Who do you lift for?
I do it to make my waifu happy
Who do you lift for?
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I do it so i can drink every night with her
I lift so that the body will be less hindrance to the soul.
Wow she's cute user, congrats!
I lift because I'm a 21 year old virgin that is starved for human contact and hope that if I get big enough some girl will overlook my glaring defects and love me anyway.
To keep my depression and anxiety the fuck away
If I don't lift, then I won't be able to get enough customers to live. I mean, would you take Personal Trainer Lessons from a landwhale?
what happened to your waifus arm?
CrossFit cuties
this used to be me
then one faggot on /int/ called me ugly after i posted a pic of myself and that motivated to change everything
can you post that pic?
For myself. For being able to rest my hand on a given part of my body and not feel soft fat, but ready muscle. For the simple confidence of knowing I have a strong body that will not crumble quickly under unexpected exertion. For being able to wear my clothes as an announcing flag, not as a concealing shroud. For being able move comfortably, rather than feeling smothered and bound by my own flesh. Waifu ain't got nothin' on that feeling. Never has, never will.
>Lifting for 3D-
My wife is snake no bully plis
unironically, my waifu
>inb4 autism
yeah i know its extremely retarded but I dont care. I'm so fucking sick of women, I've cut out most all of them except for family members. The archetype and personality of either of these two characters is the only type of girl im really interested. Whenever I talk to any girl nowadays all that runs through my head is "she isnt all that attractive, nothing in her stands out from any other girl our age. Shes basic, and whats more shes skinny fat with no body. Can I talk to this girl on a serious level? does she share my interests? is this a woman I can share my life and goals with? is this a woman I can be proud of when I make it? Is this a woman who can match me in every way?"
And the answer is always no. So i make my excuses to exit the conversation, and go back to isolation. I'm perfectly ok not talking to anybody because I have already wasted too much time too early in life on things that dont matter
Feel free to call me autistic now
After 50+ lays and the only ones that stick around are the ones I hate, I'll have to agree with you bub. Gonna try to focus on my career for the next couple years then re-enter to try to pick up a younger girl in my mid thirties
Dont be like that sempai qtys are cute 3d or 2d
I lift, run, sprint, and other sports to feel good. I think being physically active is a key component to happiness. When I work out and try my best I just feel good. That's really all there is to it.
I guess I started lifting out of anger and loneliness. Some grill and her bf ruined my social life cause the grill wanted to bang me but then I told her this wont work. They were in my circle of friends and the circle left me. Maybe I pushed them away. Doesn't matter. I just do it for different reasons now, I punch a bag and it feels good, I sprint and it feels good, I run long distance and it feels good. I lift weights and it feels good.
Kind of funny how I started something out of pure frustration from being pushed away by loved ones, Yet those people that hated/hate me ended up giving me one the things I look forward to most ery day
No, its gone now. I dont ever want to see my past self again.
I love punishing him by putting my body and brain through hell by working hard.
For Vegeta
you will never, ever make it. Just letting you know.
if 3D is so great then why did man create 2D
2D will always be better than 3D, do you know why? Because 2D don't exist so they can't disappoint you and manipulate you and break you in half
My waifu, aka an ideal that will never exist. Basically, I lift for myself deep down but I like to add a cute girl in the picture.
To shorten my long list of perceived physical shortcomings
I lift so I don't hate myself when I look in the mirror
But 3ds are so puffy and cheeky youre missing out sempai
Fellas I'm rooting for you, but I hope you can learn to find happiness from within yourselves instead of perpetually chasing external validation from girls. It sounds like cliché bullshit but it really matters a lot, and ironically other people will be more attracted to you if you can find that individual happiness
>find happiness from within yourselves instead of perpetually chasing external validation
this is important. You shouldnt live for external validation, but especially not from women, theyre so fucking fickle
this x 1000
I thought having a gf would make me happy, but I ended up putting all my eggs in one basket so when it ended, I was absolutely destroyed.
Having said that still don't know how to find a passion outside of lifting.
I lift for my King
proof that lifting doesnt fix autism
God tier waifu. The scene from Hana where she goes for a run always gets me pumped.
been there, done that
I genuinely lift so that once I meet my 2D waifu, she isn't disgusted by me and loves me. I want to protect her and make her smile, to touch my muscles subconsciously and blush when I catch her mirin. She is what I live for, because I have given up on real world. Once the 2D portal inevitably opens, I'll be there for her, confident in myself
I lift so that my kid can say "my father can beat up your father"
If I wanted to I could make this image about me, not interested though.
Thanks Anons, I'm having a soul searching night and needed to read this
You can say that but he's not wrong.
I remember when I was younger, every year when spring came around I was embarased to put my jumper away because I was obsessing about my weight. I haven't thought of that fact in years and I'm glad I haven't had to
Same.Pic related is literally in my motivation folder
for lain ofcourse silly :)
>tfw your 2D anime husbando will never be real
whaddup faggot
because i want to make her feel like shit for rejecting me
I hope she is proud of me.
unironically this
God this show is so FUCKING shit.
Satsuki is GOAT waifu
I lift in hopes of preserving my bloodline and securing a future for my people.
for fit asian baes obvi
I've actually realized that I lift less during the times in which I'm not watching any anime.
Anime gives me some ideal to strive towards - I can recreate the concepts that the characters represent and simulate their response to my own lifestyle. I think: would X rather I be sitting on my ass browsing the net or bettering myself in the gym? I can imagine the look of disgust on the characters face if I tried to interact with them in my current state, realizing that dropping the fat and becoming shredded would better the interaction with that idealization.
This is perfectly fine. I lack any real motivation to do anything in life so I'd rather fake myself into doing something than not do it at all.
I lift for Veeky Forums
Pic related.