The fat bitches are winning

The fat bitches are winning.

Tell me Veeky Forums, we all agree that this is a national epidemic not only directly effecting lardos by killing them but also indirectly effecting everyone else by straining the healthcare system and causing costs to skyrocket. Why shouldnt america attack obesity the same way it attacked cigarettes with amazing results?

Other urls found in this thread:

The trouble is we cant just outright sin tax it like other shit. You can sin tax alcohol because statistically drinking increases your likelyhood to commit violent crime, we can sin tax cigarettes because it stastically increases chance of medical problems.

With fat, someone buying a 24 pack of coke could be buying it for themselves, or could be buying it for a party and is calorie counting properly. You cant sin tax food in good conscience because you cant prove it doesnt fit their macros.

>in good concience

Thats the equivalent of saying you cant tax alcohol because he might be drinking moderately. There is concrete evidence that calorically dense foods lead to obesity. This has nothing to do with the skinny guy who indulges in the occassional slice of cheesecake. The impact on him would be minimal compared to someone who eats fast food 10 times a week. And taxes are just one method of attack. The war on cigerettes also focused on public awareness and marketing. Especially how it was marketed to children. Imagine if malboro had a funny clown as a mascot and gave away a free toy with every pack

>obligatory all taxes are bad post
Thanks. Glad to get that out of the way early so we can have real discussion

Yeah but people clearly dont beloeve science anymore given the amount of body positivity blogs.

I'd attack peoples wallets. Thats where theyd hurt. Simple system. Once a year you must take a bf% test to use public healthcare benefits. If its over a certain % for your age you are given less public assistance.

This isnt the place to debate whether healthcare should be socialised or if taxation is theft but the second it is socialised every tax payer automatically gets a say in what you do with your body and what you can consume.

i think reddit would be more up to your speed

>This isnt the place to debate whether healthcare should be socialised or if taxation is theft but the second it is socialised every tax payer automatically gets a say in what you do with your body and what you can consume.
yeah ok lets put a tax on deadlifting then because some retards will snap their shit

>when brainlets try to justify taxation
just face it retards, its all just for gaining revenue, that doesnt make it evil but dont try to sugarcoat it

>fatties telling other fatties they're beautiful

That's not winning that's living in Fatty Narnia

I never said it wasnt about revenue but they're also a good way to disincentivize behaviour that costs other taxpayers money.

Also sure we can discuss banning diddlies but at the end of the day a targeted tax against people with high bf% isnt the same as taxing all diddliers for the actions of a few back snappers.

Fuck it fine. While we are here lets talk about externalities. Without taxation to subsidize and disincentivize production that damages or adds value to global commons how do you propose we encourage/discourage the production of goods that have positive/negative externalities?

>inb4 there are no global commons

Air quality
Water quality
Fish stocks

Without subsidies goods like education that have uncaptured positive externalities would be under produced while without taxes goods that have unpaid for negative externalities such as production that reduces air quality would be over produced.

Hahaha. Well memed newfriend. How was your summer? Shame its almost over

nigger, Denmark has taxes on fat and sugar, why do you think the US cant then?

You can tax sugar, people shouldn't be eating any of that

Let the fat fucks kill themselves if they so well please, it's not my problem unless retarded authoritarian socialists make it my problem.

Why the flying fuck do you guys even care?

Let them be what they please, it only makes us more special.

A bodyfat tax would instantly be shot down due to discrimination. Taxing all people "equally" (although we all know it wouldnt impact them equally) would be much more likely to pass. Id support a japanese style fat tax but i dont see it as having the same results. Youre attacking them after the fact. The idea should be to curb and retrain the unhealthy behaviors. If mcdonalds had a sudden surge in prices theyd introduce a ton of lower cal options to make up lost revenue. Imagine the impact that would have if "healthy" (speaking more toward caloric count than micro-nutrition) was suddenly the cheapest, fastest, and most marketed option

It already is your problem. Even without soscialized healthcare it still raises your rates

>The fat bitches are winning.

