boyfriend started lifting and now he can lift more than I can. It's so discouraging...
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games