I've got a Vegan lifter, he's about 160 lbs. How do I support him... as far as nutritionally to recover-

>I've got a Vegan lifter, he's about 160 lbs. How do I support him... as far as nutritionally to recover-
>Rippletoe: "He's got an eating disorder. And... I don't know

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You shouldn't listen to Rip, he unironically publically denied man-made climate change

The very worst think you can say is
>Guy is wrong about X
>But doesn't mean he is wrong about Y
Rippletoe is one of the few people in the world qualified enough to talk about strength training for natural beginners. So when he says Vegans are not compatible with strength training, he is saying that as an expert in the field.

That's funny because I've been vegan since before I vegan lifting and I'm just fine.

lol k

>qualified to talk about strength training

>10000 vegans try to be strong
>only 1 succeed
>vegans think this is an accomplishment

he can talk about strength training till his blue in the face but his knowledge on diet and nutrition is zero

>Rippletoe is one of the few people in the world qualified enough to talk about strength training for natural beginners. So when he says Vegans are not compatible with strength training, he is saying that as an expert in the field.
He is not a registered dietician, he isn't even a nutritionist. You defeated your own point
>vegans are not compatible with strength training
Name one nutrient INHERENTLY lacking from a vegan diet
>pic related, no supplements

Round 2
Name ONE animal product that covers so many nutrients alone

Round 3
smoothie for lunch, wraps and a salad for lunch, pasta for dinner


This is only 100g, 191kcals worth.

And 7lbs of peas. Good 1 cuck.

Vegans are undeniably more appealing than any other group.

Wow, only 100g to exceed your daily recommended intake of cholesterol twice from scrap literally nobody eats in a meaningful frequency
>lol 7 lbs
The point was to show you what is feasible with a single, cheap ingredient in a quantity that covers an average male's caloric needs (2500). As in, I am a poor student and I have $5 to get by in the week, what do I eat. You failed to do that so your argument is moot, try again.
Next round, unenjoyable hardboiled eggs (no butter or bacon) vs tofu, adjusted for calories
>still cucking yourself by eating eggs

>I am a poor student and I have $5 to get by in the week
So you eat like 8 cans of peas?

Are you retarded?

>$5 to get by in the week, what do I eat.
As a person that has gotten through situations of extreme poverty, I think I can help you.

My first thought would be lentils, when civil war broke in my country legumes were the staple most people depended on during post-war rationing, extremely cheap and very nutritive. Buy a couple packs of 1kg, maybe another of rice, and spend the rest in something with lots of fats, like eggs and/or olive oil and also some seasoning to add to everything. Seasoning is important, you have to avoid the bland factor because bland food leaves you hungry. If you have the correct seasoning anything tastes good, so also spare some money (less than a dollar) in curry and/or black pepper, I use it in pretty much everything myself.

And I shouldn't have to say this, but if you are like this you should stop immediately taking coffee, tobacco or whatever superfluous and non-nutritional thing immediately (with the exception of a few spices mentioned above).

And when things go back to being good use that what I've told you and be wise enough to stock up on basic and cheap foods.

I'm not poor lol, I was trying to make a point that vegan foods can be cheap, fully nutritious even with the tiniest variety, high protein etc but some retards keep missing the point
I am pretty frugal though, dw. Thanks for caring. Sorry you had to go through hard times, hope you're making mad cash and slaying lots of fresh pussy

The reason i know you dont make any money is you dont understand how hard it is to get a well balanced diet on the road.

>3205g of peas

Read and , you're missing the point

>3205 grams
>over 7 pounds
>of peas

Name one single animal product that is affordable and covers this many nutrients within 2500 kcal

>he doesn't realise that the food is fortified with b12 and thus essentially a supplement

Meh, he's talking about a 160lbs guy and a skinny highfashion highschool girl that used to lie about food... that kind of people needs some serious adjustement before they can lift, and being vegan takes away the cheat he uses for other skinny teenagers, the milk.
It's easier for vegetarians or piscatarians, pure vegans have to supplement a lot of shit, but in theory it should be doable.