Yeah, just like my fiancee

>Came here from /r/thedonald a few months ago
>Accuses other people of being from Reddit

>im a special snowflake

fat bitches are hot anyway, lemme get some of that thicc ass mang

>getting health insurance

top kek, all i need is medical emergency insurance, everything else is for dopey losers

I've said it in a previous thread, but let's just directly tax body fat above 18% in men and above 28% in women once a year. Exemptions for athletes and pregnant women where applicable.

>Cherrypicking this hard

while we're at it why don't we tax everyone who doesn't read at least 3 non fiction books per year

Stay poor

Weak bait. Heres a pity (You)

Because that would be expensive and ineffective

It's not bait. Stay mad brainlet.

t. fatass
false equivalence, unenforceable, and not reading books doesn't impose costs on society at large in the way being a fat fuck does.
assertions without evidence or reasoning are dismissible without evidence or reasoning
lol k

I don't think it's necessarily just fat people, but a general social backlash against two opposing factors:

>every decade, the "fit" people get fitter and there's more overall social pressure to be fit
>every decade, food gets more delicious as food scientists figure out ways to fuck with your brain's reward systems

The next major advancement in health and fitness needs to be the leveraging of palatability to cause people to spontaneously eat more healthy food and less unhealthy food. This is why, IMO, the most important skill you can have for long-term health is cooking - knowing how to prepare healthy meals that taste good as opposed to either eating garbage that tastes good, or healthy food that tastes bland.

>There is concrete evidence that calorically dense foods lead to obesity.
Not after you condition on the total intake, naturally.

(1) Insurers should require annual (or semi-annual, or otherwise regular) checkups to maintain eligibility.
(2) Everyone weighs in.
(3) If your BMI is too high, they get to raise your rates.*

*If your doctor attests that you are high BMI but low BF, this increase is waived. (Breathe a sigh of relief, frauds.)

>sourcing a link from digg

just kys

>false equivalence, unenforceable, and not reading books doesn't impose costs on society at large in the way being a fat fuck does.
its enforceable with ebooks

people not reading books makes the stupid which in turn makes them make worse decisions at every literally every level, everything from spending habits to social relationships to who you vote for will be worse

people not reading books probably costs society more than lards rolling around in their disgusting food like pigs

>getting insurance for routine checkups
What did society mean by this?

>not reading books doesn't impose costs on society at large in the way being a fat fuck does.
cost: Trumps in the White House

Care to put a dollar figure on the damage? I'll wager it'll be in the trillions.

>With fat, someone buying a 24 pack of coke could be buying it for themselves, or could be buying it for a party and is calorie counting properly.

If it's not something they're overindulging in on a regular basis, a tax shouldn't affect them much, should it?

These threads do not contribute to the board "culture" nor do they provide any serious discussion or information. Delete this and refrain from posting it again. Back to r/Veeky Forums, kiddo.

>Let anyone do what they want as long as it doesnt hurt you!


Expensive because thats an additional 300 million doctor visits a year. Ineffective because it treats the symptom not the cause. The taxes should go to the foods incentivising people to make better choices. In addition to educational campaigns and marketing regualtions

how, exactly, do you plan to PROVE that someone did or did not read those books? Also, while I agree with the value of reading, I do not think the median adult would benefit much, in any way, from reading even good non-fiction. Do you seriously think most people could or would glean anything useful from reading, say, "Clashing over Commerce: A History of US Trade Policy"?

Making america great again is priceless

Fuck off. This thread is discussing the issue of fitness at a national level. Get fucked, gatekeeper.

