Veeky Forums
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Health #423
Who here drinking soylent on a Friday night for the gains
Doesn't do exercise
Wearing a singlet?
Is that how surgery works?
About to head to McDonalds
Hexbar master race
What do you lift in?
Is there any disadvantage in making eggs the source of the majority of the protein in my diet?
How racially diverse are your lifting friends?
That guy who still thinks about his highschool oneitis when he's working out
Physical Therapy / Injuries / Health General - Open for Business
Ask a personal trainer anything
First tinder date today
For me, it's the hang power clean
/plg/ Panzer Lifting General
There is literally a hormone called Human Growth Hormone that makes you taller
Veeky Forums approved pre-workout
Why does Veeky Forums still shill against keto and IF when simple CICO has been debunked thoroughly?
BetaDestiny Hate Thread
Why does this man get so much hate on here?
Get the fuck off Veeky Forums if you are:
ITT: We rant about the fitness related thing we hate the most. Ill start
Does your job help your Veeky Forumsness aspirations anons?
How can modern """""strong"""""men even compete?
Does anyone have the Charles Atlas routine in PDF form? Does it actually exist?
What are your thoughts on people like pic related? Alpha male or faggot giving gyms a bad reputation?
What mode is he?
"Your hands are kinda rough user, you need to moisturize"
Is this shit achievable natty? (At 6 foot 4)
Is there a starting trap workout?
Body Building & Survivalism
Is it healthy to be a 5'4" 140 pound woman?
Basement set up
The last video Zyzz liked before he died...
If you're a beta male you probably shouldn't read this little truth bomb. You might go apeshit
What is Veeky Forumss honest opinion on skipping leg day...
Stop fapping
Has anyone checked out Jeff Nippards Workouts? What do you think about the dood?
/Friday Night Feels/ Bar is officially opened. How you holding up Veeky Forums? How's your gym progression going?
145kg x 5 deadlift
Height thread. Post height
Live in a tiny obscure european country
Improving Flexibility & Mobility
Is this physique achievable naturally?
Friday Night Veeky Forums Feels
My PL total is 1305
R8 Veeky Forums
Daily REMINDER that women love FOREARMS and FAST CARS
keto 3 months
Is red meat bad?
If women really like muscle then why does my mom always say that i am getting to muscular...
Pushup Thread
Post your fav 3 exercises, rate others, feel free to add why those
/run/ general
Anyone else feel like god never intended for them to bench?
*blocks your path in the locker room*
Honest feedback
How the hell do i eat 3,000 cal a day?
I fucked up
Gym bard starts playing your song as you walk in
I'm the master of quads
When did you realize genes mean everything?
/fat/ - Friday Night Edition
Transformation thread
ITT: Post your body goals Veeky Forums
Leave Veeky Forums for a year
Should a penis be this thin I know I'm small (4 inches erect) but it being this thin just seems unnatural is it just...
Worst Veeky Forums related injuries
Who here has acne?
It's an episode of user thinking about how much time he's wasted on Veeky Forums and how it didn't benefit his life...
Veeky Forums I made a thing
That first cyp of the week
This is my routine. Please inspect
I wouldn't be a manlet if I was born 50 years ago
Are deadlift just a meme? Or do they have some value
Enter gym
What does it even actually do?
When is it acceptable to use a belt for squat?
Have you got your sip for the day?
Gym cringe thread
Commonly overlooked Simple tips
Only my right shin gets scraped when doing deadlifts
Daily reminder that veganism will kill your testosterone and make you unable to breed
Does Veeky Forums meet her expectations as an ideal man?
Who else is going /bateman man/ here?
People who only do dumbell bench GTFIH
Surgery doesn't fix being fa-
5 Inch dick
Whats the best routine for a twink looking for a muscle daddy bf Veeky Forums?
What happened?
Let's talk male beauty
What food should i buy on amazon that i can bulk with thanks
If you could pick only one, would you pick rows or pull-ups/chins?
