been thinking about starting a cycle of LGD-4033, but I've read a fair share of horror stories when it comes to side-effects. Anyone here ever try any SARM, specifically LGD-4033 (Ligandrol)? How was the experience/ were the results worth it?
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safe enough to take, not too many studies tho so be careful
I too am interested. I am planning on running 2.5 mg LGD for 3 weeks and then upping to 5 mg for 2 weeks. Follow up with a toremifene PCT. Does anyone know if I need an AI during the cycle?
ran a cycle once and never again baku.
Mass gains were incredible but 10 weeks in my hairline said buh-bye user, and my previosly clear skin broke out in acne.
The gains from lgd came quicker but you pay in other ways basically
I looked it up and this is someone who seems to have a really shitty time with it, proceed with caution
saw this too, alot of the comments were finding alot of other issues with his overall diet/supplament use that couldve casued it... not to mention he was a 34 y/o man while im just 19, so different test levels
>I did Crossfit for 3 years
stopped reading.
running lgd-4033 now, only "problem" so far is my sleep pattern has gotten a bit weird
on the enhanced athlete stuff right now, you'll start seeing results after a few days. Pumps are insane, sometimes so much that they hurt. I wake up feeling pumped as fuck every morning. Pretty sure I've gained like 3 pounds in the last 2 weeks and have added a good amount of weight onto all my lifts.
I'd avoid that shit and stick with mk677. Longer time on, no pct needed.
So overpriced, you got ripped off.
So you would say that everything is safe until a study says otherwise? I'm not sure that's solid logic
I run ostarine and mk677 and I've found no side effects yet
I just started my first lgd cycle yesterday. 7.5 mg for 6 weeks is the plan. Been nothing but natty before this. Doing a 650 calorie bulk, don't let me get fat sarms.
Not really, I like the pill form and the other sources are powder form. Shit works so idc
do 5mg at the most f a m
Dumbass high school kid
stay mad dyelfag
Side effects from it aren't bad. I get the same side effects from too much caffeine or chocolate. Acne and insomnia. Gains are great, ignore all google results shilling their products and look at Reddit PEDs or whatever
i ran lgd, wouldnt do that again probably worst time of my life i got shut down hard on 10 mg day wasnt prepared for that
I take their slin supplement on cheat days. It works!
aren't you supposed to take half of that
same, i think i should've ran 6-8 week cycle instead of 10-12.
Do you see your body responding in the positive direction yet?
Did LGD 5mg for a week then 10mg for the last 5 weeks and got crazy results. Went into dirty bulk mode started at 177lbs 15% bf and finished at 197lbw 18.5% bf so like 8ish poinds of the mass gained was lean and the rest was me eating like a fatass. Also bench jumped 20lbs max within like two weeks. Pretty legit stuff. I used enhanced athlete with no PCT 18yo 2 years training
Although the biggest side effect I felt was the hunger. I can already eat 3500+ cals a day and this had me feeling light headed about to pass out from hunger just an hour after a 1500 calorie breakfast consistently. Best sarm if you have trouble gaining weight. It'll almost develop you an eating disorder