How much do you Press, Veeky Forums?

How did you break your plateau?

Do you believe shoulders respond best to high or low frequency training?

What's your go-to isolation exercise for juicy delts?

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125 lb 1RM as a 170 lb skelly
I mix up my rep ranges on OHP all the time, so I haven't failed to progress yet.

IDK but I try to stick to higher rep ranges because of shoulder issues that hurt when I go heavy, but I try to do bigger volume.

Any rear delt stuff like read delt raises or face pulls, I love the way that big rear delts look and want them for myself too.

I got up to 140x5 but now I'm down to 130x4 after cutting

Got to 145x4 and 155x1 and having a really tough time getting more than that.

Bench is stalled as well. I'm adding more chest and shoulder work.

This but as a 5'8 built fat manlet. Same weight.



t. one month in

155lb 1rm strict press and 130 for 6 strict at 200lb bw
85lb per hand db seated presses for around 5 reps

i broke my 130 plateau by bulking and training shoulders once to twice a week

i believe they respond to a mixture of both, but i never fatigue on shoulders (i might not be training them enough

and for nice looking delts i would say do your lateral raises and upright rows, fuck doing rear delts tho, hard as shit and never change for me.

60kg for 3 reps

I did lateral raises to help moi..

Was 190x2 strict, took a break from the gym, currently 140x3

Rising pretty steadily though

100 for 10 reps recently

Haven't had a plateau yet

Shoulders respond best to high frequency training

Lateral raises are the BEST I highly recommend it to anyone having trouble with OHP

65 per hand standing dumbbell OHP. About 4 reps. That's a total of 130, which isn't bad!

Literally how... what's your routine? I've been one month in but max I could do was 50lbs/8reps

1 pl8 (60 kg/132 lbs) x 3
You progress with volume. I find RM calculations on the anterior delt pretty hard to make. 5RM is not 87% of the 1RM and 12RM is definitively not 67% of 1RM. Despite the general rule "small muscle, high reps" I personally find deltoids fatiguing pretty fast. With the barbell I tend to prefer 1-repping with the clean and press or 5-repping with OHP. With dumbbells, seated shoulder press is in the 5~8 rep range.
I don't and I won't do any behind-the-neck variant. I've seen roiding faggots using a smith machine to perform a one-arm behind-then-neck press. It may be less troublesome, or it may be useless gimmick. I won't know since I won't ever touch the smith machine in my life.

>Lateral raises
not exactly the same delts.. an incline db bench would make more sense tbqh. doing both won't hurt obviously

Fuck that. You don't need isolation for shoulders, I got my ohp to 210 with 0.0 isolation work.

You just need to do volume and frequency and try harder.

Btw I prefer behind the neck press nowadays

I'm stalled at 90lbs right now

For reference I only weigh 105lbs

>I only weigh 105lbs
are you a girl (female) or a girl (male)?

Been stuck at 100lbs for literally 4 months. I've tried adding more volume at a lower weight after my sets. Sometimes I even regress on some workouts and have to deload. All my other lifts are going up steady. My body weight has gone up a good 20lbs but ohp ain't budging lel.

I'm convinced it's probably a form issue.

Is it okay to do OHPs and bench presses on the same day?

5'10 135lbs
160lbs of The Press for 3 reps.

Yes. It's pretty common. It's the standard in a PPL too.

most recently did 145 lbs 3x5 and 1RM'd about a month ago and hit 170 lbs

I want to start doing OHP but am scared I'm going to rip my shoulders out of their sockets. How to do/increase weight without fucking my shit up?

it is mechanically impossible for that to happen

0 because my shoulder is fucked and I'm scared of making it worse

>I don't and I won't do any behind-the-neck variant
you should it burns like a motherfucker

i do, ohp, seated behind the back, lat raises, upright row, seated dumbbell press

gunna add lat cable raises soon too

I used to do 130 for reps. Amount of struggle I've gone trough to OHP 1pl8 is unbelievable.
I do split now

I will just say you are a fucking retard if you use the same intensity and volume all the time and wonder why you cant do more.


135lbs for 6 reps and usually do it 3 sets
ive been lifting for 1.8 months

meant to say 1.8 years my bad kek


50 kg / 110 lbs x 4
want to get it x5 next workout

i hit 160 for 5, and then i stopped doing heavy ohp and do 65 pound Bradford Presses for 3-4xF and my delts have gotten juicy, also lat raises with impeccable form are the go to

i always do ohp afer bench on push days

never gunna make it

135x2, 4 months in. 6'3 188

Imo OHP is not a good shoulder excercise for hypertrophy/bodybuilding, if you want big shoulders Lateral raises are your best bet

>Btw I prefer behind the neck press nowadays


A superior and yet often demonized overhead lift that does way more for strength, size and overall health of all three heads of the deltoids than any other.

