What's your dad like Veeky Forums?

What's your dad like Veeky Forums?
Does he lift?

he hates me for being a lazy neet

My dad died in 2011. He used to be a bodybuilder when he was younger. Was looking through photos of him when he was in his 20s and got inspired to lift and look like him.

Ask me how I know your parents are divorced


My parents have been married for 25 years.

>TFW even he tells me not to trust these hoes

You must feel great OP. Seems like you have a cool Dad

Dead. He passed away back in 2006 due to lung cancer. Never smoked a day in his life. And he beat lung cancer twice before. But the fucker came back again and did him in before he could even start treatment again.

He was an E6 in the Navy and there are photos of him built like the 6'2" tower he was. I looked up to and am still proud to call my dad. Even though we have a goofy last name that people insult all the time, Kuntz, it's his name. And I'm proud of it.

I miss him and his constant approval despite being a general fuck-up. I wish he could have seen me as an adult instead of dying when I was just starting high school.

Damn, nah. Crazy similarities though lmao

Oh nice dude! I was figuring he texted you that cause separate households and couldn't tell you in person. Good on them :^)

I work out with my dad sometimes, hes 60 and still lifts.

Mine bailed when I was 8 because he was a closet fag and wanted to finally live his life of degeneracy after his mom died.

drug addict

He does iron mans, some compound lifting, and is on TRT. I think I got my autism from him and hopefully I can use it to make millions like he did.

All I really think about when I think about my dad is how he hit me and yelled at us every single day

A while back I asked my mom why he left the air force in the mid 80s. He was an E-7. She told me it was too much work and he didn't want to do it.

Ever since then, I can't stop thinking about how my dad could've provided for us better, had us live in a better place, somewhere not a last-place state, and he didn't want to try hard enough. Just wanted to sit down all day after work and yell.

I know he loves me, but it's hard to care. The anxiety that he helped create has taken so much from me. So many opportunities and experiences that he was able to greet with a clear mind.

Sorry I didn't mean to make everyone feel bad

How do I love my dad? You know, I'm pretty much failing right now in a lot of regards, I'm in my 30s, and if I call him he just asks me if I've gotten a job yet. It's amazing how condescending he is for someone who last got a job in fucking 1987. He worked his last job for almost 30 fuckin years and retired. He knows NOTHING about jobs, employment or getting jobs, especially not in the modern world. He was in the air force and worked at the post office. 2 jobs until retirement. I'm 35 and have worked like 11 fucking jobs.

My father broke my mother's heart by cheating on her when she was pregnant and I was a baby. He left her alone with me when I was 4 months old and her father had just died.

Even now she's still damaged by it. I spent time with him and his new family until I was 18, when I put my foot down due to the weirdness and sexual abuse that ran rampant in that family. I haven't spoken to him since and never plan to.

Oh he also doesn't lift weights lol.

Truck driver
Weighs 350 lbs
Got a bloodclot in his lung and wasn't afraid of a damn thing.
Is actually really a pussy and does whatever he can to avoid conflict so is really all talk.

you know, im the guy who was just complaining, and stuff like this makes it so hard for me to understand where my life was

as a kid of like 11-12-13, i begged my mom to divorce my dad and she wouldn't hear it. I just gave up eventually knowing she wouldn't. How many kids have you ever heard of asking for parents to divorce?

I feel like people say "at least you had a dad"..but what does that mean when my dad was just a source of fear ,anxiety and misery every single day? I don't really have any good memories involving him

>Is actually really a pussy and does whatever he can to avoid conflict so is really all talk.

fat southern guy who acts tough starter pack.png

Every now and then he talks about his "bodybuilding" days. After I started lifting he gave me heaps of advice and information. Love that cunt.

Pretty much to a T. At least he's not lard ass tier that rides around on a scooter. He is getting a little whiny as he gets older when everyone is telling him the answers to life and hes trying his hardest to avoid solving them (Get rid of shit you dont need+lose weight).

