After a week of hard training, hard lifting, and hard working its time for GOBAD.
What are fags drinking?
After a week of hard training, hard lifting, and hard working its time for GOBAD.
What are fags drinking?
Sumo and beer is best way to spend a Saturday.
i think i've had like 8 pacificos and i deep fried a whole fuckload of chicken thighs
>What are fags drinking?
Evidently, fags are drinking miller high life
Vodka and water.
I'm not a filthy ruskie either. I realized that alcohol tastes like shit for the same reason that most poisons taste like shit. So instead of masking the flavor I just deal with it and I end up drinking less of it. I'm not drinking whiskey with water anymore because I started to enjoy the taste of it. I just think it's manly to suffer I guess. It's also the reason that I masturbate using a handful of gravel.
Rolling rock baby! It's cheap as fuck
Goddamn it...I fucked that up.
Hell yeah.
Are you a PA fag? They just recently started selling near me.
Went out Thursday night and got sick as fuck off a bunch of mixed drinks, so I'm taking it easy for a few days.
Gonna try the centurion challenge (drinking high life or Milwaukee's best) with two of my gym bros next week and piss all of our gains away
Just drank a 40oz budweiser. Probably a bad idea as I had to take today off thanks to heat exhaustion.
Don't speak about RR and PA ever again. When that shit left Latrobe and went to Jersey it can legit fuck off and die for all we care.
Oh fuck dude. Do you hate yourself? I wanna puke just thinking about that.
Just drink a fuckton of water before bed
I'm guess a lot people lost jobs.
I've drank a gallon of water today. So fucking pissed I'm not more heat tolerant. I want to rage when I have to take a day off from cardio.
Drinking bud Weiser and Molson back and forth because bud tastes like shit but they're all I have.
Anyways love you bros no homo (unless feminine penis)
Is it bad if I gobad damn near everyday? Am i a drunk? Drinking cabo with lime and ice tonight also gamma bomb ipa in between
I live in the south and it was hot as balls (97 F). I didn't do shit outside today. That kind of heat is just asking for it. I wouldn't be too pissed.
You might not be a drunk but you are an alcoholic
I realise the kind of (you)'s I'm going to get for this, but I'm drinking a Sazerac, listening to pic related, while relaxing in an old arm chair.
Looks comfy.
Love you too, bro!
erry day might be a problem. Hard on your liver and a lot of estrogen.
I live in SC and it's hotter than Satan's gooch until September, I know I deserve my suffering but I can't help but rage.
Sounds chill as fuck, bro
Goddamn I would eat Skittles™ out of that ass
Greenville, SC reporting in!
Krupnik, Polish dude
He would love that, user. He would love that.
>inb4 n-no homo
Cool I'm in Charleston, cooler in the day but hotter at night. I'm waiting for October desu.
Just got a fake and looking to try new beers. What are some of the best and preferably relatively cheap beers? Please no fucking IPAs
That's like mead right?
How's the government doing there? Heard there was an issue with your Supreme Court.
Can't wait until I can get down to Charleston (and Folly) again.
>Implying I no homo
>light beer
why don't you try a bud lite strawberry lime-a-rita you fucking faggot
> cheap and good
Pretty much just Yeungling. But I like PBR and High life too.
TN fag here. Ive vacationed in Folly twice and fuckin love that place
Not exactly, it's honey liqueur. I used to put it in hot toddies. Didn't like it on its own.
Not trying to bash but goddamn it must suck to wait till 21 in USA. Canada's being 18 is so perfect I'm 20 and I couldn't imagine having to wait an extra 3 years.
It probably doesn't help that I started drinking at 15.
Are you stuck up there for work? Live downtown now, place is degeneracy central. I do love folly tho, pic related.
gf lives there
>asheville master race
Look at that chest.
I wonder how much that guy can bench.
Nah, born and raised here in Greenville. We just vacation in the low country. But just had our 2nd kid so no real vacations this summer. Only trips to the neighborhood pool until next year.
it doesn't really make a difference, you just drink at houseparties a lot instead of going out to bars
How do you deal with all the fucking hippies?
I enjoy Asheville and the mountains. But I can't stand all the Portland wannabes.
Pretty sure it's only 18 in Quebec
Good shit, never met someone from Greenville I didn't like. Generally good conservative, religious people. Hope you can come here soon.
I wish she was my milk mamma...
I drank a grasshopper
What part of TN? I'm up at Dollywood like 4 times a year. :P
Bud light
gotta learn to love the hippies, best people watching on the east coast
plus im a hiking/camping fag so i guess im a hippie
True story:
>be me
>sad about gf dumping me
>parents only have a bottle of cheap ass creme de menthe in the cupboard
>why the fuck not
>drink the whole thing
>wake up the next morning vomiting green shit all day
Will never touch that shit again
I like the outdoorsy folks. It's the legit wannabe hippies that get me.
But I guess your right, I always come back from Asheville with a story about some weird shit I saw.
That might actually be better. I miss the days of good houseparties. Once people turned 18 they stop wanting to throw them because
>muh clubs
Not like we have any good clubs in this town anyways
Pretty sure I live in Alberta but not sure about the other provinces other than BC being 19
I had the same experience when I was 20, sadly. I went into work the next day hungover as balls. The smell of mint is still disgusting, to this day.
Where my zima brothers at?