The unanswerable question: full body or split for natties?
How do you prevent/minimize loose neck skin?
Yesterday was my second day at the gym. I'm doing fit's version of GreySkull LP
I've decided to stop deadlifting because I hate doing it that much
Why don't you faggots do horse riding as a hobby? It's a great way to strenghten your legs, improve balance a posture...
Who else /study/ here ?
Fuck Veeky Forums I miss her
Ultimate shoulder workout
Could I get big with a routine consisting of weighted pull ups, weighted dips and instead of squats...
You need to eat animal products to be big and strong!
How important is it to do strength training before you do an intermediate routine?
How can you resist something like this when you're trying to lose weight?
Remember back in the day when VeganGay castrated himself?
Why are tall guys so much more aesthetic?
Can you sit comfortably in a flat footed resting squat, the way a real human being is biologically designed to rest...
Is wanting to breed with womanlets wrong Veeky Forums?
The last picture you saved is now your new body, how do you cope?
What the fuck is wrong with me anons
Veeky Forums memes you fell for
According to the internet starting strength and stronglifts are the most popular programs of all time...
No matter how much you lift, you will never have this in front of you because you are retarded socially
Gym feels
*blocks your path*
/fat/ - No Excuses Edition
What do you guys usually wear to the gym?
Hi Veeky Forums. I need your help
Post your favorite video game character physiques (can be male or female)
What's their routine?
Does he have good genetics for bodybuilding? Will an eight pack help him or hurt him?
Happiness is a choice bro
It makes me fart really bad
1.5 per pound. Is this for real?
You've Made It, Now What
Ideals Thread
Height thread
A little story for you
Veganism is an eating disorder
T-Thanks Veeky Forums
Do regular sips taste better than Ultras?
Can anyone tell me the name of this piece of equipment?
What's your dad like Veeky Forums?
CBT - Only 3 active threads in the catalog edition
What happens if I skip SS and go right into an intermediate routine?
What does Veeky Forums think of this?
Let's be honest about this Veeky Forums
Who /aggressiveface/ here?
Does anyone here lift for Jesus? Ever since that Russian Orthodox Lifting thread, every time I go to the gym...
Mike Tyson, greatest boxer of all time, 5'10
*blocks your path*
Veeky Forums humor
Shitty genetics general
On a cut
As we all know, eye contact is essential to being alpha
Is reddit right on this one?
Mental Gains
What is TRT for femanons? I know men can be 70 and feel 20 by taking the stuff, but femanons??
How much longer should I run SS before switching to a more aesthetics based program...
According to /bwg/ this would be more impressive if he weighted 130lbs
Depression and weight gain
Tfw the gym braphog has diarrhea
Be me
Does Gastric Bypass surgery actually reduce people's hunger?
Veeky Forums humor thread
SS and SL confirmed meme
Has anyone here tried the mew technique of keeping your teeth closed and tongue on roof of mouth to improve your...
Why are Martial Artists so much more alpha than lifters?
/fph/ - land whale edition
Are there really people out there who don't work out their front shoulders?
Is it even possible to turn your life around past the age of 21?
What happens after death, Veeky Forums?
Found a gray hair today
Be one of the strongest deadlifter in the world
Your "made it"-gf
Redpill me on Alphadestiny, Veeky Forums
Are your gay friends fitter than your straight friends?
Seriously, is "aging = getting fat" an excuse or a fact?
5'6 beta manlet here. Height doesn't always matter. You always hate short people just because they are short...
/plg/ powerlifting general
Can i heal rotator cuff without surgery?
Will they EVER learn?
Goal Body Thread
Who else /fitpol/ here?
If I get Veeky Forums will I finally learn to love myself?
Post your post workout meal Veeky Forums. Also say how big of a guy you are
What squat shoes to get?
Anyone ever dropped a degenerate lifestyle to become a clean swole puritan?
Tfw have to eat 1600 calories a day to lose 0.5 kg a week
How do you guys do this?
