Tfw voicelet

>tfw voicelet

It's not fair.
I'm 6'2 and because I have merely an average male voice, my potential is permanently capped.

I've taken the black pill in the worst way. My coworker is a 5'8 MANLET and yet because he has a deep, rich voice, he gets first pick of the pussy. Fucking BULLSHIT.


It's not even that fucking good and yet everyone complements him all the god damn time and tells him he should do radio.

He's short with a receding hairline and yet everyone fucking loves him. It's horseshit. He's burned through so many women since I've worked here and he acts like it's nothing. Some of them are his height or taller?!

That is supoosed to be MY life. I have the HEIGHT. I'M 6 INCHES TALLER AND YET IT'S LIKE FUCKING NOTHING.

A rich, deep voice is the secret. Nothing commands respect faster. It's. Not. Fair.

Other urls found in this thread:

God damn it you faggots will whine about anything, won't you? Don't you get tired? Kys.

so this is why u shitpost about manlets haha all lanklets have such an inferiority complex

>Veeky Forums - Insecurities

What next, fingernails or straight vs. wavy hair?

>hurr durr I'm 6'2 and I deserve all the pussy solely based on this fact. My personality doesn't matter, it's just height
Personality does matter. Wanna know how he has a better one than you and your personality is dogshit? Read your own fucking post,you incel. This is coming from a 6'3 guy.
Voice has nothing to do with it either. Maybe if you stopped acting like an incel cuck then your T levels will rise to to the point where you have a deeper voice.

Go fuck yourself


Jesus fuck Veeky Forums.

I have to consciously make my voice higher because otherwise no one will hear me.

You can change your voice, it just takes a lot of work.

I had a science teacher in high school who had an absurdly deep voice, and he always told us that it got that way because when he was younger he decided he wanted to have a really deep voice, so he just started talking like that and his voice just changed to naturally be that way.

So assuming he wasn't lying, with enough effort, you can change how your voice sounds to some degree.

5'8 detected

It's bullshit. Not only am I a voicelet,but my dick is only 15 cm. Dicklet and voicelet along with a receding chin. I'm done for bros. Never gonna make it. Hopefully my 6'2 height can carry me through this genetic shitfest I've been bestowed.

smoke and drink hard liquor

>deep ass voice
>can hit the lowest register on piano
>lift maxes are middle school tier
>biscuit dick
Why is god so cruel

Lmao manlet

15cm isn't dicklet lmao that's above average

stop falling for massive dick porn meme

Then when you project people think you are yelling.

OP, that might be me you're talking about except I actually do radio and the only pussy I get is 2D pussy so I guess it's not me after all.

This. Go back to /r9k/ with your whining, it's not even Friday.

Well I actually have to, because I work around equipment.

My dad and I always joke that I only communicate with elephants.

Voicelet master race reporting in

>Jesus fuck

Manlets with really deep voices are hilarious. It's so out of place.

location op?? Is it perhaps Halifax, Canada? If so, I have a co-worker who matches that description, fucking faggot.

i hate his guts too op


>letting something like your voice, when it's already average, get in the way of your success
You aren't making it because you choose to, not because you are being held back by uncontrollable circumstances

an upset baritone manlet made this thread


I started secretly smoking while with gf, a few months later she tells me she's noticing how my voice got deep and it's intimidating sometimes she loves it.

it's obviously your shitty personality

>>biscuit dick
What does this mean?

i am 100% convinced that people on this board have severe mental issues. Either this is a troll, or a genuinely mentally unhealthy person.

I need find another website to browse in my spare time, this place is full of degenerates.
Why am I just realising this now?

Spotted the dicklet

smoking and steroids

I think this website needs more rational people who will call people out on their bullshit desu.

People on here do two things nonstop: 1) Look for excuses to validate their failure so they don't have to reflect inward and understand they are the reason they fail and 2) Look for any excuse to inject racism into anything because they have so little going for them they need to brag about being born white -- because being born coincidentally is all they ever accomplished.

Honestly. I come here just to lurk and maybe comment on some topics that interest me, yet these fuckheads like OP always come along and genuinely confuse me. What's the issue with people like him?

Are they actually mentally ill? Or do they have nothing going for them, and resort to last-ditch edginess to fill some type of emotional void in their lives?

I seriously cannot fathom a human being sitting behind a computer, typing all this shit up, and posting it. Even for a troll, it's fucked up.

I need to leave this place, LOL. Sorry for sounding like an ass, just had some observations built up inside of me.

but disliking niggers is rational

holy fuck
everyone here thinks that one specific thing they don't have is why they don't get chicks
like those retards posting about neck thickness

I get this all the time too, can't fucking believe it. Pathetic

Needing other people to know about your negativity, isn't. Keep your complaints to yourself and quit bitching about what upsets you when you can't even change things. If you are looking for advice, that's fine, but usually people are just trying to be edgelords and talking shit at a computer, saying things they would never say in real life. It's for fucking little bitch cowards.

Think of a few of your heroes. Some alphas, or whatever. Strong men, who cut their own path in life. How many of these men that you are thinking about, are constantly pushing their negative vibes and complaining like the weaselly voiced faggots on Veeky Forums?

One second you talk about self improvement and trying to be a model human male, the next you're rolling around in your own shit being even more pathetic and weak than you were the day before.

But by all means, keep stunting yourself. Only makes me look better when there are people like you around.

>he bites his nails and has wavy hair

You forgot necklet

why are they being so judgmental i have sraight hair and dont bite my fingernails

lol you sound like youre 15