I replaced OHP entirely with BTNP.

>Stuck at 111 lbs OHP for months
>Train OHP 3x a week, always prioritize it over bench
>Say "fuck it" and tell myself I'm going to take as much time as I need to get the volume to break this plateau
>End up doing triples, doubles, and singles with 5-10 minutes rest between sets for like 2 hours
>Get a bad case of tendonitis
>Still stalled

posted in the wrong thread because i'm a retard

BTN is simply not worth it considering the risks, at least for me. There's nothing really magical revolving around BTN. It's risky. I prefer to target all my delts and my rotator cuffs with safer individual exercises. I don't have any mobility issues but I want to be sure to proceed like this. Yeah I could use a very wide grip ("Klokov does them that way"). Yeah I could warm up, adopt proper form and so on. Still too risky. Once shoulders are gone, they're gone. Even with wide grip and perfect form, supraspinatus will impinge in the subacromial area at least. No, it won't just "highlight pre-existing shoulder problems" as the mantra spread by the (absolutely reputable) Thibaudeau says. You will need to recover from this strain, additionally to the recover needed because of the exercise per se.
I see you do upright rows as well. Hopefully you're not doing it with a narrow grip. Best of luck to you. Maybe switch to lat raises sometimes.

You need some delts too; you may need it even more if you don't have wide shoulders or if you are the stereotypical skinnyfat.

Nice meme.

Why not both

111 lbs 5RM*

stuck on the empty bar desu (~1 month, 140lbs, 5'7" female). started empty on everything and bench hasn't stalled at all so far (70 now, adding 5 every time) but this I had to drop to 40, now back where I was. I'm guessing I just need longer rest times (I can do like, three sets) and to wait for my bench to go higher. also it's impossible to actually rest the bar on my shoulders so that may be tiring me. sux tho

it amazes me how women are so fuckin weak


been doing 25 rep of 80s. Lol probably should increase the weight its a fun excercise.

not a meme, its retarded to do bench and ohp on the same day and if you're doing incline bench with them aswell, wowee don't think you could get more retarded

Why not? Just be smart about it. If you train the big four and do an upper lower split (PPL is for fags) then you'd have a bench focused upper day with ohp as supplemental work and a ohp focused day with bench as supplemental

I find cutting volume by ~50% and intensity by ~5-10% for the supplemental lift to be a good way to go.

Upper Day 1:
>Bench 5x10@65%
>OHP 3x10@60%
>Some sort of horizontal row
>tricep / shoulder isolation to work on weak points

Upper Day 2:
>OHP 5x10@65%
>Bench 3x10@60%
>some sort of vertical 'row' (do some fucking chins)
>tricep / shoulder isolation to work on weak points

Explain how it's retarded.

Ok, champion, your memetic contrarian opinion has been duly noted in the DYEL annals. Have a nice day!

inb4 brosplit or "shoulders on leg day"
I'm calling it

are triceps the first muscle that should be gassed in the OHP? They mainly do the lift

It'll be whatever your weakest muscle in the chain is. If it's your triceps than that's what it is. Why worry about should?

are you sure you're using a wide enough grip?

225 max at 162 lbs

PPL may be for fags but you bench 5x10 and thats for literal retards.

You can lift with me bby desu.

because you want to do either as the first exercise of the session, and if you're doing both you obviously can't

not my fault you retards need a routine written for you that you follow blindly

>he doesn't do hypertrophy work

how's your first week of starting strength going there champ?

Just started lifting did 3x5 at 88lbs

>I'm retarded and I make assumptions.
Ah, another clear case of Dunning–Kruger effect. Mystery solved.

Not that guy but he's right, OHP and bench press are both core lifts that work out a huge amount of muscle groups. You're not given the optimum for whatever lift isn't the first.
I'd feel totally fucked if I did both lifts in one session, and not in a good way. Don't you?

160 for my one rep max with no bounce.

If you don't feel fucked you're not pushing yourself hard enough ;) When I started my OHP was 40kg for 5 reps, got it up to 60kg pretty quick and I always did it on the same day as bench. I don't do that anymore, but it worked.

You got noob gains when you started lifting? Shocker!

Went from 135lbs to 175lbs in 6 days doing Bugenhagen style lifting.