30g protein in 160 calories
I just had a liter of beer and a pizza
Training better when stoned?
Alright so according to Veeky Forums bodyweight exercises are not effective when building muscle
Tfw just got food stamps to pay for my bulk
Can the average Veeky Forumsizen compete with this?
Women actually believe this
Is Unsweet Tea a fit approved drink?
Tfw mixed an egg with oats
He's past the 20 year old mark
Guy next to me is benching 185
Do you ever feel that fitness gets in the way of your academic/professional/etc pursuits? E.g...
Reminder that you haven't made it unless you have a beard. Or are you too low test to grow one?
Running shoes
Tfw ywn look this aesthetic
I have no sex drive at all. Would nofap increase my sex drive? Haven't really had any sex drive for quite som while...
6'6" lanklet here, feelsbadman
/fit decides what exercices i'll do in the gym today
In 5 months it will be 2018
Omg her body is amazing
Let's talk about those financial gains Veeky Forums
Made a tinder with this Chad and finally realised im not hot
Diet and routine for this?
Tfw spent prime years from 20 to 24 with gf
Lower back injury?
I am tired of losing play fights with my boyfriend. How do I train so I can beat him?
How is structured a ketogenic diet? how does it work?
What's the best breakfast that make you feel full of energy?
Daily reminder there's literally no reason not to go on gear unless you're a teenager or have a serious health issue
How does a 28 year old man attract 18-20 year olds?
Can we get a thread for sports related fitness going?
/fat/ - No edition
Veeky Forums, I think I'm actually ready to kill myself. I have been on steady decline of weight for over 2 years now...
Dyel vegan psychopath is bigger than Veeky Forumss favourite autistic roided up weightlifter
Remember user, height doesn't matter :^)
Serious question why are meat eaters calm and vegans extremely agitated?
I started calorie counting and I went from 6'0 at 107kg to 91kg
I failed a 4pl8 front squat
Is lifting healthy?
So I lifted free weights for the first time yesterday and now my elbow tendon area is killing me. How do I fix this...
See qt girl in yoga at my gym 1 year ago
Stalled on bench again
Rank the importance
Who on /alwaysfap/ here?
Why are most bodybuilders on roids?
Water bottle thread
Have to do sumo deadlifts tomorrow
If you could only do 1 body weight exercise for the rest of your life, which would you choose and why?
Prove you're a Veeky Forums oldfag
Why the fuck is this allowed?
Do you guys give casual hellos to the people you always see in the gym?
When will they learn?
Meet tindergrill
How do I get calves like this? Is it all genetics?
What do you think Mishima's diet was like?
/fraud/ - Cheating Frauds General
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
Should I bulk or cut?
Clarence Kennedy
Are petite girls sexy or nah
Sup Veeky Forums, rate my supp stack (add Ginkgo Biloba, I just ran out of it)
Bought myself a home pull-up bar because my nearest gym is 40 miles away
/wip/ - Work In Progress
Push Up Thread
Red pill me on eggs
WTF Veeky Forums
What do you lift for?
What are Veeky Forums's thoughts on tanning?
Who do you BULK for?
Is this why I am depressed? Testosterone is 313. 29 yo male
Are petite girls sexy or nah?
What style jeans do you guys get? Having big ass and thighs is suffering
This is me after 3.5 years of lifting, can't even bench 2pl8
What is the consensus on LCHF?
Is it acceptable for a woman to wear her sports bra in the gym?
Ok give it to me straight fit do i look like a sperg front squatting
...does anyone know less about bodybuilding than this guy?
Any Veeky Forums bro with scoliosis doing the big-3?
Alex of BetaDestiny responded to my last thread
Is low volume training the ultimate red pill?
Veeky Forums for /k/
Thoughts on sword drills as musle gain/cardio workout? Seems pretty good to me...
If I beat off after a workout, Is it killing my gains?
