I had my blood checked and discovered my ldl is high (3.7) dr said to lower it by eating less sat fat. Is ldl being bad a meme? Arent sat fats good? Can we please have a discussion about this hopefully including actual studies.
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Do you think dying, impotence and alzheimers are bad?
fuck worrying about macros. Eat more vegetables, eat more nutrient dense food. And exercise. get your heartrate very high every now and then.
Yes, is high ldl shown to cause these? Apart from that, is lowering sat fat intake the beat way to reduce ldl?
Does cardio lower ldl?
cholesterol is all diet.
I had high cholestoerl and I do cardio every single day for 1 hour, and I lift 6 days a week.
Even though I was lean as fuck, I ate like shit (IIFYM) fitting a lot of high cholesterol/high sat fat foods into my macros.
I switched to a bro-diet, chicken breast, basa fish, egg whites, olive oil, broccoli, carrots, etc. and my cholesterol was much better within just a few months.
Thanks for the info, do u need sat fat for hormone production? Or just any fat?
No association was found between high sat fat consumption and heart disease. At least according to this meta-study of over 650,000 people.
Dying isn't as bad and people claim. Never seen a dead guy come back and say it wasn't worth it
I don't know. I haven't stopped getting erections, I'm still strong, I'm still muscular, I'm still lean.
The only fat I eat is from olive oil and peanut butter, 90% from olive oil that I put on my chicken breast/fish/broccoli
I like you.
So how does this translate to ldl? Does it mean high ldl doesnt have that association either?
As far as I know, high LDL does have that association with heart disease. But it is more complicated, as recently we learned that there are several forms of LDL, some of which are harmless.
So around 2000, the recommended healthy ldl was
Sounds like a typical case of no one really has any idea. I guess there could be no downsides to reducing my sat fat intake so i might just do that
Risk is you may end up upping your intake of processed carbs unless you're substituting fats for fats
>Doctor who has extensive medical training gives advice
>comes to the most retarded board on an anonymous website asking for advice instead
Good to see Darwinism is still at work in 2017.
But their training in this specific instance is based on bullshit
The link between saturated fat, LDL, and cardiovascular problems is weak on its own.
There are two types of LDL. the light and fluffy LDL has no evidence of harm while the dense LDL has a growing body of evidence as being prime culprit #1 in atherosclerosis.
This dense LDL is a byproduct of lypolosis, or the conversion of sugar to fat. And the implication is that triglycerides are a significantly better predictor of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease than the OLD count alone.
And the nail in the coffin for the fat hypothesis is that LCHF diets are proven time and time again to improve lipid profiles and lower triglycerides better than any other prescribed diet even when they include statin intervention therapy.
Dr. Robert Lustig has a few good articles out completely dismantling the fat hypothesis of cholesterol if you want more information.
Anecdotally, every single person I've helped lose weight through a low carb high fat intermittent fasting diet has seen their cholesterol and triglyceride numbers improve in only 4 weeks and every one of them on statins was taken off of them.
>tfw my ldl is 0.7
Its good right?
Ill read up on that guy. To be clear; you're talking about fats including saturated fats? Also, do blood tests typically show both types of ldl? Ill make some changes and get rechecked in a month.
Changing diet is recommended before exercising because Doctors know people are lazy. If you do cardio it can help your ldl. How much fat do you eat? If its less than 30% of your diet then you should be ok on total amount, just eat different kinds if he recommends to lower sat fats.
>both types of LDL?
No. The differentiation of LDLs is a difficult proposition and no mass market clinical test is available. The biggest indicator as I said above will be your triglyceride count. There is a VERY strong link between high triglycerides and dense LDL. Contact your doctors office and tell the desk nurse that you would like a copy of your lab work emailed to you for your records. This way you can rely on your own research as well as the doctor's interpretation. But in the case of cholesterol almost all doctors are a decade or more behind on the research.
>Low carb: NO sugar, no pre-packaged food, vegetables good, fruit is ok.
>High fat: animal fat good, processed vegetable fats bad (corn, canola, shit like that)
>16 hour fasting window
This means you primarily eat from the perimeter of the store. The meat department, produce department and if you're feeling adventurous the dairy department. If you need to get something from the main aisles of the store it should be limited to sugar free condiments, canned goods like veggies and frozen veggies. There's little other reasons to shop from the aisles.
After a month get a blood panel done again and make sure you tell the doc you're eating more fat than ever.
Dietary cholesterol does not affect blood cholesterol levels. Fat in your diet affects cholesterol. Nobody knows why, it just fucking does. Cardio can help. Not significantly enough to ignore diet though.
I wouldn't stress to much, but start cutting your sat fat with unsaturated stuff. Sub coconut oil for canola and if you're using bacon grease or similar for flavor, then try cutting it in half with canola so you still get the flavor. Using other oils like olive is good to, but not necessary. Also eat fish unless you have a good reason not to.
So basically keto?
No. That's not what I'm suggesting at all. You can eat as many carbs as you want as long as they're from 100% REAL FOOD(tm). Eat as many tomatoes, potatos, corn, green beans, carrots, apples, oranges, bananas as you want as long as they look like they were alive at some point in the last week.
If you want to go kept, then by all means do so, it has an even better impact on triglycerides than LCHF, but it's incredibly restrictive and difficult to maintain.
LCHF with a wide fasting window will get you all the benefits you need. There's no point living in a world where you can't have a chilled honeycrisp apple after a workout if you ask me.