Blood clot in his lung and his BP at 180+ and he walked into the ER on his own two feet so can't knock him he is pretty functionally strong. Pretty sure he became a super massive pussy due to low T. Thinking about spiking his meds with some testosterone.

never knew him

My dad is a mentally Ill sociopath. Be tried to abandon four kids when the oldest was two because he chickened out. In a decade he came into the picture and was so insecure he would beat the kids and say how "natural selection is running its course". He always shit on us for everything we did and never tried to get involved with us. Now that we are all older he literally can't even look us in the eye, when any of us makes eye contact with him he looks down. I hate that piece of shit. Everything I've done is to make sure I'm not such a horrible dad for my future kids

what's a dad, OP?

>tell my dad to please lose weight or you're gonna die soon
>Ha! well, whatever

I'm the guy who was just posting about my dad leaving airforce to move us to a shit state and then yelling at/hitting us every day forever

Did I mention he's also like 350lb and fatalistic as fuck, has refused to go for a walk with me for 20 years .20 fucking years.

He's dead. He died when I was 1 year old. He either killed himself, or my mom killed him. It was listed as suicide on his death certificate, but none of his friends or family believe it.

That said, he was skinny. Very thin framed, probably about 5' 9". He ran some marathons. Worked manual labor. Was wiry and lean. Liked to drink too much. Probably spent too much of his money weed. Seems like people really enjoyed him though. Too bad I never knew him. Never had a real father figure in my life. My mom was a whore that would fuck whatever dude could give her drugs at the time. She had 5 kids, and we all had different dads. I remember different male figures that came into my life, each for a few months at a time, before they would leave. None of them were ever a "dad" to me.

If you have kids, don't ever kill yourself. At least keep your fucking shit together until they're grown. Growing up with only a psychotic, drug addled, single, welfare leech mom and no father really, really fucking sucks.

No joke? Kuntz isn't a very common name, and I've met a couple of people in the GA, FL, AL area with it, any relation?


My dad started having grand mal seizures when I was in elementary school. Prior to that I was whipped (beaten) with belts (and the occasional straightened metal coat hanger, or as they referred to it... a "switch") and spent my childhood emotionally walking on eggshells instead of having a carefree same space at home. I have trust issues because of those experiences. He worked in various factories on second shift so there were periods of time where I didn't have to deal with him. Since his condition retired him, all the time he got to spend at home gave him a great opportunity to micro-manage the rest of my childhood... and judge it, and comment on it, critique it etc... He was a fat fuck that passed down really bad eating habits that took me a long time to overcome.

Now I'm 33 and have a very successful career. I don't call him or speak to him except on holidays. The first chance I got I moved out of state for work and I do not plan on returning. Now he has M.S. and diabetes, on top of being on seizure medication. I do not help my mother because she chose to be a fucking coward and not stand up to him, or leave him, when I was little. I do not plan on attending his funeral. He died in my mind a long time ago.


I love this place because I can be totally honest.

>very rough
>american midwestern
>tractor collecting
>good to me but is a bad person honestly
>wrong often
>blatantly racist but i'm used to it

No he doesn't like how I count my calories because he wants me to just enjoy eating and he doesn't like how I work out because he doesn't want me getting hurt.

My dad sent me this picture of himself, and called me a weak cunt.

your dad rounded his back picking that up too

>>blatantly racist
Well, at least he's not all bad.

Dude it sucks that your dad leaving you after discovering his sexuality hurt you so much, but being gay isn't degeneracy.

>able to have kids

I'm straight, and I don't get hard from men(which I'm pretty sure is natural), so how can a gay man, who doesn't get hard from women, impregnate a woman? If you don't cum babies don't happen.

That fag is not a fag, but hes also a fag in the sense that he is bullshitting you.

>GRID, STDs, and buttsex aren't degenerate

>being gay isn't degeneracy
Birth rates in European countries declining as a result of the acceptance and cultural elevation of certain lifestyles isn't happening randomly.