Living proof that Alphas exist
Boby building isn't a sport
In all seriousness what are the odds he is on steroids?
Why don't you have a gymbro yet Veeky Forums?
Alphas do not exist
Routine General
Weight lose help
Guys, I really need to know. Do people actually reach stuff like 4plate DL within a year clean?...
How come politicians don't lift?
He doesn't deep squat
/Fit amazon stuff
/fpl/ Fat People Love general
Do I really have to do bent over rows for horizontal pulling strength...
I'm I on the right path ? What can I do to become shredded and be bigger ?
Veeky Forums Humor
This is what they think of us
/mirin/ general
So, how will this hinder me once i progress past helium weights?
/plg/ powerlifting general
Veeky Forums BTFO
ITT post autistic normie opinions
Benzo withdrawal
Compression Pants
Have you noticed an increase in aggression after you started lifting?
Fictional goal body thread
The fat bitches are winning
What's her name Veeky Forums?
Eat half a pineapple because it's good and I'm hungry
Hii Veeky Forums...
Go to gym
Who do you lift for?
Is Adam right?
FPH Fat Hate Thread
Why do so much young men have gyno? why is it so easy for a guy to get feminine traits?
can't squat 3 plates
How's the sex life? Any tips? Does your women have the same libido as yours?
ITT: Ideal body
How many have naturally broad shoulders without ever working out
This fat fuck is telling me Alpha Males do not exist
Hangout with one group of friends I haven't seen in months
Who are some good fitness Youtubers?
New in town
Fit as fuck streamers thread, this guy has a better physique than 99% of this board
Ideals Thread
What does your ideal woman look like? Bf? Heigh?
Tfw just ate 800 calories worth of pic related in 10 minutes
Anyone else pray to Satan before going for that PR?
Now what
Mix equal parts natural raw honey with water
Can't drink milk because of lactose intolerance
Signed up on some weeb shiy
/fat/ - "forgot to eat less on a cut" edition
Is she fat?
Hairy Back destroys aesthetics
How do we save Bodybuilding?
Who here is /neck training/
This is what boogie will look like in a few months
Does your gym have 110lbs (50kg) plates Veeky Forums?
“No man has the right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training...
The thought of her makes your heart beat
Hi Veeky Forums
Face Gains
Jason Blaha takes half an hour to do three sets of 5, and gets winded afterwards
How is it fair that men lose in all stages of the dating game... This js bullshit
Why do Fatties let themselves go so hard?
Hiro Meta Thread Official
Post yfw you realise only stupid people are overweight
Post yfw last rep of OHP
Anti depressants and lifting
How did I do?
Day 1 of nofap
How fucked am I? I'm 25. Considering HT
What are the essentials to take to the gym?
Why is it that some men look pregnant while others look like massive blobs of skin...
Sadly, it's all about genetics
Bulk or cut
High test thread
Calls himself an "Alpha"
Give me your Veeky Forums cringe
Advanced deadlift
I think i'm actually going fucking crazy. I haven't had a night where I get over 5 hours sleep in like a month...
Is a vegan
Start playing my anime workout music at the gym
Home work outs
Can people tell if you have no friends
Any Aspiring Elite Athletes?
Who /beefypotatorito/ here? Why aren't you eating this God tier food yet?
I'm doing Phraks Greyskull?
Boogie took the easy way ou-
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
I'm a slightly over weight 26 year old female would eating less and one hour of tennis three times a week give me a...
Gf is high test0ish, yet no ass
28 yr old virgin, no gf ever
Does anyone know exactly how wrong the calories burned that fitbits reports is?
Did boogie make it??
Most effective work out to beat Boogie with a baseball bat?
Redpill me on deadlift
Pick an M&M; how to transcend fitness
Is he /ourguy/?
Daily reminder girls don't like huge muscle bodybuilder types and prefer guys with decent athletic bodies
How do I avoid the Ethiopian crackhead look when I'm cutting?