>fitness discussion isnt allowed on my board because of muh culture
I can tell youre new. The culture here died years ago. Go shitpost on /b/ newfag. Thats where summercancer belongs

just imagine if the average walmart retard would know actual things about the world instead of rotting their brains with dancing with the stars and call of duty

you could have software that would track how much time someone spent on each page, yeah you could still cheat

we have eye-tracking technology, shit out a few ireaders with those and you could proove people read their books

I personally think obesity should be promoted so I look better than everyone by comparison. I'll be able to get a qt bf and there's nothing you can do about it.

But if everyone was fit then thered be more qt bfs to choose from

We really need stronger moderation on Veeky Forums

This board gets away with too much off-topic shit masquerading as "culture"

This board needs to be like /sp/. /sp/ is an incredibly on-topic board because all the shitposting drooltards were not given an ounce of leeway, and they eventually left.

As you can see, this board is in complete chaos. We need to make it on topic, NOW!!

We cured /sp/ off the shitposting retards, now let's cure Veeky Forums.

The point is hes a beta fag and cant handle competition. Instead of bettering himself he wants to lower everyone else. Hes no better than a fat sjw

/sp/ is even worse than Veeky Forums. Im all for banning bullshit and porn posts but generals are cancer that ruined the board

meh. Allow for a couple percent margin of error, use skinfold + navy method. Have accreditation for gyms/sports clubs/pharmacies to be able to verify people's numbers, cutting down hugely on doctor visits. Even then, a doctor isn't necessary, it's assistant work.

It's effective because it taxes the people who are clearly making disordered decisions. The tax is a rational disincentive to poor diet choices, and if they'd rather pay money than stop being fatfucks, so be it.

Being fat is already a discentive. But cheap quick and highly marketed foods designed to trigger your brains reward center already overrides that. Taxing a bunch of poor people a few hundred after theyre already fat wont solve anything

still doesn't prove it, anyone can move their eyes over text without reading or comprehending, and you'd have to produce these devices and force people to spend time in front of them. It's a dumb and untenable idea.

Quit giving that retard (You)s.

Tax sugar, stop subsidizing meat and dairy, give more subsidies to fruits and vegetables

Enjoy your ruined economy lel

It's to sell more food.
Healthier and more active people are more aware and less consumer minded people.

Keep them fat satiated and not interacting with each other in the real world and they can control them completely.

I think a lot of people are ignoring the marketing side. Targeting children should be illegal and their should be stricter laws on advertising. We put calorie counts on foods they should say that in the commercial along with the percent of daily value that should be

Because these fat worthless fucks want me to pay for their healthcare. Fuck you

if nothing else it helps defray the societal costs of their fatness. Besides that, the foreknowledge of 'I have to pay the government because I'm fat' would probably change a lot of behavior around the margin. People are very averse to loss of money, and any nudge in the direction of 'stop being fat and unhealthy' strikes me as a good thing

And yet we're getting fatter like the people of freedom

>t. Fat

I've been improving myself this year, I'm just afraid of approaching guys in anything but my usual dudebro ways. I know the signs of a girl liking you, but how the fuck am I supposed to tell if a guy "likes" you.

foles fucking dårligt mand

This unfortunately :(

who would even fake that, youre autistic

The whole concept is matriarchal in nature, and you're a cuckold for suggesting it.

Taxation is the redistribution of equity under threat of force. Prove otherwise or begone with your non-argumentation you frothing cunt.

>The war on cigerettes also focused on public awareness and marketing.

Public awareness for being overweight needs to be out there. Right now it's polarized between fat people hate and health at any size. We need something like the cigarette campaigns.

With cigarettes:
There is no question that it's unhealthy
It's generally acceptable to tell someone smoking will hurt them in the long run (although if you're a douche about it then you'll be treated as such)
It's publicly acknowledged that it's hard to quit, and celebrated when someone does

Being overweight
> There is questioning if it's unhealthy
> It's generally unacceptable to tell someone being overweight will hurt them in the long run (with fph people taking pride in being pricks about it)
> If someone loses a lot of weight it's generally celebrated, but the general acknowledgement of dieting is "lol it's not hard just stop eating". No acknowledgement of the difficulty is made, even though it's clearly difficult considering we're at all-time-high obesity levels.

