/plg/ powerlifting general
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Waaait a second.. that's not powerlifting..
hes doing a wide grip conv deadlift because he couldnt spare any plates to create the deficit
What will olympic weightlifting be called once the IOC kicks it out of the olympics to make way for something that sells more tickets?
>ywn be born in china and forced into weightlifting at the age of 5 and given tons of food and roids to become an ultramanlet for the sake of your nation
why even live
>that sells more tickets?
its not about tickets, its about them not getting their bribes hence why the elites suddenly popped see Ilya
>tfw you will never be the big guy
God I hate the WADA and the IOC
Why is the IPF so fucking hell bent on joining with those fucks? Is the $$$ really that good that they were willing to become a nazi fed for a snowball's chance in hell for it?
How natty is this USAPL lifter on a scale of 1-10?
Making retardedly decent gains training twice* a week lads.
*with some light AM sessions included too
about tree fiddy
Pic related for me, slingshot bench and deads
Is there any good reason someone would not make gains on cuckolds 3xint bench
is hepburn any good? redpill me
Not good at high reps (in the case of int med), need more volume to progress, bad form
I really enjoy it and my work capacity shot up, but I randomly got bursitis in my elbow after 6 weeks of it (was after the first week of my cut). I think it was caused by a combination of vertical pressing and dropping too fast on the eccentric of weighted chins/barbell rows, which is why it looks like it does now. If you get bored easily I wouldn't recommend it, but I haven't gotten bored of it yet. I also noticed a good bit of growth in the 6 weeks of it that I was not injured.
TL;DR go for it but be careful
remember : He used to be ghey, but not anymore, long time ago... maybe he IS into bodybuilding just to have a cover to look at naked men without being called out.... who knows what websites he surfes at night, and its not just star wars but Starfishwars by George Luke-Ass and Hands Solo , and the goddamned golden android was a Fagg too...
It will be called weightlifting. Which it already is.
Gaining 0 pounds over several months
I talked about it briefly in the last thread, but I dedicated this week to just getting a feel for lifts I don't normally do and am going to bring in for my new programming.
I did incline press, BTN press, JM press, SLDLs, BTN pulldowns, and the machine bench imitation (hammer strength isolateral press). It was fun, and I'm looking forward to trying out more lifts on Friday, then going hard for the next couple of months.
rest day today and tomorrow is pretty easy as well
>bad form
>implying this prevents you from making progress
Found the GDE.
Would you say theres any particular reason someone should do it?
If you have an extremely inefficient movement pattern then it definitely can happen, especially if you're not very stable.
>not resting on wednesdays as father Mike has ordained
Did some more front squats, felt even better today. Back squatted the bar for a ton of reps, felt nice in my back. Then I pressed (I tried hard) and did chins and boring stuff
>tfw introvert who desperately wants to be an extrovert
how do I fix this :(
C1D2 of (inverted) Juggernot Skwot, 6x3@80 BN, chest supported rows till I got bored of them, GHR same.
Smeshed it hard.
If you like doing lots of submax work and don't want to do sheiko, or want to grow from a fuckload of volume. It could also help fix your form in the same way sheiko would.
I normally do but I helped my friend move all day yesterday, so I couldn't lift until today
Literally force yourself to be extroverted in any possible situation you can
>sheiko fixes your form
Y-yeah, it sure worked for me.
Anyone else /feel like they've uncontrollably wasted their life and wish things would hurry up and get better so you can move on/?
Every day, son
Well you actually have to put some effort into changing your form you brainlet
Bench press should be replaced with floor press
Unironically Jordan Peterson style sort yourself out in terms of knocking off the small, close-range, manageable tasks, then go hit the weights, then go be a normie. A beer or two can help.
I bet if you slightly deflated and made an honest to god effort to to keep your back from collapsing on your doubles and triples you would have made pissening gains
>dude your back collapses at max weights you need more light work lmao
twink needs 10ccs of momentum asap
He needs calories
>wish things would hurry up and get better
Yeah, that doesn't happen until you start making moves on your own, dude. How many emails in your inbox should you respond to? Fold your laundry, throw out your trash, do your dishes, and pull yourself together.
