>tfw no spotter
>benching half of 1pl8
>chad walks up asking how many sets left
>t-two sets
>finish the second to last
>usually take a longer break between sets but decide to cut it in half because dont want to make chad mad
>struggle to lift the bar
>cant even do 6 reps
>push for 7th but the bar lay on my chest
>roll bar across my entire body until it meets my crotch
>get up like the undertaker wrestler
>struggle to curl bar and lift
>biceps hurt
>hit a bar that the chad was using whislt i proceeded to turn with the 1/2pl8
>manage to place it on the lowest rest point in rack
>sit down where i was benching
>takr 4 sips of water
>turn to face chad
>i nod
>chad returns nod
>walk off to curl 20kg with bad form
Tfw no spotter
funny story man lol
>benching 0.5pl8
everybody starts somewhere
>tfw diddlying 3pl8 and an old lady says "woah that looks heavy!"
Just do dumbbell bench press, no need for a spotter to really be able push yourself to your limits and it's way better for chest development.
my first day at the gym I was benching 10x50 kg.
First set I was supremely lightheaded, second set I failed at like 6 reps. I got trapped between the bar and the bench, you know. A mother and daughter (dark, kinda asian looking 19y/o 6/10 and mother) helped the weight off me
Ye I been there too user
>deadlifting 5plate for reps
>group of kids making comments to each other about how heavy it is
>I don't know how to act because they must know I can hear them
>pretend to not hear it
>proceed to do a set of muscle-ups after deadlifting
>kids make more mirin comments
>pretend not to hear again.
i wish i knew this feel.
Even 2-3 months in I could only bench 80 lbs. I don't know if I'll ever escape these noodle arms. Even when I had my fat NEET phase and was 176lbs no muscle my arms looked practically the same as when I was 120lbs on track in high school.
>tfw deadlift 4pl8 for reps, 5pl8 max
>tfw no mires