Is anyone else ever starting to have doubts about whether spending time on Veeky Forums really benefits their life or...
How does cocaine affect GAINS Veeky Forums?
Genuine question here to any other Veeky Forumsizens who cosplay: I'm looking to cosplay as Venom Snake next year...
Vegan diets don't have enough prote
Ladies, this girl slaps your boyfriend playful on the ass and smiles at him. What do you do?
Get massive unbreakable boner while doing minor things like holding hands or hugging a cute girl
It's an episode of user realizing he does not look as good as he thinks he does
How autistic is Veeky Forums over their diet? I dont consider myself to be, but my friends say I am
Can we have a meme diet thread?
Good news fit, /ourboy/ made it. If he can do it so can you
Be 184 cm barefoot with haircut
2 Tbsp
Is it true that jockstrap + butt plug will increase my squat by 50 pounds or did I just waste 30$ on a fit meme?
Rate this keto dinner
Does anyone here take creatine? Does it work
Alright guys. Ultimate question. Can you be Veeky Forums if you do drugs?
Watching documentary about /neets/
How do I get a girl like this?
Pushups on knuckles or on palms?
Boogie survived the surgery
Happy birthday user
Sumo deadlift
Is calf training a meme? How do i make my calfs bigger? I squat 4pl8 and and my legs look dyel when i where shorts
How does this make you feel knowing boogie unfortunately survived, bros?
/fat/ - "at least I'm STD free" edition
Anyone here try a supplement that actually makes you shoot thick ropes?
Veeky Forums Defense
I need a high calorie food without any sugar
hey user, can you teach me about fitness?
Do you actually enjoy lifting?
Im a "thicc" girl but i want to be fit, some people have told be that ill loose by butt (42'', waist is 27''...
...and this is user's room. He's quite the fitness buff
CBT / Pectus Edition
It's happening assholes, and there's nothing you can do about it
Post your summer cuts
R8 Veeky Forums
Why does this board hate Asian and Indian males who lift weights?
Cut or bulk thread
I've really been working out my abs so that I can take a gay ab picture for my tinder profile...
Thinn Thread
Do women even know what they're doing?
How fit do I have to be to get girls like this?
NSW PST prep
When did you realize it was all about the money?
It's the moment of truth, boys. Is our pal gonna die?
Should a 5'10 manlet lift or does it look ridiculous ?
What weightlifting routines do American Football players use?
TFW found out about Nsun's 531 routine
Whale Hunting Stories
"Oooo look at the ass on that white boy! Mmmm"
AHAHAHAHAHA Alan Thrall just DESTROYED the high squat. How does it feel to get demolished you high bar FAGGOTS?
Fight Question
Is he gonna make it?
Is Game Of Thrones Veeky Forums approved?
Turning into a cuck
Going in Tuesday to discuss my blood lab results
Height, Face, Frame
Is this the natty limit?
I just shat out a massive tapeworm
Abs are made in the kitchen meme
Bulking purgatory is so shitty. What do you guys do to push through it...
Let's say one day you do get a qt gf
What exactly did this skinny-fat pig do to better himself?
Fitness without gaining mass?
Did antiperspirant stop working for you after being Veeky Forums?
Is calisthenics a meme for nogym poorfags?
Feels Thread
Is built fat the superior build to dominating in the arena of casual street combat?
Could lifting have prevented this?
Wristlet general
Noob manlet here beginning Starting Strength today
Wtf are my legs doing
Would you date a womanlet?
Take your bets lads. Will Boogie survive the surgery or die on the table?
Some people lose 60lbs in 3-6 months
23 yr old male (Me) Jus got back from the Dr's
Gender is performative
As most of you know, boogie is in the middle of his weight loss surgery right now
What does the average Veeky Forums breakfast look like?
ITT:Nigger things you've done at the gym
Boogie is in the middle of surgery RIGHT FUCKING NOW
The BEST natty
Would you workout next to her?