So you're an elite strength athlete huh? Gonna need proof on that

60kg at 85kg is my best
I am super stuck though, mainly cause I don't actually train ohp at all

Benched 95kg the other day, which is nice I guess.

Means I'm probably benching with my shoulders too much, doesn't it?

It still continued to increase over 60kg, sure the rate of increase slowed but it didn't stop. It may not be the most efficient method but it worked in my experience

do more volume

Not him, but body weight has very little impact on OHP, and on top of that those strength standards are heavily skewed.

I know tons of people that have hit "intermediate" within a couple of months of lifting - myself included, yet it supposedly takes a year...

785 5x3



>155lbs 1RM
>150lbs BW

You have to realize that 225 is world class for that bodyweight.
>very little impact
Wrong. When you get closer to 2pl8 you'll realize how ridiculous it sounds

I'm not the guy claiming 225 @ 162, but consider that form is a major factor here. If he's doing a clean and press instead of a strict press (as was done in the olympics until 1972), then 225 @ 162 is very believable—the world record at 75 kg bodyweight is 166.5 kg.

I'm 5 pounds away and I have been for a while feelsbadman. Close to getting 3x BW deadlift though.

120 x 3

I like doing heavy presses, then lighter drop sets.

About five months in. Tomorrow working set is 140 for 1x5. Wish me luck brehs. Texas method

95 on a good day with 3 scoops of pre, 10 hours of sleep and finding out a high school bully died. I can pull 2pl8 but can't get to fucking 1pl8 ohp. I started at 50 and got this far but still

>Not that guy but he's right
Oh yeah, definitively not that guy. Better train only one compound per session, right? Brosplits are the ultimate way to succeed, mmh? On a PPL you can't alternate bench and OHP in Push days' exercise ordering, mmh? God forbids training incline bench and OHP in the same session, they train the same muscles but in a twisted different dimension, such that only fatigue is shared. On the next Push day, eventually starting with OHP, you'll feel really untrained in the upper pecs and anterior delts department.
Yeah. Awesome. gg.

You get a much deeper stretch with btn variants, don't be stubborn work in all reasonable rom. Doesn't have to be Smith machine

>Not even bodyweight
Kek boardshits strikes again

BTW 210 isn't actually that great an ohp

I've put up 220 I said 210 before isolations

What's your ohp baby girl? Bodyweight metrics are for manlets

130 for 3 reps. I'm 143 lb manlet.

55lbs x 5
I'm 160lbs
this shit is hard

120 3x6

i only go down to my chin, not to my collar bone.

I don't like it, do like a db variant instead of the barbell lift to shift focus. Bench and ohp both use a ton of triceps and front delt, using dbs will allow you to use slightly less triceps and front delt, both db bench and db ohp (still lots of front delt but more lateral delt as well as less triceps dependant)

Everything responds better to higher frequency, but one must be cautious of overtraining. In terms of low weight/high reps vs high weight/low reps, as a rule of thumb any push exercise (including squats) responds best to low weight/high reps, while pull exercises (including deads) respond best to high weight/low reps. That doesn't mean you should never go heavy for pushes or light for pulls, just that the emphasis (how you predominantly train each) should be different. This makes sense from an evolutionary biology standpoint, as most pushes performed by our ancestors would usually never be greater than your bodyweight and some (such as OHP) would be decidedly less than your BW. Conversely, pulls (such as pull-ups or deads) could frequently be your bodyweight or greater. Training effectively means training in the way that your body responds best to, which means undrstanding the evolutionary adaptations of the body and playing to their respective strengths.

>omg it's an "elite" lift!
>omg it's literally a WORLD CLASS LIFT!

Okay, so I just went to look this up since you obviously don't know what the fuck you're talking about. The lift is "advanced": "The lifter has taken a consistent and structured approach to strength training and dieting for multiple years. At this level, the individual is among the strongest in an average commercial gym. "

Multiple years of trying hard is really that unbelievable to you?

195 at 220

Not great I know but doesn't make yours any less unimpressive.

About 5 weeks in 75lbs 5x5.


Try alternating 5x5 OHP one day and 5x5 Bench the next

Helped me

You get mild inflammation if you're fucking your tendons up. It will be pretty noticable, and will get worse as you accrue more damage. You're not just gonna be pressing and suddenly TOO MUCH TENDON IS CHEWED THROUGH GG

Stop being a fucking pussy

I just started doing OHP after like 5 years of lifting. Bad shoulder and always avoided it.

1RM 145, 5x5 125.

155lbs BW, 5' 7".

Flat bench 1RM is 245.


That is me at 10lbs less than you pressing 15lbs more at 7 months lifting. Fuck off kid