His back collapses with 75%
is that guy here with the chinup program, can you do 10 reps alredy
>Literally force yourself to be extroverted in any possible situation you can
I dont have many situations because work takes up most of my time atm, and everyone their already thinks of me a certain way. I think Im slow to connect to people, so I make bad first impressions
>Jordan Peterson style
pls elaborate
meant to (you) too
Rest day today, tomorrow I'm doing
> Beltless Pause Squat 4x4
> long pause bench 4x5
> feet up bench 4x6
Then some rear delt and ab bullshit
My back collapses with 50% when doing front squats
Like look around you, throw away the obvious trash, put the clean stuff away where it should be, and then write out a short list of tasks you need to accomplish that would improve your life or further your life's work in some tiny, immediate way, and do #1 right now. "Once you clean your room, you'll know the next thing you should do."
oh I dont have a problem achieving goals and stuff. work/school/training etc are all moving forward just fine
Im having problems being too introverted socially
So go do something active, and engage individual people one on one, one at a time.
>hit squat PR
>feels stalling for years
Wow all that does nothing wow
Take a picture of your neat organized room right now you faggot
Wow you did not of it wow
I'll try lad. as I said, I cant really meet new people atm, but I'll try with people who already think Im autistic/an asshole at work
>tfw erectile dysf.
can i lift this away?
Quit and find a new job
Im leaving when uni starts anyway so theres no point. I want to save up some money. I dont think its so bad I cant change their minds if I try hard
Get better blood pressure and or start pinning test
Sheiko break yo dik?
There's a huge party that's been going on tonight and I didn't know about it because I didn't have Facebook
im back from the gym
>it was like 90f inside
>no air circulation at all
>three qts in yoga pants being fucking sexy
I think ive sweated out half my body weight guys holy fuci i feel like death
send me an iv and 30 gallons of gatorade pleaaesssee
Lol, dork
>why american is the best country in the world
>a bunch of fictional shit that never happened
makes sense LOL
So I have back discomfort/pain when deadlifting or squatting. I haven't experienced pain outside of the gym but when I do deadlift/squat I feel it on the lower part of the thoracic spine. Anyone else had similar experience? I've had the pain for about 3 weeks. Did I snapcity?
Is boardshorts around?
>Doing typical 15 minute sauna after lifting
>tfw the coed sauna is filled with qts
>when they're just so goddamn sexy and you're so fucking lonely and so horny
>In the sauna one day
>16 year old jailbait with a petite body and gigantic tiddies
>Everyone else in the sauna is a middle aged hairy man
>Seen way too much pornography in my time not to eroticize the scenario in my head
unloading a Norman khan Into the toilet
Yes yes it is quite dry the fecal matter
Also it's stinkier than this morning Hm very interesting Hm yes quite
Redpill me.
Did your mom fuck a paki or something? Are you mad that you're a shitstain? Do you even lift?
are these projections?
Hepburn is slow and boring but you will get stronger
Is this deflection?
Oh hey, just wanted to ask is the gym at San Marcos open during vacation and breaks? Like could I quit worlds and be fine during winter break and next summer, or should I keep my worlds membership?
iirc they close. You could give them a ring tomorrow. I kept my worlds membership during school
Damn that kinda sucks. Alright thanks.
any possibility of squat gains doing one back squat day a week, and another front squat day? primary weakness is quads
Considering Nuckols has a program in 28 free that is exactly that, probably
>dont beat off for 3 days
>girl walks into gym wearing shorts where ass cheeks are hanging out
>want to rape
Have you tried doing cowboy method? If your squat sucks then squat 3 times.
That could work
I'd try doing belt squats/ split squats as accessories before cutting down back squat frequency to 1/week, but you do you.
But panzie, something's got to give
thx for reassurance
doing this as an offseason type deal, not going too specific on big 3 and doing loads of accessory work
>Become a Nazi fed
>Judging still a crapshoot
>Still obviously saturated with sterons
>Still totally irrelevant outside of its own circlejerk
>Still contesting bench press instead of OHP
The IPF is like the beta orbiter of the IOC.
>Primary weakness is quads
hey can i get a quick rep here? thanks
rep 4 rep
are you really this fat and stupid
can one do it without pressing?
You mean without ohp? Or just for lower body?
is your Hepburn program the one outlined here?