Hi Veeky Forums, been doing SS for four months, can i get a form check on my PRESS?

Hi Veeky Forums, been doing SS for four months, can i get a form check on my PRESS?

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>4 months of ss
>already 315lbs on incline bench

you doing great/astonishing op what more you want to hear

Not you.

B) shit form since he is leaning back too much... might as well just do bench presses.

your form is like your calf's bitch, non-existent

Don't worry, one day you will be able to deadlift this weight

Rippetoe said his form was fine, retards.

By what standards?

That's actually how presses were done back in the Clean&Press days.

Standing incline bench.

weak fuckers

Rippetoe said this is passable form on his forum. Jesus Christ

>your form is like your calf's bitch
>calf's bitch
How can you be so fucking retard. Tell me more about the bitch his calf has and how you don't understand basic English syntax.

Standards of doing OHP instead of standing bench press.

Impressive. I doubt anyone in this thread shitting on his form can get half that weight over their head. The ones who mention rippetoe probably struggle with a third.

Who is this albino negromancer and why is he wearing a belt for fucking OHP?

Belt is GOAT for OHP when it's heavy.

inb4 OP slips a disc

Don't bent the spine like that, the forward lean is with the hips. Spine and legs stay locked.
If you can assume that position without bending the spine, do it.
Assume that position before you start lifting the weight. After the bar leaves your chest you shouldn't lean forward any more.

Besides that pretty good. Very impressive weight for 4 months.

thats not op


not op. but I find it hard to differentiate extension from neutral spine bending back from the hips, very similar sensation

so you lifted what you did + what the belt lifted?

Thought you were going to break in half senpai

You're a retard. The belt let's you tense your abdominal muscles more tightly, giving your spine better support. It's still your muscles doing the work.

This illustrates the limitations of weightlifting. This guys will ruin himself at a very young age doing shit like this. I appreciate the amount of weight he manged to do, but that is a poor lift and will not benefit him in the long run.

That's the main problem I have with Rip. Do you want to be him at 50?

Why do people give a fuck what rippletoe says?

not your abnominal muscles

That's Chase Lindley a few weeks ago btw

Think about the top of your femurs, not about the hips.

While we're at it, can I get a form check too?

Keep the knees locked, try to use more the hips.
You seem to be bending you back a little, it's hard to see.

Mfw people who probably can't press a plate talk about shit form on a 315 ohp


Choose between push press or overhead press. You're just half-assing both at the moment.

>calf's bitch

You're not Chase

Man I can't even lift a small portion of what this guy is doing and I'm already doing this standing bench press shit on the latter half of my reps. I try to flex/stiffen my core but it doesn't help at all on the later reps when I start struggling. Really bumming me out that I can't even finish 3 sets of 5 for my OHP days

for fuck sake, I've seen this egolifting video over and over here

"Your" elbows should not be out in front of the bar at the start like that, and "you" need to push your hips forward BEFORE beginning to push the bar, not after.

After a certain point with OHP you have to start either incrementing less than 5 lbs per session (say 2.5 lbs like Rippetoe suggests on bench) or if that doesn't work then start increasing the volume you do at lower weights. The ability to increase 5 lbs each time on OHP goes away very quickly.

Why did they remove it?
Oh wait

>Do you want to be him at 50?

You mean independently secure, doing pretty much whatever the fuck you like, and drinking whiskey you made on your roof?

I'd take that offer on the spot

SNAP CITY 1mile away

you're doing a bit of a push press, keep your knees in place and dont swing the bar before starting
also complete the eccentric, the bar should go back to the starting position, so that you can reset, breath and brace.
it seems like a shortcut but it actually hinders your core stability

Push press not ohp

Looks good
You faggots are 100% wrong. Either actually read SS or watch rips video on OHP online. He specifically says to use a "bounce" from your hip hinge. Don't ever post on this board again. Youre banished.

never understood why this video is such a big deal. quite a few people can do 315 incline press

put your head under the bar faster. it will be much easier. you are doing it almost at lockout when you should be doing it the moment you can (bar just passing forehead)

he also teaches deadlift and cleans wrong

That's presumably a heavy 1 rep for you so it's fine.

The 'stand perfectly upright' meme is just that.

Great rep I'm miring.

youre late with that unfunny joke

youre right you know better, not saying hes the god of knowledge but you faggots definitely don't know better

i never said i know better. there are tutorials on youtube from olympic medalists like torokhtiy on how to do cleans as well as world class powerlifters on deadlift.

are you saying those guys have no idea what they are talking about?

a 315 overhead press is insane

anyone who has actually hit this, how long did it take?

say hello to all the people in snap city from me op

Woah Chase Lindley looked like THAT a few weeks ago? SS not even once

Shut up nigger there is no consensus among that community on how to do fucking anything.

Cleans aren't even on the SS syllabus.

Dumb cunt.

You guys don't honestly think this form is ok right? This is the bullet train to snap city

Of course not. What I am saying is the differences aren't anywhere near as glaring or important as you suggest. Youre acting as if rippitoes says to do DLs upside down and do cleans under water or something. Calm your autism.

Of course its fucked but still most cant even bench 315 so even that fucked OHP is still impressive.

Pipe down fuckboy.

>Cleans aren't even on the SS syllabus.
nice meme

If you can the press 315, you can do it however the fuck you want to do it. Anyone who complains about it is a cock sucking bitch.

there aren't many people that can PRESS that heavy

this is what press is not that garbage OP linked


>sure, he can press 315 in a sorta wonky form
>But I'm actually stronger because of form, even though I can barely press a plate

This is how you all sound. Like a bunch of catty fucking women. Man up

That's a strict press, and he also twists on the way up, which isn't ideal either. I don't see you crying your bitch nigger tears about that.

when people talk about press they usually mean strict press just like when they ask you how much you lift they are asking about 1rm

but good to know that next time people want to know how much i press i can inflate my numbers by 20 kg and tell them my push press

>when people talk about press they usually mean strict press

But it clearly fucking isn't because OP says he is doing the starting strength programme, you clueless dyke retard.

that's what I'll do from now on too on Veeky Forums as I assume it from everyone else when I look at some of the dyel bodies posted with the claimed numbers... my press just went from 1.5 pl8 to 2 pl8, feelsgoodman

Olympic press form won't give you another half plate you moron.

i'm telling people my quarter squat next time they ask about my squat

The fact that you even quarter squat in the first place makes it clear that you will never make it.

top kek

i don't but i will because apparently all that matter is that exercise variation has its name in it regardless of its prefix

The OP didn't give 'press' any prefix you deluded nigger.

Fuck off and do your quarter squats like a good cuck.

it will actually give you more, towards the end some olympic pressers had presses close to their Jerk max.

and my .5 pl8 increase is from strict to push press, which is still far from a good jerk

case in point: 230 kg clean and press


255 CJ by same guy

for some other ratios: Dmitry Klokovs personal bests are 245 kg Jerk, 225 kg Push press and 165 kg strict press. If he bothered to train olympic press he could get close to his push press, around 215 kg easily.

The olympic press gives the same advantage as a push press.

given Chase lindleys 315 lbs olympic press 1RM, he could hit a strict 220-230 with textbook form, which is still outstanding

and to actually elaborate, the explanation is fairly simple. The hardest point of a strict press is the "sticking point" at about head level.

A push press bypasses this sticking point by additional acceleration from the leg drive; An olympic press bypasses the point by relative motion of the body downwards while the bar stays at the same point. A jerk uses both, leg drive and relative motion.

Size of the cunt at 2:08