How the fuck do you deal with fags like this?

How the fuck do you deal with fags like this?

All of them look down upon "barbaric lifters" and are so smug they'd suck themselves off.

One of these guys was my professor and he fucking hated me just because I lift weights, these guys are so threatened by muscles and shit that they cope with this numale bullshit. Not hard to be a fucking man jesus chriust

I still don't understand what a nu-male is.

>inb4 you

These dudes are in such a low tier, they are zero threat to me and our paths rarely cross and it's usually me correcting them on something having to do with their favorite topic of interest -- what's always great is their ALWAYS too beta to do anything about

Can you imagine thinking you're knowledgeable on a topic, and then a slayer comes in and mops up the floor with your intellect AND looks better than you?

I can't, because it's ever happened before

These dudes won't reproduce, and will probably start a mass suicide movement -- don't worry about them

All they do is argue on reddit and are so stuck in a meta zone they don't actually get anything done IRL or further society

you ignore them because they don't matter

not true nu-males actually are into lifting now.
don't let bad experience with your professor generalize ppl

Nu-males are pathetic.

Do you unironically give value to what they say? They can't offend you if you have zero respect towards what they say.

a slight variation of this pic is how to deal with all lesser beings


Quite literally the "average" US male, someone that 4-6/10 at best -- having hyper left wing political standing only because they think that's what they're supposed to do, but they aren't even self aware to this

They're more toxic than hyper masculine dudes because all they do is try to bring everyone down into loserdom, or create an environment / false reality in which THEY are at the top of the food chain because under most circumstances this would never actually happen IRL

Numales all more or less look the same, and it's usually the results of at least a decade of bad eating habits and absolutely no exercise on top of VERY mediocre genetics bordering on actual autism

Notice how individuals with autism have certain facial characteristics and skull shapes?

Nu males are literally 1 tier above actual retarded people

It is the genetic sludge of the human race, and they are weak, not self-aware and are essentially useless because they often don't secure full-time employment that makes a contribution to society

If they are able to score a job, they can at best only be relegated to raising a superior males children -- that's honestly the best they can do in society

but their poor health choices will catch up, and seriously barely any of these dudes are going to make it 60 -- dropping dead mid-stream on a 24 hour gaming marathon

I hate these guys because they are almost always the stereotypical "smart but lazy" type that thinks they're smart but really have nothing interesting to say and who can only spout off pop culture references.

I lift, drink, and party, but I perform well in university and have a variety of interests. I think it's important to take care of your mind as well as your body, so I limit my drinking and spend a lot of time socializing and studying. These guys just write garbage on their blogs/twitter feeds and complain about meatheads being insecure to justify their insecurity and disgusting neglect of their body.

Do nu-males hate themselves deep down? Is that what it is?

They almost always have some crippling insecurities, which is why they lash out at anyone who is bigger than them.

Fuck this grinds my gears. This one numale I used to know would spout off obscure anime and movie titles to seem "interesting and intelligent" and would only contribute to a conversation when he was basically begging for complements. Used to drive me crazy

>tfw living in a predominantly black/hispanic area
>tfw have literally never met a single person like this before


I don't associate with liberal ''''men''''.

I just lift and fuck liberal bitches, funny thing is I don't even have to pretend to care about feminism and am open about having voted for Ted Cruz and they don't even care lmao

>usually me correcting them on something having to do with their favorite topic of interest -- what's always great is their ALWAYS too beta to do anything about
would have thought they love endlessly pedantic arguments about nerdshit.

sometimes you get unlucky and encounter them when they are in position of power.
like OP's professor

>Caring about what people lesser than him think about him
Found the nu male

They're usually really nice. I like fucking with them since I'm not white so they can't say shit. Still waiting for them to catch on.

if you care or feel the need to validate them by "dealing" with them you're not yet a man

You don't have to deal with them. Why would you care what any of these subhumans think?

> be bearded, balding
> wear lenses
> don't do that other shit
> tfw still immediately identified as nu-male because that's how I look
At least I got into lifting.

You leave LobosJr alone, you're just mad you haven't been welcomed to the wolfpack

oy, oy, oy, now
>has beard

Leave fucking beards alone, they get pass if they are cave beards

I look like a lot of those guys. :(

i call bullshit, I also lived in a "diverse" area and unless you live on nigger chad street, beta minorities absolutley exist.

>I like fucking with them since I'm not white
they wouldn't dare be accused of homophobia, you could literally fuck them, they try to turn you down, you claim its due to racism? they say no, they're just not gay, pull homophobia card. suddenly you're getting dick sucked and their furry beard is tickling your balls

>least I got into lifting.
Jason Blahaha?

Just keep being alpha brahs.
Let them bask in their self pity every time they see a "chad" lifting weights, getting girls, making money, being happy.
If they're not you, and if they're not family, they're worthless.
Just be yourself, and never succumb to their shitty degenerate ways.
The bigger worry here is Islam, those muslim folk will threaten you if you refuse to bow down to their oppressive regime. I've seen it happen first hand.
I hate to sound like I belong in /pol/, and not all muslims are bad, but it's definitely a topic worth discussing.

do you have a giant face or a skinny neck?

am 6'3'' tall, and used to be skinny, that changed

Not that bald... yet.

