Just purchased an altitude training mask and plan to use it with this routine -

Just purchased an altitude training mask and plan to use it with this routine - bodybuilding.com/fun/prison-workout-the-jailhouse-strong-routine.html

The mask has 6 altitude levels and I'm just wandering when I should advance levels, starting at level 1 (3000ft, each level is 3000ft higher, max is 18k).

You got memed. Those masks can't replicate altitude. All they can do is give you a shitty workout.

I'm not really using it for altitude training, just to increase endurance. If that's still a meme, then I'd still like to use my meme effectively. Pls.

Google "Greg Nuckols altitude mask", he will explain how you wasted your money completely on a gimmick there is absolutely no way to benefit from.
Just sell it on eBay to get half your money back at least

Greg "the human foot" Nuckols is even gayer than these stupid masks.

>Buying something without doing any research

user pls

I feel retarded now. Shit.

There's a lot of people trying to rip you off user, sell the thing on ebay (if it's still in original packaging you shouldn't lose too much flipping it) and treat this as a learning experiment. Everyone's been there once, you'd only be retarded if you did it twice.

Kept the box pristine and haven't even used it in an exercise yet. Just put it on to test it. This is definitely a learning experience...

You've wasted your money - congrats.

>Im going to workout while breathing less oxygen

Are you fucking retarded?

It's okay user, I hope this macro makes you feel better.

The only fucking use for this retarded mask is to train in Hamon use

If I pull that off will you die?


I've got vasomotor rhinitis, does forcing myself to breath through nose gives equal effect?

Is...is this a jojo reference?

>he fell for a fitness scam

You're probably one of those who keeps buying "fitness" equipment from TV-shop.

If you took it off, would you die?

OP, don't be insecure so fast because some people onine told you to be. Do your own research and see if it does what you want, because they actually do something, just not the thing most people think.

Why does he wear the mask?

I'm not the one who bought a retarded mask, fruitcake
Also you squat less than half what Greg does so shut up

Was wasting money part of your plan

If I want to use it as a bane mask to dick around is it worth it or should I just buy a bane mask?

>he thinks wearing a mask for max 5 hours out of 168 in a week will help him

Is that the hamon breathing mask?