Boogie's surgery is in THIRTY MINUTES
Is it safe to assume that anyone that """bench presses""" in a smith machine is reretarted?
Simple Questions
Tfw listen to disco during my workouts
I think i found livia in a porno
I am an anthropologist and recently I observed something interesting. As many of you would know...
This is the most searched pornstar in the world. Therefore this is the body and looks most men want...
How big do my muscles need to be so I can get immediately noticed by qts in nightclubs as soon as I walk in?
What is your main motivation as you reach for the top? What is your main goal?
Is abs all you need to be sucessfull on Tinder? Or will you just look lile a douche?
/fat/ - "I believe in you senpai" edition
What is your way to detect if someone's on the gear out in public?
Started working out
Work out in the morning
/sig/ - Self improvement general
Low reps for strength
Saw a DYEL squatting 3pl8
I started cutting like you guys said what should I do now?
Can someone tell me what and why this happened
Does anyone work out in chastity cage and how do you deal with it?
1 month on noporn
How do we fix the beta epidemic?
GOMAD + water?
/fraud/ steroids general
I don't understand. Why do gay men get big? Aren't they gay because they wanna be a girl and be seen as one...
How long do I have to lift weights until I start seeing some muscles developing?
These two guys are brothers. How is that although there share the shame genetics they look so different?
/plg/ powerlifting general
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Matt Ogus
Ass or Tits?
How flexible are you Veeky Forums
I fucking hate this, I've been on a 1,200 calorie diet for two weeks, I've gone from five cups of Dr...
What does love feel like, Veeky Forums?
Are they Natty?
How does Veeky Forums alter their sleep cycle at will
Is Connor Murphy balding?
Realistically speaking, what are the chances boogie will die tomorrow?
Is there any point for a regular...
Non-Meme HIIT routine
User, we're out of milk
Why don't you learn to love all types of bodies fit?
You're not missing it, are you, Veeky Forums?
Damn, say what you want but for being natty and middle aged he's killing the game
What mode gets this?
How to get rid of this
The smith machine is a waste of space that should be used for another bench, prove me wrong
Boys ive got a tinder date with a girl with this haircut if i get a blowie from her does it mean im gay if i hold the...
How to tell someone is a little bitch
Is there any point in lifting if you have a thin waist and wide, rounded hips as a guy?
Hey Veeky Forums, what's your average daily schedule like?
Help me fix myself
Golden era body building... Who had the best physique?
Be shy, awkward loser with no social skills and no friends
Does nofap have positive benefits for women?
/career thread/
That guy who recites bible passages in between sets
Who wins in a real fight?
Do you use your squat plug for any other exercise? I found ot really helps me with db rows
Post your fridges
Who do you think has come closest to being the perfect human...
ITT: Meme lifts for ego lifters
Thoughts on my progress?
Did you meditate today? Meditation is a good way to counter the stress from heavy lifting...
How the fuck do you deal with fags like this?
As a Veeky Forums man, is playing video games acceptable?
Best race to wife, fuck, and have kids? pretty much, she has to stay attractive, age well...
How do you get low body fat?
How you holding up, Veeky Forums?
Show your prize slampigs
I've completed no porn, but how do you stop no-doujins?
Face Shapes
How do I avoid looking like Drumpf when I get older?
Did lat raises for the first time ever
Who inspires you?
Goal body thread
Redpill me on eating healthy
Stop masturbating on the days you don't go to the gym
Start doing rack pulls above the knee
Femanon Fitness General, /fem-fg/
How to make brain gains?
Step by step guide to losing virginity
You need carbs to make gains. Eating carbs on a cut, as long as you fit them into your calorie and protein goal...
Who has it worse, Pajeets or Severe Manlets?
Is Greg Nuckols natty? Dude has a 750 squat "natty"
How can any self respecting man over the age of 18 and over the height of 5'7 weigh less than 160lbs??
Tinder Shenanigans
Matched with a powerlifting qt
Which country is the chaddest country on Earth ?