This is another thing. I'm not even a chad, i'm just self assured and not autistic. So many times i've been around beta numales and massively liberal women and just outright admit my conservative affiliation when asked; the biggest issue about that in my country is Brexit.

And yet I always hit it off with liberal women because honestly I think they're sick of pathetic men trying to suck up to them. I fucked a Norwegian marine biologist who sperged out at me about the loss of eu environment laws and I just point blank told her I don't care about those as much as I do about my country's immediate social and political future.

I can't help but imagine that another man, on finding out she was pro eu and cared about the environment above all else, might have pandered to her opinions and ended up with an awkward kiss at the end of the night rather than balls deep in a hotel room.

Short greentext please

Lions do not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep.

This is true. Liberal women crave "strong" men, probably because they think it's what they deserve.

I went back to uni a few years ago as a mature student. One of the tutors was a devout feminist only a few years older than me (at least I assume, feminists dont age well).
I used to argue with her at every point. A discussion about gender had her respond to my argument "thats a very biological determinist attitude user" as if it's a terrible crime to suggest such a thing after years of gender studies brainwashing.
"And?" Was all what was needed to shut her down dead.

Yet this bitch thought I was awesome. Tried to talk to me as if she was my best friend, getting flustered and blushing over this misogynistic meathead who would turn up to her seminars still fresh with sweat straight from the morning cardio session. I was even personally asked to apply to her gender studies MA, with all the smoke blown up my ass to encourage me.

In my experience when dating liberal women, telling her she's wrong ends with her referring to her stance as just an opinion and moving away from the subject, in case it risks you losing interest.
Women are only interested in nu-males if they are paying for them.


Bearded man who doesn't wear glasses and hates nu-males. I don't have a skinny neck too.
>not gayzelle

What is your opinion on head shaving?

I've found the same thing. Me and my gf often disagree on issues such as Brexit, Trump etc. Most of the time I just ignore her opinion and tell her why I like the things I do, and she loves me for it. The entire concept of gender equality breaks down the minute a woman finds a man ready to make her feel truly like a woman, and not this hybrid genderless creature that modern society demands everyone becomes.

I'm swole and confident fuck but I know for a fact that a majority of these numales do far better than me with women than me.

You're probably a gymrat, one of the most insufferable type of people to ever exist. Because let's get fucking real, even the upper middle class teenager skater boys with influated egos are less cancerous than gym culture. Brah, bruh, bro, im fucking zyzz brah, 30k a day CEO. You talk about self-improvement but this is the most negative board on the entire site, you fucks will literally pick on any insecurities someone can have from height to fucking wrist size. You act like high school bullies who never had a chance because you were too autistic or the actual victim of bullies and now you try to get some weird revenge on a chinese cartoon imageboard.
When I was in highschool many years ago, only the most obnoxious cunts were into working out, every normal person was doing sports or some sort of outside activity.
Gymrats were the type of people who thought buying a suit will make them a real men, but couldnt multiple two numbers and took themselves way too seriously. All ended up being brainlets in shitty colleges.
The people who go to gym are fine, the people who actually associate themselves with it are pure cancer.

I might be biased because there are no radical leftist nu-males where I live.

Please tell me this is pasta

>How the fuck do you deal with fags like this?

By having a better life.

Check out milo yiannopolous on YouTube, you would love to hear what he has to say about the issue

You don't. You ignore them and never give them any of your attention, no matter how persistent they are. Engaging in their stupid shit only encourages their behaviour because they see it's easy for them to get attention.

It is just because they are extroverted and do the spray and pray method. They will talk to any woman that gives them a modicum of attention to the point of harassment.

If you're anything like me, you probably admire the same chick from your class for weeks until you finally work up a, "Hey, what's up?" before sticking your nose back down in your desk.

Don Draper was so fucking based. A man that alpha could only exist in fiction though.

Lol I'm doing the same thing right now. Liberal girl who subscribes to feminist doctrine. I got the politics out of the way and said I didn't vote for trump because he wasn't right wing enough.

Nah he's just a faggot. Shame on him.


lmao is this pasta?

Literally never seen a "gymrat" in all the gyms I've been, on the contrary, people at the gym who I talk to seem super chill.

Can someone post the "nu-man"/ seinfeld version of this

>I might be biased because there are no radical leftist nu-males where I live.
Well at least one has been spotted recently ...

>How the fuck do you deal with fags like this?
>All of them look down upon "barbaric lifters" and are so smug they'd suck themselves off.
You fuck their "girlfriends" OP you dipshit

no forest here, too many trees

Loser thread.

Yeah there are beta minorities, but there are only white numales

Just a catchy term for shallow, emasculated males.

Easiest way to pick them out is the wide, dead-eyed stare that betrays the fact there's very little going on in their head beside a feminine level of narcissism over social media. Most of them have the shitty, half-grown beard that's trying to hide their babyface too.

These are the limp wrists that are quick to talk shit to you online but can't look at you in the eye in person. If they say one wrong thing, they're in a coma.
