
Everyone knows that tobacco is bad.
But how does it affect you in the gym/gains?
And if there's an ex-smoker here, how did you quit and what's your best advice?

Just. Stop. Smoking. Easy as that you beta cuck

Do cardio and chew gum. Personally I stopped when doctors found an atrial septal aneurysm in my heart. It doesn't appear to be a serious condition, but hearing them explain how smoking can clog up my blood and combined with such a condition can cause a severe stroke (tldr SMOKING = BRAIN DEAD, PARALYSIS, OR DEATH) made me quit immediately.

I used to chain smoke and go to the gym so i feel i can lend a bit of advice here.
It doesn't affect your gym gains all too significantly in terms of muscle, mass etc. But on the cardiovascular side I noticed i had a harder time putting out a large number of reps for heavy weight lifting like bench, deadflift, squats & OHP. This is probably due to less efficient breathing during sets, due to the fact that smoking puts your lungs through the fucking mincer. It's very worth quitting if you're going to the gym for that all round lifestyle of being fit and being muscly, but if you just wanna be muscly then I have a friend who has won multiple body building competitions and he smokes like a chimney.
Quitting is different for everyone, people think there's one magical way to quit but guess what, everyones addiction affects them differently mentally which means that each person has a different way to quit. The way I quit was just straight up cold turkey, those first two weeks were utter bullshit & were filled with short temperament, headaches, laziness and pure, puuuure craving for one more sweet sweet hit of that tobacco goodness.
Good luck in the gym and in this quitting endeavor.

I just stopped.

It wasn't helping me out with my stress, so I just said fuck it and gave up smoking.

i stopped a month ago with allen carr's book. you should try that.

I quit cigarettes, but I genuinely enjoy pipe tobacco. I don't inhale, it's more for the taste and a relaxing buzz. Could this still fuck me up?

Effects on maximum strength will be marginal, but absolutely thrashes your cardiovascular capacity, reducing your ability to do high rep sets and even more so to do any form of cardio.

If you don't inhale, the effects are less, but still there. You still have the same chance for mouth cancer as other smokers, but much less than dippers.


How does fit feel about vaporizers? You look like a meme but I'm down to less than 3mg of nicotine and I might drop down to going between 1.5mg and 0's to finally end my dependence.

Unironically bought a vape the other day, best decision ever. Feel better already.

That's where I'm at. I doubt that it's better than not vaping but my face stopped feeling dry, I stopped running out of breath, and I stopped spending so much money. Cigarettes aren't that attractive to me anymore.

switched to vaping.
I can still get the nicotine and oral fixation but its many times less damaging to the body. Even from personal experience I can tell that my lungs work light years better than when I was on a pack a day.
Its only cringy if you participate in the culture and cloud up areas close to other people

It's the most effective way to quit smoking if you can't do it outright


can back this user up on the effects smoking has on gains, as far as strength and all around muscle size you won't notice any significant difference, you'll still be able to hit PRs and get swole, provided you don't smoke a pack a day or more, but only if you're training and diet are in check
on the other hand, the effect smoking has on your cardiovascular conditioning is drastic, I use to be able to run 2.5 km in under 10 minutes, after 2 weeks of regular smoking I was winded after 5 minutes of running and I doubt I could run 2.5k in under 11 minutes now
I smoke a pack ever 2-3 days but try to combat it with some cardio at the end of every workout

Smoked for 10 years and had to move to a new city and surround myself with no smokers. Only way to quit for me. It's all about the breaking the rituals. Been off the Jew sticks 5 years.

Ween yourself off by using other metbods of obtaining nicotine. Dont let a relapse or two derail your efforts
And most importantly ignore edgy teenagers on Veeky Forums like this twat here

Cogars and pipe tabacco are still very unhealthy but compared to cigs theyre not bad. Id say it goes
1. Nothing
Power gap
2. Gums and valing
Power gap
50. Cigars and pipes
Power gap
99999999. Cigerettes and inhaling

Can anyone tell me how much their cardio improved after quitting smoking?

Dip is somewhere in the 100,000 range

Gym: recovery is probably slower, also smoking before squatting kills you. Dat blood pressure gain.

How did I quit? Tried many times, failed over and over (psychological weakness), before getting a month in.

The first three days were hell, I'm mostly a positive person, but I got really irritable and aggressive, had those moments multiple times a day where I just felt a really hard craving for a smoke and jammed up. Just stood there, feeling the whole weight of the addiction. It took a minute before I could resume without getting a smoke.

It was bout 2 years ago, and though I still sometimes smoke (clubbing, drinking), I've stayed away from smoking daily. My last cig was on friday, and I can honestly say that before seeing your picture, I was not thinking about smoking.

Stick with it. Read about it online, change your mindset, and when you relapse, pick yourself up and try again. Count the days.

Beta cuck faggot

Enough for you to have a 'wow' moment.

If you smoke heavy, it'll be a 'holy shit' moment.

I smoked a lot during my time in the military. It got to the point that I would always get pneumonia in the winter because I would smoke too much. The doctor said I needed to quit, so I quit smoking and began dipping.

I dipped for a couple years and quit by replacing it with sunflower seeds. Well, I actually had the will to quit, that helps a lot obviously. Sunflower seeds, nicotine patches, & willpower worked for me.

>not quitting cold turkey and doing nofap

>start vaping
>go to a bar with friends
>go out to vape
>feel like an autist
It still beats tobacco

gym: Obviously stamina is shot to hell when your lungs are full of tar and damaged

gains: Not really affected. Lifting is your anaerobic metabolism, lungs are in that equation

20+ a day for 20 years ex-smoker: just switch to vaping until you can quit nicotine. Get 99% of the lung benefits of quitting without giving up the drug. It's the mostly the additives in tobacco/cigarettes, the chemical by-products of combustion and the smoke molecules themselves that cause the damage associated with smoking. Not the nicotine.

Literally vaping

I was pack a day and wasn't even trying to quit, bought a vape and now I prefer it so much I don't even give buying cigraettes a passing thought

I smoke a nice cigar probably about once a week. Literally has done nothing to my gains whatsoever. I enjoy them and I'll probably smoke cigars until I die.

They are great. I dipped for about 2 years, vaping helped me so much. I didn't do it in public because it looks gay as fuck.

For anyone that wants to quit, look at the Juul. Super small, doesn't produce clouds that big, gives a better buzz.

its pretty scary when you start coughing up loads of black tar phlegm but feels pretty good that your are getting it out of your lungs.
Also within a week you will be able to run twice as far before quitting (assuming relatively untrained at running)

>inhaling pipe tobacco
What about me?

dont smoke. also tobacoo sucks in general, im on off with dip

>had to switch sides that i put a lip in
this feels wrong

Trips of truth. The only thing that makes me want to smoke again is being in a circle of smokers and using a vape. Feel like an absolute faggot.

>falling for the vapor jewl
I get avoiding clouds but then you're locked into PAX's pricing because you can't get any third party juices. Plus you'll face steep taxes in places like Chicago that charge per volume of nicotine. It makes more sense to buy a high ohm tank with a low VW mod and buying e-juices on sales and adding in the nicotine after purchase. You spend like $30 a month.