How do I avoid looking like Drumpf when I get older?
How do I avoid looking like Drumpf when I get older?
is he going insane or something
i dont pay attention to politics
He already was.
Avoid fast food
He doesn't look that bad.
Instead of eating steak, earning billions and fucking models spend more time in the gym and only eat chicken & rice
complain about frog meme 1 x 1
illegally delete emails 1 x F
>while he was your age he was grabbing 10/10s by the pussy and making million dollar real estate deals while you complain about him on the health and fitness section of an anime image board
>eating steak with ketchup
>earning only millions, not billions
>having the money to fuck models but not being able to because of your wrinkly, disfunctional penor
>Still be worshipped by Veeky Forums
>worshipped by Veeky Forums
you mean /r/the_donald
you've obviously never been on /pol/
He's arguably one of the strangest looking humans on the planet
You're obviously a retard. Those cunts are contrarians, they hated him within days of him becoming President
You'd be doing well if you look that good at that age. This thread is a poor attempt at bait and/or being edgy.
You're overexagerating to a laughable extent. Get out of your political echo chamber.
>Get out of your political echo chamber
>is posting outside of /pol/
Are you retarded?
Everything except pol is an echo chamber ?
Trump is 71, he looks good for his age. Especially recently he has gotten into shape.
Hilary lost get over it.
This. Getting so tired of the left trying sooooo fucking hard to sell a narative over and over again. It's like listening to someone who's been at a crossfit gym for 3 months and thinks they know exactly what I should be doing, but instead of leaving me alone after the first time I tell them how and why they are wrong, they just keep saying the same shit over and over then spout old memes at me. Definition of insanity, brehs.
You have bigger problems to worry about, libshit.
Isn't it weird how 90% of post-op trannies commit suicide? Almost like, maybe, they might possibly be MENTALLY ILL or something I dunno???
unirregardless of that he's a weird looking dude
get out
He's obese as fuck, how is that doing well.
How do I maximize glute gains like Trump?
Thanks for posting this mane. The tranny craze is insane.
say that to my face bro
Don't grow old?
Also dont have plastic surgery and spray on tans.
He was pretty handsome in his prime.
Live like jack lalanne
Jesus that was hard, I couldnt even get through it. Did that person commit suicide?
That's the face of a Brad, aka a man you marry for security, not for sex and ambition like Chad.
It's many, many people all from one r*ddit board.
>He was pretty handsome in his prime.
so when's that picture from then
you mean filthy rich?
don't worry, you never will
Conservashits and Drumpf Supporters vote against their own economic interests like the inbred low IQ trailer park koch sucking retards they are
>if you don't suck trump's dick, you're a liberal
>socialism is good for anyone's economic interests in the long run
please read a book.
> anything that is slightly critical of the failings of muh free markets is pure socialism
turn off Faux news Cleetus
Red states are the poorest in the country and have the highest percentage on welfare because they failed to adapt to a global economy.
stay ignorant tho cleetus , Drumpf loves the poorly educated for a reason
>it's a leftists pretend to care about the impoverished working class unless they're white post
Every time.
>tolerating Intolerant pretend that whites are minorities rascist fueled white people who vote against the countries best interest for more corporate power
Democrats are:
>for increase of minimum wage
>for student loan affordability act
>against the end of Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection
>for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Funding Amendment
>for revoking tax credits for businesses that move jobs overseas
And what do you know? Republicans are the exact opposite. But keep swallowing those /pol/ memes. If someone made a lie into a funny image with memes, it must surely be true.
>poor rural whites are all evil racists
Thanks for further proving my point I guess.
You forgot to add dumb inbred idiots that vote against their interests to that list as well champ :)
Friendly reminder that coal jobs aren't coming back
>increasing minimum wage is good
>giving more free shit to low income homes
>vote against their interests
>I know whats better for them
>be muslim
>be scared of muslims
>How do I avoid looking like Drumpf when I get older?
Be a conservative. Trump was mostly a Democrat his entire life and they normally partake within destructive things that will ruin their health when they get older.
Most conservatives I know are fat though
Really makes me think
>if I use greentext, I won't have to back up my arguments!
This isn't how it works. Besides, the point was that Democrats care about poor working class and Republicans don't.
Most people I see in public day to day are fat.
Really makes me think.
Intolerant bigot. This is perfectly normal. Gender is a spectrum. Bill Nye the science guy said so.
minimum wage should be stage determined. $15 in CA is way different than $15 in MS.
Nobody is forcing faggots to take out 6 figure loans to get a worthless degree. Life lesson.
I literally am against all of the things you just listed because none of it makes any economic sense
I don't think anyone will take a person seriously who makes up such a ridiculous word.
Irregardless isn't even a word, you just went and added "un" AND "in" in front of the only real word in that, "regardless".
This is your brain on leftism.
Clearly you, a total leftist cuck, belong to the poorly educated since you can't write a grammatically correct sentence to save your life.
doz mcnuggies
You lie so much and a lot of the things you listed are plain retarded, that is why the most intelligent people vote right wing. The last one however, Trump is for also, and Democrats are against.
Don't usually reply on Veeky Forums but I felt the need to Correct the Record here.
Trump has never drank alcohol, smoked a cigarette, or done drugs in his life
dont be le epic
I don't see a single American republican that voted against their own interests when they voted Trump. He's been pretty good so far, could be more radically nationalist though. But he has 8 years so he might become more nationalist yet, we'll have to hope and see.
I'll be happy for every thing that kills leftism even a bit. Your ideology is pure cancer that is destroying civilization.
Now leftists are making up shit about erectile dysfunction for Trump? He's 71 years old, it would be pretty normal at his age, and even if he did have it, you know this thing called viagra exists, so you can bet your ass he is banging his hot model wife every day.
>don't see a single American republican that voted against their own interests when they voted Trump.
Ever hear of "poor blue collar workers"?
Yes. They all voted for their interests when they voted Trump. Democrats have been destroying the white working class for decades by flooding the country with sub 70 IQ illegal shitskins that do their jobs for criminally small pay, ruin their neighborhoods by moving in, and make every city in USA unsafe with drastic amounts of violent crime.
Literally every person who voted Trump voted in their own interests, which is general wellbeing and safety.
no they're all posted by "iamvycky". It's one person.
Drumpf supporters vote against their own economic interests
The photo is rotated. He's actually going up a hill.
I smell a leaf... Someone get my rake.