I think taxing has its place, but public awareness needs to be out there hard. And I didn't even scratch the surface of parents knowing how to feed their kids.

>high test men winning
ftfy hon ;)

>redistribution of equity
how is that a bad thing?

so what if it is? What matters is the purpose to which the taxes are put, and if they lead to positive group outcomes. Lots of people need to be forced to make decisions that benefit the whole, because they wouldn't otherwise. In the absence of taxes, how would you fund something like national defense? protect and upkeep parkland? Keep literally everything from becoming a tragedy of the commons?

you cant make me read no damn stinkin books you fuckin commie. kys


i think its retarded too, i hate this commie suggestion just as much as i hate the commie fat tax

idk what you are talking about i didnt read this thread. carry on

Fatties deserve to have their equity redistributed.

1. I have to look at these fucking people.

2. I'm not legally allowed to hunt them for sport.

3. They suck up tax money better put towards other things.

Authoritarian socialist, here. Don't lay this shit on us. I want a bettered society of ubermensch. The people who want to enable these fat retarded fuckers should be hanged.

>all taxes are socialism
Youre paying for the service of living in the first world. Roads and infrastructure arnt free you mong

Taxes aren't a communist ideal


Was for

Wealth taxes or income taxes, sure. Excise taxes are really just price floors. Price controls do distort the market, but is society really worse off if we distort the market for sugary drinks to lower their consumption?



Jesus fuck, not "muh parks and roads"
Read outside your sphere of preference

>is society really better off if we distort the market for sugary drinks to lower their consumption?
ftfy statist fag

i actually think that taxing/reducing assistance for people who are over a certain bf% is a good idea especially if you live in a country with socialised health care like i do, but it would never EVER happen for one simple reason: the whole reason there is an obesity epidemic is because of the shilling of shitty, cheap food and drinks that people get functionally addicted to by giant multinational corporations and they have such a grip on basically every relevant modern government that anything like that that would lose them that huge chunk of their income would never happen. nestle, coca cola, mcdonalds etc would shit the fucking bed and fight anything even approaching this tooth and nail for a hundred years before anything salient was achieved - like why the fuck do you think climate change is still even a question? because corporate interests have the money and power to retard the entire argument by half a century and you can be damn sure the food industry would do the same

>doesn't address the questions
do so or go fuck yourself.

denmark's politicians don't have corporate cocks anywhere near as deep down their throats as US ones do

>doesn't address the same tired old questions easily addressed by some intermediate level internet searches

Yeah I suppose I'm done here

This is straight out of an Orwellian nightmare

Fuck off NSA

Big tabacco used to have the same control. It just takes a good plan and effort

>2. I'm not legally allowed to hunt them for sport.
if you shot a whale with say birdshot, how deep would it even penetrate into the blubber? you could probably shoot them 30+ times in the stomach or back without anything more than superficial damage, and just continually chase and shoot their snivelling asses (it's not like they're gonna get away) for like half a day before they died of exhaustion or blood loss, i sincerely doubt you'd ever penetrate a vital organ
man what a world that would be

>tax on fat
That's the problem. There's too much debate about what actually is healthy. If US had food-sin taxes, it would be on
>sugar (but not HFCS because of lobbyist groups)

While the taxes ought to be on
>all processed foods, snacks, cakes, sweets
>sugar & HFCS
>soy products
>vegetable oil
>bread, frozen pizza, pasta

if obesity is gonna cause increased rates due to health issues you really think roided out human tumours are gonna be exempt? kek no bloodwork would probably be a mandatory part of it

Denmark taxes everything, user

thats the point

just like the suggestsions in this thread about taxing bodyfat %

>Denmark has taxes on fat
You've got to be fucking kidding me.