Is Coconut water good or is it just a meme?

Is Coconut water good or is it just a meme?
On the web I can only find pro-coconut water shills

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Well, it doesn't rape and kill cows. So, what else do you need?

>rape cows

its a meme
buy kefir or just get alkaline water like smartwater or evian

>cows actually become discomforted or sick if not milked



tomorrow i'm gonna go buy two pounds of chicken thighs and throw them in a dumpster

It's not a meme. Get them from real coconuts.

>he thinks we're doing them a favor
They're in discomfort because the milk SHOULD be going to their young, but instead we suck it out of them and kill their child

Disregard this retarded nonsense.

Yes coconut water and coconut milk are both wholly healthy products. Just be sure its not filled with added sugar and shit.

it's rich in electrolytes which is good, it's definitely better than gatorade or other drinks like that, but definitely not necessary

>dude lets release all the cows into the wild lmao XD

what's the drink that is most filled in electrolyte (that is natural) ?

HAHAHAHAHAHA this is such bullshit. i grew up with dairy farmers in Tasmania, Australia and all they did was raise cows and milk them twice a day. no rape involved. you need to sort yourself out m8y if you think this is how milk is produced

probably coconut water

cucumba water

Chill that shit. Don't ever drink it room temperature.

Every calf should aspire to become veal parmigiana.

Shit taste like salt water


Coconut is a superfood, you can buy one nut for like 80p. Best shit ever.

Loaded with sat fat
What makes it a super food? Cite source and Thanks in advance

It doesn't kill animals = superfood

It's a great post work out/hangover drink because it's got lots of potassium

Potassium is a major electrolyte that never fucking gets any respect in other "electrolyte" drinks, like gatorade. You need some potassium to refill your tanks after working hard.

However sometimes they skimp you on the potassium. Always check the back to see what it is

It has a high level of potassium without being high un fructose like a banana or tasting horrendous like low sodium V8.

To everyone who doesn't get the "rape" meme, I believe it is referring to the artificial insemination process, not literal rape with the farmer's own dick.

Considering this thread is about coconut water, not it's not loaded with sat fat.

Concerning the flesh, and the oil/milk made from that flesh, yes it is saturated with saturated fat, but much of that is lauric acid, a medium chain triglyceride which has been shown to be beneficial and pro-metabolic.

Coconut water has ELECTROLYTES

Almond Milk:
1. Plant monoculture of trees
2. Divert water to your arid valley, leading to the further desertification of California
3. Pollinate trees using overworked bees from industrial beehives which are trucked all across the state, helping contribute to bee die-off through the lack of habitat for native bees and poor conditions for honey bees
4. Import cheap foreign labour to work long hard hours for low pay while helping to contribute to the disenfranchisement and unemployment of locals, as well as to the social problems associated with immigration (legal or otherwise)
5. Export almonds thousands of kilometres all across the sold, contributing to the rule of capital, globalisation, social alienation, environmental destruction and war (for the oil used to transport globally)
6. Still fucking expensive when you buy them
7. Soak almonds
8. Blend almonds with water
9. Strain almonds

Cows Milk:
1. Take bottle from fridge
2. Pour a glassful
3. Drink creamy goodness

Not even a contest.

It has what Veeky Forums craves

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