>Post about my health issues online
>Zero responses
>People ignore, because they just don't know or have anything to say....
Post about my health issues online
Whatare your health issues?
Have you considered talking to a doctor? You know, someone who gets paid to pretend to care?
I know that feel user
Let's hear em pal
Early signs of cancer
Was told today to go see someone about this, I'm working on medical coverage right now through my company since I actually have a good job.
get this shit treated right now
If you do something for it when it's new you can get it removed really fast and don't have any problem with it
Don't joke with cancer man, I lost my uncle 3 weeks after he was dianogisted with cancer
I'm treating this pretty seriously
Also, I have another full blood panel being done first of August so I'll know soon if this is elevated levels for a reason or I need to go and see a blood doc.
Either way, thanks for the kind (yous)
Not OP, but I have a nail fungus and the derm says the treatment has like a .01% chance of destorying my liver forever...is it worth it to do? It doesn't hurt and won't have any health complications, and it's not like women ever see my toes ever
Only pro is that I could go to get foot massages and they wouldn't look nasty, but honestly besides that I don't know
i bet you have more chances of dying in a car accident than destroying your liver with that treatment
what kind of cancer if i may ask ?
Dude cancer is not funny
They haven't told me if it is leukemia or not, but they are asking me questions related to this. I need to keep giving blood and see how my body functions
I have early signs of polycythemia right now and erythropoiesis
I have to give blood tomorrow to get my blood levels down but if my hemoglobin is too high they can't take the blood out so I will know tomorrow if they can take the blood out
I'm 2 points below their not allowed list so by tomorrow I hope I can get some blood taken out of me
I actually give blood 3 times a year and now I'm being told maybe bring that up to 4-5 times a year to get my blood levels down
My body produces much more blood than normal and they are leaning towards me going to a specialist. I also had my HSCRP levels checked and I have very high inflammation in the body
Hemp oil, find it, take it
Dude weed lmao
Because we're not licensed to give medical advice you fucking retard
Dude wtf? How do you expect us to first of all diagnose you, second of all take responsibility with trying to help your serious medical concerns? Holy shit. We can't help you - see a doctor faggot.
Find it but don't take it.
>How do you expect us to first of all diagnose you,
I wasn't actually asking for someone to diagnois me on here
I was asked on an actual forum who discussed this with me, they told me to post blood work online
I posted blood work and they all shut up and wouldn't talk to me, I get it though maybe they wanted to see the blood work but they also dont want to diagnosis it for me so they just don't respond to the thread or they feel bad for me? i dont know
either way, I'm jst sharing some shit about my life on Veeky Forums not really looking for (yous) about my condition..
Is it ok to donate blood if you have leukemia?
Best of luck, dude.
Hi OP, stay strong fren. Good luck and take care. Keep us updated!
i dont have that
i have polyc...... the lukeima is just somethingthey are asking me questions about
either way im contacting doc and looking over some shit at kaiser tonight
they also dont take blood with high levels of hemocrat or hemoglobin, they cant take that blood
i find out tommorow if they will take it or not ,,,
Start intermediate fasting at least once per week. You will get better