This guy slaps your ass hard in the gym locker room.
What do you do Veeky Forums?
This guy slaps your ass hard in the gym locker room.
What do you do Veeky Forums?
ask him to hook me up with roids so i can look finally look good and not go through 1000000 hoops to get test from the doc when mentally diseased people like MtFs have it handed to them daily
Tell him I'm not bottom ready.
bend over and let him empty his shrivelled up little testes into my boipussi
Thank him for his compliment, then ask if he knows where I can score some good Test and Tren.
Ask how my glutes are
fippy bippy
Ask him to assist me in the partner assisted all fours glute spread for AMRAP
fuck him in the ass
Ask him whether he's hiding a weak jaw under that beard
Let him tap my chubby ass out of respect for his amazing physique.
I'd fart probably
Thanks, bro!
Can't you just buy some from your gym? Mine sells gear under the counter.
Kill him. I hate him and his stupid fucking beard. Bearded people should be genocided at this point
Tell him he looks like a pathetic nu-male with that faggot beard and haircut combo. No I don't fear physical retribution because everyone with that faggot beard is an insecure child and no amount of muscle or beard will change that.
>Tell him 'no homo', which makes anything I do afterwards okay to do.
>show him my cock
>stroke his nipples for a bit while maintaining stern eye contact
>scratch his beard
If, by that time, this insecure little faggot hasn't run away in tears while mumbling shit about not being 'a pussy faggot', he's gay and I tell him to go suck a dick.
dab on him
Tell him his beard won't cover up his weak chin and jawline
laugh at the bitchboy, look at that nu-male beard/hair combination. Reeks insecurity, no wonder he roids to overcompensate
Challenge him to a wrestling match. Use it to grope every single muscle in his body; I ain't even mad that he's roiding.
>tfw this will never happen to me
Ask him what diet he's on
shoot my squat plug at him
i start running, no, sprinting away from him. as i do, i open the video option on my phone and begin recording. pull back the slide on my glock, and yell "holy shit, this big crazy dude is trying to rape me." empty the clip full of hollowtips into his furry chest and make sure i am filming the entire time.
I don't
Kick his ass. He messed with the wrong person.
leave or get raped
>By the Nine Divines! Assault! Assault!
If you think people carry pistols on them while lifting you've never been to a gym in your life retard.
please post a full body pic with face
Audibly call him a faggot.
if you think thoughts you think are worth something to other people then you are wrong mr negative nancy
tickle those big ol gyno nipples
I'm no bitch I slap his ass right back.
Hit him with a double-leg takedown and pound his head in on the ground.
Tell him that all the lifting wont change his weak jaw line that he has to cover with that hideous beard.
>F-Faggot n-numale!
>Oh no he's autistic! Sorry friend.
This so much. How the fuck are trannies not only tolerated but pandered to? I'm so ready for the day of the noose.
>this guy is on roids btw XD
Quality post.
That is very clearly a man on roids you tard.
>bow my head so a shadow is cast by my trilby over my eyes
>he says "Hey faggot," drops his bar of soap on the shower floor, looking at it then me, then says with a smile "can I get a little, uh, help here?"
>H-heh...sure thing...kid...
fatty detected
>I keep my head bowed and slowly walk toward him, his bulky mass looming in the corner of the showers
>I make mental note of the various tactical battle positions I could take in the shower (his position makes him particularly susceptible to my nihonto's sudo nō kame)
>"What the fuck? Why are your clothes still on? What's with that hat?" he barks at me
>I sweep my trenchcoat open, revealing my sheathed nihinto but also spraying some gym patrons exiting the showers
>"What the fuck? Is that a sword?" he says with a smirk.
keked already keep going
>tfw absolute 100th percentile elite beard genetics
who wants to trade for a better elite trait
>I adjust my glasses, already fogged over from the steam in the shower
>"Now pick it up, faggot."
>Hand still on my nihonto nō namē, I bend over to pick up his soap
>Soap in hand, nō namē in the other, I pause, sensing the bloodlust of my blade and taking in my surroundings
>I'm poised to strike
>"N-no..." I mutter with a grin on my face
>"No?" he spits vehemently, "you fucking faggot, get your fucking painter's jeans off and spread 'em already!"
"...h-homo" I whisper, rising swiftly as I unsheath my blade, fear in my eyes
Make fun of his gyno. Then probably get raped
>he quickly counters with a jutsu shin ginza, knocking me over, but I recover with a tactical roll, nō namē still tight in hand, only knocking over a handful of cowering gym patrons still foolish enough to be in the showers
>"My toe!" screeches an old man, a hapless bystander who happened to get in the way of my blade
to be continued...
>"What the fuck?" says the meathead, "I'm calling security, you freak."
>he marches angrily past me and I try to trip him, but he counters by avoiding my foot and tries to punch me in the nose
>*it's a hologram*
>He walks out of the showers
>"M-maybe next time, k-kid..." I sputter, blood flowing freely from my face onto my painter's jeans and the shower floor
>my white New Balances are ruined
He is, clearly, you fucking moron.
vocal keks
I'm not saying I'd let him fuck me in the ass (that'd be gay), but I am saying I don't think I'm attractive enough for him to fuck me in the ass.
Moan and ask Daddy for more.
How do you ask about this?
> i identify as female
> but I don't feel comfortable
> I want to transition to male
> well you're already....
> give test please
checkmate doctors.
>look from left to right
>h-hey mang, u holdin?
fall on knees