Alright you low test fuckers, I am not on test, because I'm not even Veeky Forums, but I keep seeing you fucks get denied TEST from cuck doctors who think that the test levels of an 85 year old man are normal for a young dude. So here is how you do it.


Don't sleep for two days in advance, don't fucking exercise for a week or so, eat no fat and no protein, TANK those test levels and get your blood taken. People have been doing this for years, its not new, but you fuckers are.

How would this not work?

By lowering your test from 400 to 300 and still remaining in normal range therefore not getting test prescribed, in addition to some long term damage

>took a blood test
>sick for a whole week
>almost didn't sleep for a whole week
>almost didn't eat anything, just some dry crackers
>almost didn't go outside
>didn't exercise
>get results
Nowhere near low enough to warrant TRT.
Your plan really only works if you're just barely above the cutoff for "Normal".
I haven't had it tested in a healthy state, so I don't know how my normal test levels are, but from the way I feel and my lifestyle I probably should have test in the optimal range.

Just buy test it is actually cheap as fuck. One cycle sets me back about $250 including PCT

This is specifically for guys who are close to getting it but can't, just like you described.

the easiest way to get test from a doctor is to switch doctors until you do. or got to mexico

you forgot alcohol

>have lowest normal level test
>no chance of getting anything where I live
>"natural" methods are memes
What do?

>natural methods are memes
Have you tried them?
Are you below 15% bodyfat?
Do you lift heavy regularly?
Do you sleep 9 hours every night?
Do you eat a clean diet with a decent amount of fat and animal products?
Do you avoid mass-produced factory-farmed food?
Do you avoid plastics and chemicals?
Do you supplement Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin D, Fish Oil?
Do you eat/supplement other things that potentially increase testosterone?

Do you watch anime and jerk off to horses? Kill yourself autist

No I don't. Do you?

yes I did forget, a high sugar high alcohol drink would do wonders.

I'm on TRT and hover at around 1200-1300 ng/dl.

Test only effects your ability to put on muscle and your energy levels, really. I could go off it at any time and I would save a lot of money if I did. You guys are way too concerned with your hormone levels, it's not going to do anything except affect your ability to put on mass.

What were your level before TRT?

First time I had it tested at 289 ng/dl (with lifting, dieting, and eating clean), then tested at 315 ng/dl since my doctor wanted to run it a second time. I had been taking zinc, magnesium, d3 and fish oil before the second blood test and it only raised my levels by a marginal amount.
You have to understand that there are many guys with low test, it's just a hormone. Many of them go on to be doctors, lawyers, whatever. Test only has a small affect on your decisions and mindset, other than blowing smoke with pubmed studies about risk-taking and high test daytraders.

I'm a literal doctor at 340ng/dl and I can't get it legally scripted due to retarded Canadian guidelines

My fiancee left me due to fertility problems (also in a coma for 2 weeks and assloads of phyiso due to some drunk chug Tboning me) and its still not covered

I've heard a lot of bad things about getting it in Canada, it's tough, nobody wants to prescribe it. Why not try for HCG instead?

How long does that last though/how great are the effects of that one cycle

and isn't your test production permanently hindered from one cycle

Genuine questions so dont go being rude to me

Read r/steroids. It's not going to shut you down permanently, but it's likely you won't get back to the same test levels you had originally. It lasts the time you cycle, whether it's 12, 15, or 20 weeks. Usually takes a time for the ester to peak of 3-4 weeks unless you're using test prop.

i agree with and do almost everything on this list with the exception of sleeping 9 hours, i get 7.5-8 a night is it worth changing my schedule to get 9?

And did you have low test symptoms at those levels?

I mean sure, the actual number doesn't mean much, there are people with symptoms at 600, and people with none at 200.

Symptoms as in lethargy, general tiredness, anxiousness, depression? Yeah, pretty much word for word with every low test "symptom". It helps a little bit with all of them but I didn't change much at all. The only thing that really changed is my rest time between sets, bloat, and I don't fall asleep as easily after work.

Dunno. What would you do with that hour otherwise? Browse Veeky Forums? Watch TV? Play vidya? I'd say an hour of sleep is better than an hour of looking at a screen.
But other than that, I don't think it would have a significant advantage. Unless you have trouble getting up and don't feel rested in the morning.

Literally just buy test. It costs less than $30 per month to run a cruise dose that will put you just above the top end of genetically gifted nattys, and assuming you lead a healthy lifestyle, won't have any negative side effects.

>tanking your test levels to be given the bare minimum dosage a doctor will prescribe you to get your levels back into the normal range after months of seeing various endocrinologists
>not just buying vials of test (and whatever else you want) from the grey market online and having them on your doorstep within 2 days