Symmetric Strength thread: forever curlbro edition
Symmetric Strength thread: forever curlbro edition
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dayum, never tried one of these before, shet
>lying on Veeky Forums
srry brah, here's a pic
280kg without belt.
why don't you like squats and deadlifts, user? they're so fun
and bench is boring
Blue boy with big back reporting in.
>142.5kgs/314 lbs OHP
>holy fuck
assuming not lying on Veeky Forums got any clips? is it strict or push press?
Keep in mind that those are the "estimated maxes" - but, im going for 140kg soon.
Not push press, strict.
Here is 130kgx3:
You're definitely not keeping your form strict. Kek.
Well, sorry, i just really wouldn't call it a push press, because im not using my leg sooo - but yeah, form is perhaps off, because im dealing with 95-98% of max.
Dont quote me on this but I'm sure hip drive is allowed in a strict push press just no bending at the knees (which allows quad/ham engagement)
very impressive also good to see someone back up what they claim on Veeky Forums
Yeah, i agree - i would simply just call it an overhad press lol, proberply not a strict one, but just simple OHP.
And thanks. (y)
aside from diddlys and squats you should be at least proficient.
150kg/190cm. Recovering fatty from 170kg
keep up the good work user! when you're done you'll be cut and strong af, you've already got lmao1pl8 ohp down.
who /tealboys/ here?
almost there
He just means that you're leaning back a LOT. I hope you only do that on maxes, cause it looks like an express ticket to snap city
rip can't bench well with shitty shoulder
5'11, 190 lbs
Skipped legs for the first few months, but I'm catching up
What's wrong with OHP? Do you have any shoulder issues or something?
Are you female?
It was causing shoulder pain everytime I tried due to an injury, so Couldn't do it for 3 months or so. It's growing at a 2,5kg weekly rate for now.
mein neger
Can someone explain how a 180lb push press is novice? I know it's not stellar, but novice? 1 RM.
Does anybody else taste lemon and orange and shit when they see these?
Symmetry score -395
I just really love working lats
what the fuck is your weighted chin-up/pull-up? You must have had really shit form I'd love to see a clip of it
These threads mean nothing without real pics next to them
Wow symmetry lady is a horrifying golem
this website really overestimates bench
m-merlin m'lady
kind of
the real world means nothing without these threads
mirin the squat at that total