Goal Body Thread

Post your goal body




shame he won't win an olympia until he learns english

roids and synthol. brilliant fucking goal.



Thank you, it's a good goal.

what a shite goal, guys like this are freakshows but not in a fun circus way


>handsome as fuck
>married a single mother that can't have anymore children
What a waste of good genes

why would you want to look like this

Cuz it's hot.




you want to look like a diddler?

Is this achievable natty? Also i want to become black

Just trying to be realistic

How do i achieve this?

No idea who this guy is but yes

Lol how dyel are you?

look into melanotan


You guys hate all you want.

I don't want to look even half this big. But that fucker is impressive you can't deny.

its the classical body that everyone should have...

Maybe its the angle but his legs look waaaay too small. No symmetry to upper body


kek i had this body before i started lifting

He has gross gyno nips and a lumpy pectoral swoop, do better.

Dude can barely move

Never, ever fucking change Veeky Forums, I love you just the way you are.

nice gyno

My goal body is me, but in better shape. Not somebody elses body. That's not even fucking possible you know? Anyway I don't have a picture because I'm not a fucking time traveler.

>not using someone else's body to set a goal of what you are working towards
You're never going to make it. Having a goal you can visably see is great tool, user.

Julian Greux and Jean Claude Van Damme are my goal body type.



If it gets to this point, you know that he's not doing it to attract chicks no more. He's chasing his goal. That's 10000X more attractive than looking like a chad

This but with maybe 5-10 lbs more in muscle. We're about the same height, too.
>inb4 she's gross/her band sucks
I already know.

I'm same height as him too (6'4)

your goal is to look like a trans holocaust survivor?

Does he think he's cool?

If that's what you want to call it, yes. And if I found a woman with a good personality and that body, I'd kiss every square inch of her.

t. bi woman

Dolph Lundgren.


>no supermang
>not learning

And like all Swedes he went black.


He is



>more muscle mass than Serge Nubret

OP, whats your current body?


lift for two years and then cut down to extremely low levels of bodyfat

Arnold, always arnold. Either a little bigger or a little smaller, it doesn't matter. It's all about shape, not size.

Without a doubt

That Biscuit Olvia figurine by the tv

Yes, please.

>goal body is dyel
Who would've guessed.

How do you get that Greek statue stomach?

>trying to hangout with the bros
>that one guy keeps insisting on pulling his pants down and telling you to film him

>that bod
>then that uglyass face



who is that? see that image quite a bit

worse than being obese

>visible abs
>absolutely 0 vascularity

is that shit purely genetic?

he looks like the result of human genetic or tissue engineering

probably because he is



also goal hair

Ive talked to this guy in real life, Strange to see him posted here

I have the same hair too, but would nevert get tattoos of course.


Fucking this, except without the shitty tattoos of course.

>Not knowing what gyno is
>projecting insecurities on people that look better than you
Whew lad.

cultural abropriation


Are you fat?

You must be because a skinny guy wouldn't want a body like that

That is skinny


Stallone was shredded as fuck in the 80's

Currently 24% Body fat. 178cm 75kg atm, the fattest I got was 81kg and the slimmest was like 62, but that was when I was 19.

I don't think one can get that brad pitt's body from snatch just by can't not eating and not doing lift/body weight exercises.

But I wanted to be realistic other wise...

...other wise, I'd really like to have something like Witcher 3 body or pic related.

I'm on no fap you fucking roastie

what a terribly proportioned body
no chest and core all bis and delts for some fucking reason

maybe he just did some strong arm exercises?
Anyway i choose the wrong pic, it was this one.

steady your hand brother!

>get that brad pitt's body from snatch
>just by can't not eating and not doing lift/body weight exercises.
Nigga what happened to your brain?

i just don't understand how he got those delts while doing body weight bullshit

>reading skills -10

how to be femme orc barbarian mode?

He's right, I have no idea what the fuck you were trying to say.

be born a nigger

you're both right, i left the word {can't} and fucked up the whole sentence.

>I don't think one can get that brad pitt's body from snatch just by not eating and not doing lift/body weight exercises.

Tom Selleck

>"Change? Yep, big change!"

Genetics + low bf + steroids

Whoops, meant to reply to