Tell me about the best decisions that made the most improvement to your life.
Tell me about the best decisions that made the most improvement to your life
Leaving this toxic board for a few years and trying to talk to girls/ actually lift/ live my life
Yet you're here user, why don't you do yourself a favour and fuck off :^)
The decision to improve.
Realizing that rejection actual hurts a lot less than never trying. This applies to women, work, and any other endeavor. If I had just learned how to nut up and actually ask for what I wanted as a teen I would have lived as a god, but I didn't learn until I was 20. No more wasted time.
stopped playing video games, more cardio, stopped worrying about making mistakes and focused on enjoying life
doing the exact opposite of what Veeky Forums told me to do
nofap and no porn
testosterone + proviron
arnold split
I've went through the Cwicki again last year and I realized I was on the same path as Chris Chan so I got a job in a warehouse and started working out in the mornings. I hate working but at least I get mired at work from the Latina/o's and it give me a good feel.
I stopped coming to 4c....fuk
Saying fuck this minimum wage delivery job and applied for a new one. I don't think there's any better feeling than improving yourself and socially starting over with a clean slate. It's almost like having a second chance in life.
The day I decided to stop posting on Veeky Forums.
Things not going so well then?
Quit muh video gaems. Nu-males and betas hobby.
To stop obsessing over the gym and instead put that energy into my university studies and my job.
Quit smoking
>tfw still can't do this and I'm 23
When I herniated a disc in highschool from being overweight and decided to cut out all the shit and start exercising.
Not trying probably hurts more then trying and getting hurt and moving on
I stopped giving a fuck about 99% of things
Nice dick l love the smelly
Hopping on DNP. My life quality skyrocketed since then
Libs have the funniest lexicon
quitting drinking easily the best gift ive given to myself
Trying to stop caring about how other people perceive me. That doesn't mean I dress like a hobo or act like an ass but it does mean i relax when I talk to girls or study on a Friday instead of partying
Never tired after a night out
Fully aware
Can get on with drunk people but without fuck-ups
Can use the money elsewhere
What made you think he was a liberal? This board is completely toxic he's right.
Started living frugally
Stopped falling for the debt meme
Now I just look at my normie coworkers with their leased premium sports cars and expensive knickknacks and laugh to myself
Why do people need to spend so much to be happy? Find pleasure through self improvement, both mentally and physically.
Best decision was taking a break from Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums for a few months. This place is cancer and if you spend too much time here without taking a step back it fucks with your head.
Cutting the shit of my life stop forcing myself to please others
Doing what i like
Understanding that conflict is ok and that not everyone's opinion matters
Coming here once a week for one hour tops.
None of you can say this.
I find that spending money makes me happy, but usually when it's in quality of life improvements that affect my daily life.
My custom tailored wardrobe, for example, has been a very fulfilling purchase.
I've never been in debt however, because these purchases don't require so much.
(To me, a house lowers quality of life because commute + repair responsibility)
Arnold split is best split
read self-therapy books to better understand my issues, my goals, and develop an absurdly greater perspective of myself and the people i have relationships with. i didn't/don't even have a mental illness (seen therapists to see if i did lol). i did it because i dated a fucking bpd and ended up in an existential crisis lel. everyone can benefit from reading books that deal with DBT/ACT therapy, as most of it is simply deep and focused introspection and self-awareness
it has impacted my life positively in every single regard
I agree on the house.
I prefer an apartment. It's less constant maintenance, plus I'm not tied down to a 30 year mortgage. I also like living high up and looking out at the city and traffic when I'm thinking.
Stopped trying to agree with everyone to blend in, lift.
Go get a dictionary to find out what toxic really means
-relating to or caused by poison.
"toxic hazards"
-very bad, unpleasant, or harmful.
"a toxic relationship"
Sounds like the second one desu, seems like the correct word.
Lel didn't mean
>How is it better
>How did you stop?
Breaking up with my GF was the best thing that happened to me, I grew 5 years of experience in 6 months, too bad I caved in and we're back together now.
Stopped drinking and smoking cigarettes
Decided to be more fiscally responsible and track my spending better
Shaved my head and grew a beard instead of clinging to my rapidly deteriorating hairline
Bought an Insta-Pot from Amazon, which lets me cook 6+ lbs. of chicken for the week in about an hour
Got a certification that allowed me to find a new job that I enjoy more and pays better
Stopped fucking around at the gym and got an actual routine. Started calorie-counting and made a daily meal plan.
smiling more
ouch man, full story? broke up with my gf of 3 years about 4 months ago and been feeling weird recently
Not much to say, we were together 2,5 years, started distancing from each other, somewhat mutually agreed to break up. I was mad jelly about her fucking someone else during this time so I just blocked all social media sources from her. Only thing that helped me was going out and doing things that scared me.
So I went to parties alone, went biking shirtless in the sun for hours, moved up in my job, got a ton of friends really quickly, basically a new man.
Then I went home for the holidays and the fire re-ignited, that was 1 year ago and all is great but I still feel I could have gone so much further.
watch jordan peterson lectures
that guy is the biggest scam artist
>say some memes about trannies
>get $50 000 a month in patereon
Just give it a try a few times and you'll realize it really doesn't sting that much m8. 23 is still young, I lost my virginity at 21 and I've had a real hell of a decade following. Life starts when you decide to live it.
100% I don't look back on any of my many strikeouts with bad feelings, they were instructive. What I do hate looking back on are all the girls I could have hooked up with in high school that I was too much of a pussy to try with, even with painfully obvious signs.
seriously, browsed /pol/ a lot during my high school years and I eventually found myself becoming very racist and misogynist at the age of 17-18. realized it was from reading all of the weird brain-washing threads on there without a grain of salt.
This. Hardest thing I ever did. Smoking was also the dumbest thing I ever did.
Quitting soda was tough too and I still relapse here and there but I will never smoke again.
Exactly. I've gotten better with asking girls but I still crumble from time to time
Voting for Donald Trump.
Are you me?
Quitting alcohol after 15 years of daily drunking.
I made more fitness progress in 1 month than I had in the previous year, without changing anything about my workouts or diet otherwise.
Good job bro. It can take some integrity to quit.
>Doesn't hide countless hours of contents behind a paywall
>Gives followers the opportunity to support him based on what they think his content is worth
>PhD Tenured Professor
>Con artists...
This is the truth
I've been sober for 2 days thanks to naltrexone and I feel like 100lbs have been lifted off my back
>thousands of dollars spent on alcohol and all I have to show for it is a beer gut
kys faggot go back to plebbit to cry about toxic masculinity
Stop comparing yourself to other people, user.
>t. never been to /pol/