Why does National junk food day exists? when most people eat bad?

Why does National junk food day exists? when most people eat bad?

Name a country but USA which has ones.

All those people look so fake.


We don't, just like we don't have a god damned National Donut Day or a National Cat Day. They're made up holidays. Can't throw a dead cat at a calendar anymore without hitting a stupid made up holiday like National Leave Your Baby In A Hot Car Day.



It doesn't exist. Someone like 15 years ago last Thursday made up all these special "national x day" garbage and put it on the internet. It's not real. It's the normie form of Cleveland steamers and donkey punches.

that's right goyim! And don't forget to send all of your friends and relatives Hallmarkā„¢ Cards to mark the occasion!


>National Leave Your Baby In A Hot Car Day
That was July 12, and did that shit. Now I don't have a baby for next year's NLYBIAHC Day.

If you impregnate a girl today, you willz



I'm too sad to eat junk food

National Rape A Girl With No Consequences Day isn't until November.

Maybe you'll get lucky and she'll have a premie