Symmetric Strength thread: forever curlbro edition
21yo, 6'1, 220, no clue what my body fat % is. Highly physical job but I spend all my free time in my computer chair...
What should I eat for dinner?
Gym rivals
Best purchase of my life. My stress levels are nonexistent...
Yo guys rate my diet and post your diet
Be me
Help a lost cause Veeky Forums
It's once again time to ask the natty deer questions, and become enlightened
Are converses gay? Cringey? Lifting god tier?
I'm short 5'6, I'm not fat and I walk very fast
Bf % estimate thread
What do you think about this Veeky Forums? is this the truth?
I'm going through a dry spell, please tell me their a redeeming feature from her
Women want a man who's developed his physique through hard natural work...
Protein Powder
/fat/ - "something clever" editon
Deadlift thread!
Tfw kid went to snapcity and broke his back in half and now my gym doesn't allow deadlifts anymore
"hey how many set do you have left?"
Works out
Why do you hate Fat people Veeky Forums?
Metal to lift to
Front Squats
Just started my Var and Test cycle. AMA
Ever since I started lifting I'm only interested in black girls
Crying after you hit a PR
Hey boys who /excitedtolift/ today? Let's see some enthusiasm
The Gym Genie
Have your gains helped you get a GF, Veeky Forums?
Who do you lift for?
Is this a serious chart to go by for trapmode? Can't find anything else
He doesn't get mental gains and contradict the dumb gym bro contradiction. Which makes girls extremely wet
Why even lift?
You get 10 points, what do you fix?
I've never seen boogie mentioned here betore, so I thought I'd make a thread. Anyways...
Accidental keto
I fucking eat 5500 calories a day and I am at the same weight. How do I eat more Veeky Forums? I cant do more than this...
Lifting for girls?
Mom threw out my whey
So, since fitness culture heavily revolves around masculinity...
Do you prefer the women you have relations with to work out or not?
Eric bugenhagen wwe confirmed
Is 44kg a respectable dumbell row for 5 reps?
Tfw your friends gf's visibly checks out your body
Has anyone else badly lost motivation at the gym due to being completely unsuccessful with women...
For Halloween this year my boyfriend asked to pick out my out fit...
Riddle me this Veeky Forums:
Whats your views on 5/3/1?
Damn, Conor McGregor looks like *that*?
Veeky Forums humor thread
Fat acceptance
Anyone tried looksmaxxing recently?
How the fuck do I fix this
Why do you cucks do push ups? Are they really worth it?
Why tinder barely gives any match nowadays and when it does it's shit like this?
How much you curl Veeky Forums
Tried absolutely everything under the sun to treat depression
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
When's the last time you cleaned out your gym bag?
Serious question
What does Veeky Forums think of Jeff Nippard?
Body, Mind, and Spirit-building is the Key my brothers and sisters
What did you do when you realized it is literally all about the face?
How many Pull ups can you do Veeky Forums? Pic related
Everyone at work talking about who they think would be secretly a serial killer in the office
Redpill me on pre workout, Veeky Forums
It's never going to happ-
Planning on joining the marines but the recruiter told me i have to lose 30 pounds...
How do i stop being so angry
How in the seven hells are you supposed to lose this fucking thing?
Who do you lift for Veeky Forums ?
Why not get plastic surgery if you're lifting for looks?
You know living in torture just to get fit is not even worth it and wont benefit your life in any way...
Bodybuilding is for pussies
Video games are detrimental to your health
What mode is this
One Punch Man trainning routine
You vs FeatherWeight MMA
Was he our guy fit?
What's Veeky Forums's bedtime routine?
Hi! I've been lifting for a year and a half, now doing PPL. Should I bulk or cut?
How do I into hairy strongfat dad mode?
Life efficiency thread
You know the drill
Gynecomestia (man tits) discussion thread
How do you feel about body hair, Veeky Forums?
Who /getup at 4 AM in the MOTHERFUCKING MORNING/ here?
