Pick an M&M and answer my question

I fell for the "you don't need to work abs" meme and I haven't done direct ab work for 1.5 years of lifting. I cut hard recently and look silly because literally NO abs but I bulked for over a year.

Can someone recommend a full abdominal routine and some good literature explaining everything I need to know in order to develop my abs and have them catch up to the rest of my body?


Green also leg raises and ab wheel

Double dose red pill.

I never really directly work abs. I feel that deadlifts and squats are enough.

Double dose of green for sure

blue pill

I want to be 6'0 and queen of the womanlets

Yellow and Green
Deadlifts, Ab Wheel, Weighted Crunches

I take none of the shady old dude who reckons he's a genie's pills. Nice way to get raped and murdered in his cellar.

Double green

Double yellow. I don't need blue, and red and green are achievable over time.


dont do meme exercises, just do sit ups.

def double green

Double blue baka only 5'10" and baby faced

Double blue. 5'10 is better than nothing desu

Double red is the second best though unless you're a sub-4 inch dicklet

Anyone who doesn't take double red is retarded. You can pretty much never get hurt, you can never die of an heart attack. Your body will never grow old. You will probably live to be 300 and be shredded as fuck.

Double green.

Abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym.

Came here to say this.

The brain and other organs aren't muscles though.

Double dose of blue, even without the height gain (I'm 6'1). I can gain muscle, I have no issues with my dick or bodyfat, but I would love being more attractive, even if slightly.

I do weighted crunches (sometimes with machine), torso rotation machine, and recently trying to learn to do a planche and a front lever on the bar so that works the shit out of your abs.

Double red, every other pill is for subhumans.

leg raises is all I do

Absolutely double blue. I'm 5'9" right now, so I'd instantly become 5'11" and have my already relatively little fat redistributed pretty nicely across that extra surface area. I'm otterish at best right now on overall muscle mass, so that being redistributed as well would definitely be a bit of a setback for me. But then I could spend the next year seriously bulking while that glorious last third inch seeps in, then once I've fully grown the last inch, I can cut and become a beautiful 6' god amongst men. Yellow pill is useless to me, and red and green can be achieved through hard work, and I'm sure I'd have even more motivation than I currently do to work hard once I knew I'd be hitting that sweet, sweet 6' benchmark.

Nothing is better indicative of my status as a 5'9" manlet than how excited I got thinking through the logisitics of this completely imaginary height gain :(

>blue m&m of magical height gains becomes medical reality when >REEEEEEEEEEE

Double Green.

I can juice to get red, already 6'4", and I have plenty of meat.

Perma bulk and keep 8%? Hell fucking yes.

Double red or red/green, can't decide.

Squats, ab roller, weighted crunches

Double yellow. Let's be honest, the only reason for any of these m&ms is to help in attracting women. Yellow won't attract them, at first, but it will keep any that you manage to fuck. And then she tells her friends about your amazing skills, and you get to fuck them too. Also, removing post-orgasm lethargy is god-tier. It means that you basically have a permanent NoFap, without actually having to NoFap.

Double green and go cute twink mode.

>gain muscle easy
No red
no blue
>7in penor
no green
>fat fuck
Double yellow plox

l2brace you dumb nigger

Planks and ab wheel. Probably won't be able to use the ab wheel properly at first so aim for some decent PROPER FORM planks and then progress to ab wheel. Or just use google you lazy fuck

Double dose on ALL THE M&MS

>double dose red
>get massive on roids and shit
>never lose any mass when you dont train
>be 80yo whos 300lbs of muscle

Double green.

Do hanging leg raises, progress to toes to bar or windshield wipers
Post body, curious what you look like.

>implying you'd live to 80 with a frail old man heart that has to pump blood to what is effectively an obese body
How many 300lb people above 70 have you seen?

Double Dose green. So, I can bulk forever without any fat gain.

Heart is a muscle dangus.

That heart would be super Sayan mode

Cardiomegaly kills, user

I'd pick double yellow, you can get all the others with gear or leg surgery.

For abs I recommend one upper-ab exercise like leg raises and one lower-ab exercises like crunch machine. Also a torso rotation machine if your gym has one.

how many magic MM's have you seen?

>Double green
>Physically can't gain bodyfat
>Eat whatever you want
>All turns to muscle


Double blue.

double dose of red

it would be hilarious if I could squat 384kg at 91kg

my coach programs, ab wheel rollouts twice a week and weighted situps two times a week

all other answers are invalid

Be careful there's been a no-fun janitor around here lately banning people for mixed threads with on topic questions but off topic themes.

> double dosing red gives you natural steroids and capabilities any lifter could only dream of
> double dosing yellow gives you superhuman sexual abilities beyond anything currently on this planet
> double dosing green is a miracle cure for anyone fat, lets obese people become ripped in a split second and they get to live in heaven eating whatever they want
>double dosing blue makes you slightly taller than you were before, by no significant amount to any woman

>there are STILL sad manlets picking double blue

stay cucked manlets

Um no sweetie, abs are revealed in the kitchen