>3205 grams of peas

>since before I vegan lifting

>he doesn't realise cows are fed/injected B12 so they are technically supplements too

he doesn't realize livestock are fortified with b12 (there's none in their feed) and thus you have no argument

So? Fortified or not it doesn't mean it's lacking. Sooner or later with GMOs vegan diets are going to be so nutritionally rich they'll compete with meat for creatine content. What? Does it mean it won't be "inherently vegan"?

">pic related, no supplements"

What's wrong with cholesterol? It's literally what we make our steroids out of.

>What's wrong with cholesterol?
"Cholesterol is not bad for you" is a meme.
pic related, bye

Wrong - b12 in animals explained: freetheanimal.com/2010/09/dr-seale-any-b12-present-in-animal-foods-is-only-because-of-bacterial-contamination.html

those animals also have different intestinal tracts

point is you can't claim natty is a vegan way of living, I'm all for nutritional gloop a la The Matrix

>I have no argument so I will play the pedantic game of semantics to detract from the actual discussion that you can get all your nutrients from a vegan diet without sublinguals, pills, injections or other shit
Are all omnis like you?

>fortified nooch and soymilk don't count as natty
Holy shit you're dense

natty in the sense of possible without modern science, not natty in the sense of not artificial

blood transfusions are natural but they aren't natty

It can be done naturally if by "natty" you mean "without roids", it can't be done naturally if by "natty" you mean "without presend day technology". However, it's not something that really matters, because right now we have the option, so critizising it simply because it isn't "natural" is basically justifying going to a reiki healing because it's more natural than fixing an infection with antifungal agents. Yes, dogmas are natural, they're not correct.

I'm not criticising it because it isn't natural, I'm criticising people who claim that it is natural and that vegans can subsist without supplementation. I don't see anything wrong with supplementation however.



>possible without modern science
"natty" spring water has B12 I'm sure
But anyway, still, that's a complete strawman. We don't live in that arbitrary context, supermarkets have all kinds of food and you can thrive even if you restrict yourself to whole food vegan options

>taking it in a pill is different from having food fortified with it
oh boy

Well no it isn't but omnis keep arguing that a vegan diet is "unnatural", whatever the hell that means, because "you need to take pills"
Well no, you don't *need* pills, that was the point odf the post.

no, instead the people you buy the food from crush up the pills and mix them in for you

It's cool bro just eat 10,000 calories of pea protein isolate gluten tofu to get that extra 10g of protein you need.

>Name a single plant product that covers that many nutrients without going over 400 grams.
You can't.


Enjoy your "natural" food
Oh, you don't drink pasteurized milk I assume, right? It's unnatural, god knows what the evil mustache twirling scientists put in there
Terrible argument
1) Peanut butter has more calories than 80/20 beef, what are you talking about
2) How fucking short are you that 400 g is satiating for an entire day? My meals have to be at least 0.5 kg, usually more, for me to feel full

Of course not, I hunt antelope in the Serengeti

>gut biome is contamination
This is what vegans actually believe xd

>western diets
>literally comparing veganism with burger diet
Raw veganism is pointless, either way.

Marvelous read, but you have got to be retarded if you seriously think that applies to every single meat eater. It simply states "don't over do your LDL consumption". Are you one of those assholes who eats everything fried because it's healthy as long as it's vegan? No, I forgot you don't eat cooked food.

More research needs to be done, on top of replication of this study. This is preliminary evidence at best.

It's almost as if these researchers were deliberately stupid. Pandas. As fucking simple as that. Fucking pandas. They're carnivore as fuck, from wherever you look at them. They eat 99% bamboo. Not. A. Valid. Argument.
The answer lies mainly on the microbiome - I imagine that it does too in the study above this.

On top of it, I'd have to go on every one of their sources to see if they haven't got anything else wrong.

>The normal low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol range is 50 to 70 mg/dl for native hunter-gatherers
>50 to 70 mg/dl for native hunter-gatherers
>for native hunter-gatherers
I wonder if lifestyle has anything to do with the absorption and metabolization of cholesterol. You should look it up.

