Reminder that this is considered perfection on SS.
Reminder that this is considered perfection on SS
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if this guy came from complete skelly in a relatively short period of time, than yes this is good progress
Is it true he quit lifting?
He got so fat he probably got stretch marks and shit. Bulking like that does nothing good for you, no point gaining a bunch of fat
>brb gaining 90% fat and 10% muscle
Sustainable that lad
>not keeping with the times
Rippetoe has a new protege
he'd look decent if he got a tan
udder perfection
That is because the program is about getting stronger, as fast as possible.
Nobody ever claimed SS was about making someone look aesthetic.
And he got fatter.
His over head presses are the most disgusting thing I've ever seen
He posted a very nice 275 strict press on his snapchat
But you gain stretch marks whether you gain muscle or fat regardless
>gained 90% fat and 10% muscle
Gonna need a before and after on this guy
this was years ago, how does he look now?
Its like bench pressing while dancing the limbo
what bothers me the most after all these years is that rippetoe tried to sell zachs progress with his "lean body mass" bullshit, implying that all the bodyweight and fat he gained was "mostly muscle mass" while doing really generous bodyfat estimations and not considering the bloat from GOMAD
>Bench pressing
>strict press
it's fucking standing flat bench press
>not having a legion of young manlets that you satiate your feeding fetish with.
the 315 press in that webm is his """"""""olympic press""""""""""""
I was saying he had posted an actual press of 275 or thereabouts on his snap chat, indicating that he does some some sort of upper body strength
You gain very little muscle over your lifetime (maybe 30lbs for a normal guy). And you do it very slowly, so stretch marks may be minimized
Ballooning up like crazy and turning into a fatso is much worse and can really fuck your skin up. Not to mention possible loose skin when you cut.
Did he stop because of the abuse he got on the internet?
I think he was blissfully unaware of it all
Didn't Rip claim this was 18% body fat?
Zach Evetts
March 1, 2010
Bodyweight: 242
Bodyfat % measured at 7 skinfold sites (equation detailed below): 20.95%
LBM: 191.29 lbs.
Bodyweight increase in 15.4 weeks: 25 lbs
191.29 - 177.07 = 14.22 lbs. LBM increase
14.22/25 = 56.8% of gain as LBM, .92 lb./week
Equation: 1.112 - .00043499(x) + .00000056(x^2) - .0028826(age) = body density
(4.57/body density - 4.142)100 = Bodyfat %
Skinfold total: 162mm, 7 sites measured and marked
Equipment used: Lange Skinfold Caliper (Cambridge Scientific)
Current pictures below, without a shirt for those of you "into" this sort of thing.
Now, it may be that I don't know how to use skinfold calipers, but you assume that at your PERIL. These pictures clearly show a male at about 20-22% bodyfat. It may even be that I shopped the pictures, but I know even less about that than I do lighting. The fact is that Zach has gained 78 lbs. in 6 months, 46 lbs. of which is LBM. His squat has gone from 145 x 5 to 345 x 5. Anyone who says otherwise is either calling me a liar or is saying that I don’t know how to weigh and measure bodyfat. That’s fine, and we can settle it whenever you want to. Anyone who says that skinfold caliper testing in the hands of an experienced operator is inaccurate compared to hydrostatic weighing is unfamiliar with the procedures. Furthermore, Zach is not taking steroids, and anybody who claims this is full of shit, as is anyone who says that X lbs. of LBM/year are the absolute maximum that can be gained. We do it here all the time, and you can too if you do the program correctly.
>Bodyfat % measured at 7 skinfold sites (equation detailed below): 20.95%
lmao is that a joke