Insta whores
Is Batman a crossfitter
This is your tinder match today after working out, what do you say to her
How will keto fags every recoer?
/run/ general
/fat/ "I did this to myself" edition
Think of the 3 men you personally know that are the most succesful with women
Left is before pregnancy
Only works out arms
Back on track
Why aren't you dating a tall girl Veeky Forums?
Is being Veeky Forums mans idea of makeup and covering up other flaws?
/plg/ powerlifting general
Wtf is this
Is it really this easy if you have aesthetics? Like you can just fuck a hot blonde on the first date?...
Rate? 6'0" 190lbs
Post Veeky Forums chicks
ITT: bro science
Talking to girls at gym
6 months of progress
What is your vice that you just can't quit Veeky Forums?
Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day
When will manlets learn?
Idk who the cuck is in this picture but what are your experiences with the cold shower? Is it a myth just like no-fap?
Gainspiration for the grills
Ay bruh lemme hold yo phone while you workout
Herbal Supplement Thread
What made you start lifting Veeky Forums?
My gf has almost no libido and I think she might have low estrogen
Is rice unhealthy ? I am half indian and half korean and so my diet is very heavy on rice but unlike most Koreans...
Tfw gf is low energy
How do you survive a cut?
What do you do between sets? I stare at the floor or fiddle with my phone bc feel awkward
When did you realize that you were better off not coming to Veeky Forums for advice on anything?
I think its time to buy a sex doll
Aesthetic statues
Is being skinny okay if you're tall?
Anyone here ever do a hair transplant?
Go into the gym in 2017
Pilondial Cyst
Philosophy thread
Vegan General
Serious question
Miring thread
The Gym Genie
Feels thread
Why don't you just get a construction job and get paid to work out
This ugly son of a bitch is fucking super hot chicks while getting jacked and basically, you are fucking stupid
Welcome to the Veeky Forumsness spatoon, how tough are ya?
I've had this rip between my pinky toe and ring toe for over half a year now, keeps not healing...
Gym Music Thread
Who else /vegan/ after watching this propaganda?
So far Eric Kanevsky has:
How much weight should i lose
Is Frank Zane's physique in this picture possible for a natural lifted given 5+ years
Anybody else addicted to the taste of BCAA? Shit tastes so good I keep drinking throughout the day it as if it's a soda
1. you're height
Stalling at 35kg OHP
Veeky Forums humor thread
Too tired to go to the gym after work
Why are some people in the fitness community obsessed with thin waists on men? It looks fucking gay...
Boi he bout to do it
Why do nattys even try?
Learn to differentiate
Best way to gain height?
How do you keep your mental health stronq?
ITT: we pay our respects to the feathery little lads and lasses who are responsible for many of our gains
Boogie surgery
/cbt/ – Current Body Thread
Is Mel C Veeky Forums?
How do you lie about lifting?
How can i fix this
Who /lumbar/ here?
At what age did you realize video games are a massive waste of time?
"Trump believed the human body was like a battery, with a finite amount of energy, which exercise only depleted...
That Guy Thread
When did you realise that deadifts are a meme?
Arm thread
According to the sticky, I have to consume 375g of protein a day. This translates to 1.2kg of chicken...
Veeky Forums help improve my PPL
What would be a routine to achieve this Gods' body?
>milk is healt-
Be me and my gf
1. This board is for of insecure people with a crab mentality
Let's be honest for a second
If steroids are so bad why are men like The Rock so idolized?
Introduced my good friend to lifting
Starting the paleo diet
Why does workout culture attract so many female and male homosexuals?
Want to get stronger
ITT subtle things you've noticed girls do now that you've been fully awared by other females that you're very...
British Police: Going to the gym is a 'sign of right-wing extremism'
ITT we post our meals for tonight
When she says she just gets along better with guys
TFW you realize you could learn more information and much quicker than Veeky Forums from using reddit, youtube...
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games