How's my OHP form?

How's my OHP form?

Genetics is all that matters, demonstrated once again

315 is insanely impressive for OHP

Inb4 anyone who OHPs less than 225 tries to tell this dude about form lmao

I mean it was shit form, but still an impressive lift regardless. Not many could do that, even with shit form. Not sure if b8 for roast or actually you, but props to that dude.

wait a minute that's not you

yeah it's impressive, but the form is still pure garbage with a bounce start. He could lift impressive amounts with a good form - why lift slightly more with a shitty one? It's important to point out bad forms and what not so dyels don't fall for them

What is it he is doing at the start where he shifts the weight down then bounces it up.

Is it using momentum to help on the lift, looks kinda odd but if it helps I would try it.

Hip bump. Rippetoe's THE PRESS 2.0. The logic is sound, but I can't quite master it.

that's called a push press, it's a different exercise. form is terrible in the video he's obviously strong but this is a textbook ego lift and for that reason i'm out

form looks like shit but man that weight is impressive

It's not a push press his knees don't bend.