Why aren't you going vegan Veeky Forums ? Even clarence0 did the jump

Why aren't you going vegan Veeky Forums ? Even clarence0 did the jump


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Because I am going to eat like my DNA demands so of me. Gaze upon my work of fine perfection.

Can we ban those vegan morons forever?

Why would I?

I didn't read the first part of OP and thought you meant steroids

Why are you staying natty Veeky Forums?

>brown people feed


You may like my other creation I used for the "ethics" and "enviromentalism" that the vegan shills forced me to make lol. Could even add a carbon footprint of africa to make them even more butthurt if I wanted to.

To avoid all sorts of diseases

I'm already vegan and making natty gains every day

>Even clarence0 did the jump
and made 99% of his progress before switching to it and due to steroids

>Avoid legumes

Considering going vegan after reading such a fucking stupid chart

>spirits rarely

Red is vegan, blue is keto
Enjoy your nigger food

It's great this dumb netflix generation is flocking to veganism. Better for the planet, and better meat for me as a result. A win-win.

and the floor is lava, there are just search trends not amount of people on these diet styles

>drink "raw" (ie: unpasteurized) milk
>avoid potatoes (potatoes are demonized by ketofags, there's nothing wrong with starch)
>avoid legumes (which includes all beans, I don't even know why this is on here)
>avoid gluten ("oh no, not WHEAT PROTEIN!")
>avoid vegetable oils (they should be considered healthy fats)


He also said he doesn't feel a slight difference from the 2 diets.

5 out of 6 vegans drop out of their diet


>mfw OP is a moron who fails to realize that clarence is on all kinds of steroids

>If you eat refried beans or bean burritos, you're familiar with the common bean cultivar, pinto beans (Phaseolus vulgaris). Probably originating from South America, common beans were unknown in Europe until introduced by early Spanish explorers in the 1500s.

I guess thats why, seems reasonable. The rest seems to check out mostly. The vegetable oils are fugging cancer crap that should not exist, another jew attack vector most likely. Though olive oil is the best. Potatoes are also not european. Gluten...that is bs a bit, maybe should change that a bit in favor of something faggot organic complex carbs.

Because vegans are fucking obnoxious and I don't want to be associated with you people.

>Nordic food
>avoid brown people feed
>drink kefir, a Turkic drink


Can I follow this diet if I'm a brown haired, hazel eyed caucasian manlet (5'11)?

well, it is somewhat russian too, not just turkic. Hm, not sure about its value then. Things like yeast overgrowth and stomach bacteria going haywire are somewhat undocumented in severity. May be a bit too...personal then. The bone broth however is very european. But you know, if you eat too many sugers, eat the chlorinated sugar replacements that kill your gut biome, you may need to heal it. But I dontk now the stats on this topic. If it was past 51% of the population then there would be reason to include it I guess.

I believe that the links to the analasys of what the different tribes ate, range between 40% to 60% of meat eating. If you are italian however, closer to the south of europe this chart is not that good for you I think.

And if you are a race mixer, well then. You are in a huge fucktown of unknowns and there is no way to know how your body will respond.

The european people can eat fatty meats better and still be healthy, even have healthyish ldl to hdl levels. But the process may break up if they eat too much sugar and meats together, creating a killer combo.

What I would suggest is simply googling your nations history, where your blood comes from and eat the foods before the modern trade and/or industrialism.

>Avoid high-carb fruit

What are you talking about you filthy carnivore?
I love eating rice and beans and hummus everyday like some arab peasant

gaze upon your lands, at best we have cherries, apples, and berries all around us. We did not eat niggerapples up until recently. Those cant be good for us.

Vegetable oils oxidize when they're processed hence why they're unhealthy.
Only oils that should be consumed are ones that are cold pressed.

Whoops! better stop eating all of those, not very European at all.

those actually are not that terrible still compared to foreign fruits you know. Doesnt give you an excuse to buy nigger apples, nigger "banana's" and all sorts of assortments of nigger grown, nigger made foods.

Besides, not every region had all of them at the same time, or did they?

When did I name pineapples and bananas, I don't eat them anyway since they make me nauseous
All of those fruits were available everywhere and are high-carb

I'm mexican, should I just stick to...
>carne asada

well I dont know many of the origin points of these fruits, on how often the european man has consumed them. In which quantities, and when certain fruits were brought in from neighboring european countries.

So the "no nigger fruits" just seems apt unless you really want to do more investigation on this.

Still though, probably seasonal at best. Will remain as such. Coupled with the small amounts in the food pyramid a somewhat negative connotation of them should remain.

>probably seasonal at best
No shit, christ you're dense
Let me just go pick my apples in winter

Like I said, if you start to race mix, it becomes a clusterfuck of fuck you. Spanish...plus indian aztec people genetics, kinda mixed up? Some switches switching? I know that disease resistance is one thing that combines from both regions, kinda, but for diet its a giant unknown.

At the very least one should always avoid the modern food practices, no matter what race, those things are pure poison to everything.

But yea I think your diet would be more plant oriented, though very few races exist that could go full herbivore. I think none actually. You are probably near 40% of animal products.

I remember loosely that some people used cold cellars, and permafrost as some sort of fridge. Probably storing it longer out of season. And since there was a mini ice age...well perhaps such a thing is possible. Though not sure. I think the amount of those things should still remain very small.

also to add to that post: if you truly want to know what your optimal diet could be, go over those vegan pastebins that tried to counter me. There are studies from okinawa, from china, to a bunch of other different nations still.

Nothing is ever so simple as the high sugary western diet may complicate them as well, but it could be a useful thing still to see what could work and what could not, for your race.

Also, SOME foreign foods and substances may be good and beneficial, maybe in supplement forms, of which they researched them too.

But almost nobody takes in the racial factor into all of this. And even when they do they just lump all the whites together into one group. The italians, and the swedes...not very good. That is why such a huge divide probably also still exists in the dietary world.

Huh, thanks.
I'm half Italian and half Austrian.