Btw, I'm these:

>LDL consumption
Nitpicking but you eat cholesterol which then becomes hdl or ldl. Just so we're on the same page.
>I forgot you don't eat cooked food.
Which one among tipped you off?
I don't see your argument here. X population has Y LDL and X population doesn't get heart disease. So, we should lower our guidelines from Z down to Y to prevent heart disease, like the X population does
They're still humans so same metabolism as you and me, I don't understand what point you're trying to make. I keep that study in my pasta mostly to show it when someone says "look eggs are healthy, this study I found shows 150 Danes who had 130 LDL before eating eggs and 130 8 hours after eating eggs"
Yeah no shit, 1) you should take the second measurement sooner and 2) they were already too high and diminishing returns apply

pasta is pure garbage and nobody should ever eat any of it

Yes, fuck the notion that it is natural. It is not and has never been. There isn't a place in the world where all nutrients can be found naturally in plants. It simply has never been natural. But the inception of agriculture has made it easier and easier each year, and, right now, it is very much possible to have a vegan diet without chugging pills.

I, for one, taking chia seeds every day, at least a table spoon, how is the chia there *not* a supplement? It adds fatty acids and fibre that otherwise would not be present in my food. Is it only the "presentation"? Because my chia seeds certainly "fortify" my food. A mindless categorization.

They HUNT, they eat meat. How is that not a clue about how plasma levels of LDL and LDL consumption having *something* to do with other phisiological factors when between two groups with extremely different lifestyles. Not every person who eats 4000kcal is obese, and there's a reason for that. Not every person who eats lard is going to have dangerous levels of LDL, and there are a shit ton of reasons for that.

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dietary_supplement#Types you seem unclear on what a supplement is.

Or were you being pedantic about semantics?

What's wrong with pasta? I'm eating some right now

>essential food sources
And your point is? All oil that has some sort of essential fatty acid would be a supplement too. The only difference is one is encapsulated in gelatin while the other one isn't.

Or were you being pedantic about semantics?

Obviously this OP is a vegan setting up bait to justify more shilling.

You're so fucking obnoxious and annoying. How do you not see that this constant harassment is just driving people away from veganism?

Literally how in the fuck does it make sense to you to go to a board, spam vegan propaganda everywhere and then, instead of trying to eruditely persuade people to try the diet, simply insult everyone and anyone who dares engage you in a discussion on the nutritional science?

You can't be that fucking stupid can you? Oh wait >vegan

Ripp is amazing, he makes the whole room feel like they're talking about a socially taboo and morbid subject.

causes inflammation in your veins, is a big reason why west is dying to cardiovascular diseases

basically the amount of fucking grinding you have to do to make actual food into pasta is insane, it's processed to the extreme

What is your approach? I'm not OP btw or the 5th quote, I'm the 3 between

Yes, italians have worse problems than americans in regards to cardiovascular health.

You're wasting your breath on these fundamentalists, mate.

They will never accept any rational discourse on how serum cholesterol actually functions. They only know that LDL = BAD AND DEATH and they won't be told otherwise.

The fact that low levels of LDL in the elderly are actually indicators of failing health and a whole host of neurological disorders doesn't matter to them. Nor that there's no proven causal link between high cholesterol and heart disease... They're still running of a decades old 'study' done by an economist that kicked off the whole low-fat meme to begin with. A study that was debunked at the time but still championed by the AHA.

They're operating on science over 50 years out of date at this point.

But it's just one ingredient, durum wheat semolina. It's really that bad for you? I only eat it once a week anyway, but I'll have to look into this.

Probably more to do with the amount of cheese and meat they eat

My approach is to not proselytize my diet like it's edible jesus christ and let people eat what they want unless I'm asked.

I get it, the novelty of your vegan diet has worn off and now you've got to get out there and push it on other people to keep things interesting (because your entire identity revolves around what you eat) but it's not particularly welcome here and I'm sure I don't speak out of turn when I say that.

You know what would encourage more people to adopt a vegan lifestyle? If every vegan they came across wasn't such a self-righteous annoying fucking melt.

That's easily the worst thing about veganism. It's not the food. It's not the lack of delicious meat. It's not the lack of nutrients. It's being associated with some of the whiniest and most annoying people on the planet. Vegans ruin veganism.