Alright faggots, post some inspirational instagrams for grills to lift. It can be of slutty girls but needs to be inspirational, slutty or not.
Can also involve huge weightloss, but grill must lift!
Alright faggots, post some inspirational instagrams for grills to lift. It can be of slutty girls but needs to be inspirational, slutty or not.
Can also involve huge weightloss, but grill must lift!
I'm like twice the size of her.
Girl objectively looks better in the before picture.
Why do women want to gain muscle anyway? It does not look good. Literally all you have to do is gain fat in the right places and save yourself all the hard work. If you don't gain the weight in the right spots genetically then just keep yourself thin with little to no muscle and put extra attention to your hair and makeup.
t. fatfucker
too true. although i do support hip thrusts/deadlifts for the ass
Why the fuck would you come to this thread then? Fuck off.
She looks best in the 2013 pic. 2017 is ok too but not nearly as good as 2013. 2016 is just terrible.
think thats just cos of 4 years white woman, not body
fuck off
Gee I dunno maybe to troll?
Nothing more unappealing than abs on a woman
Yet another case of before pic looking better
>gets a tan
>skips lunch a few times
>arches back
>buys better panties
This is "progress" if youre a woman
i think that may be down so what she is wearing, it looks shit but she is more shapely
this destroys the thiccfag
>4 years
What the fuck was she doing?
Cutting, cardio and tanning it looks like
1st pic was perfect
fucking high waisted shit always makes it look like you have a FUPA.
Disgusting. Might as well fuck a man. Are yall memeing or do you really like this garbage?
She looks really older in the 2017 pic, muscles mean shit on a girl all they need is not eat like a pig and being moderately active (jogging and stuff), the rest of the deal is sealed by youth.
She should have stayed first pic
I don't get it. She lost a couple of pounds then put them back on?
pretty sure 99% are just memeing, i imagine only men with a fetish for muscular women would fuck that
why do bodybuilders insist on turning thmselves into disgusting shit smeared monsters? The asian girl looks disgusting in all three pics desu.
First picture is almost perfect. But to be fair, the photos are 3 and 4 years apart plus I guess in the more later pictures she is in her late 20s and this is where most women get significantly uglier. 18-25 is the peak for women. So, I don't think it's the necessarily the muscle or the weight loss that makes the difference.
This is the PERFECT picture to show girls who are obsessed with mere weightloss, and afraid of lifting. Also, saying "you'll gain weight, and drop a dress size" short circuits their emotionality just long enough for them to logically consider the idea.
This is the ideal female body. No idea who it is, but if you're a girl you can be ugly and if you have this body and still get a Chad unless you're deformed.
>lifting while female
>what's the male equivalent of lace
Open button-up with no shirt?
She deserved it
thats such bullshit, who makes red weights not 25 kg? because she sure as heck isnt lifting more than 120kg
She actually lost some weight though and her butt does look rounder even when she's arching her back more.
What? Four years isn't how long it takes you to lose four pounds?
>"olympic" athlete (Allison Stoke)
>"This is the ideal female body"
I'm so glad you weirdos are behind a computer screen :)
What her body is fucking hot though. You don't have to be an Olympic athlete to achieve that look. She just looks healthy, decently muscular and low body fat, nothing extreme.
>first picture: straight back
>third picture: anterior pelvic tilt
LITERALLY every time. White girls desperately trying to pull off the caramel Instagram baddie look with fleek eyebrows and a dindu booty will be the equivalent of what scene/emo chicks were in the mid-2000s. We will look back on this time and cringe.
don't know what your'e trying to say but remove yourself from the gene pool
Never thought about it that way before
oh and thanks for making me feel old
She went from having a body that pretty much every man wants on his woman to "get a look at this weird bitch, she must have mental issues"
>Literally all you have to do is gain fat in the right places
yeah that's totally how it works, you just tell the body where to store your fat
Suggesting that cringeworthy behaviour is confined to current generations.
Women are fad driven, have a herd mentality so why would it be difficult to conceive she's playing up to te current version of what gets attention.
I love how rigidly you spergs think and then annunciate your opinions as though it defies any other forms of logic or perception... it reeks of lack of life experience. This whole board reeks of lack of anything desirable desu.
Being this insecure
Oink oink fatty, show some ambition
> teenager in the first pic
> what every man wants
pedophiles go
The before picture almost looks fridge-tier what the fuck are you talking about?
Well not everyone is into fat chicks like you.