Homosexuality is an objective defect, which is why such a small minority of "people" are afflicted by it. Any species that elevates and makes fashionable lifestyles that exclude procreation is by definition in a state of degeneration.

You're welcome, signed /pol/

>posts with a trip
>never heard of gay men having kids and families as cover or out of shame

why make yourself publicly identifiable and also post shit showing that you're ignorant as fuck

oh, right. (You) here you go little guy

MY dad does a 7-5 job, he's an average guy, not greatly smart, but he tries his best to support us. He's a good guy. Even with the divorce, he's only though of his kids.


birth rates are declining in western countries because surprise, people with education and access to constant entertainment have realized that *having children fucking sucks and children fucking suck*

Chaim, people value family. Even defectives and degenerates, they just want to have their cake and est it too... which OyVey pop culture has convinced them they can do. ...and they will until a reality check in or after a mid life crisis forces them to see themselves as vapid lonely selfish meaningless unfulfilled miserable sons of bitches.

lol, /pol/ enjoys your pain

My dad's an amazing man who would sacrifice everything for his children. I strive to be a little more like him every day.

>never heard of gay men having kids and families as cover or out of shame
My point is, "gay" men who have kids, are not gay, because if they were, they wouldnt get aroused from women.

>just got made a fool of by a tripfag
how embarrassing

Besides significant financial support for me, my dad honestly hasn't offered much as a father

He's never really taught me how to do anything or any skills

Pretty much all my childhood memories of him are remembering being afraid of him because he would hit me a lot and me and my mom being really happy when he went on business trips

Spent a lot of my childhood threatening us with divorce/leaving the family

More or less taught me to dislike people. In 25 years I have never once seen him do anything with anyone besides my mother and/or me (no friends), doesn't know the neighbors he's lived next to for almost 20 years, even went to a dog group in our neighborhood every weekend for a decade and never did anything with any of them

I think his influence is a big reason I turned out to be such a loser

I thought I had it bad but this thread opened my eyes.

My father was born in 1937. He is 80 years old now while I'm almost 24.
He did all kinds of manual labor from mechanics to plumbing and construction. He has a black belt in karate and played the saxophone. Even though I inly ever heard him play the piano. He's been retired since I was very young so he was always at home and spent a lot of time with me. He never hit me and he passed lots of knowledge until I reached 16 years old. Then, he got a brain clot. Since then, half of his body has been paralyzed and he is aphasic, which means he can't talk. Basically, half his brain is dead.

I miss his old self very much. In seven and a half years, I must have visited him twenty-five times. I can't afford gas and it hurts too much. I wish it would've happened to my mother instead.

kill yourself

When I was 13 my parents got divorced.
When I was 14 my dad got remarried.
When I was 15 my dad got my dog euthanized because new bitch stepmom brought over her cats to our house. My dog didn't act aggressive in any way but the cast were cunts.

I swear when I returned from my moms place to a dogless house I lost all respect for him. It's been 4 years and I still refuse talking to him.
Fucking prick

Wow, that sounds . . . ruff


Your dad is most likely a narcissist, probably because his dad was when he was being reared. I'm in the same boat buddy. The beginning of high school was horrible for me because I couldn't fathom anyone's perspective but my own in social settings. When I moved out for college I began to notice my dad in myself and changed. You don't have to be like him remember that.

He was a boiled chicken eating powerlifter back in the day, but he focused 90% of his fathering on my older brother who was a lanklet with no interest in lifting or physical activities. It took until my brother moved out(I was 21) for him to realize we had more in common in the gym and sports department.

I think he feels bad about it since for the past couple of years he supported me to a ridiculous level even when I wasn't living at home.


My father is retired from the military so he got into the habit of staying fit.
He looks pretty good for his age and I know he fucks a bunch of women off of POF, young and old.

>tfw he had to get gyno surgery so I probably will too

My dad's a pretty cool dude. He doesn't lift but he golfs alot and stays active working on his cabin. Never gave me too much shit growing up.

My dad doesn't lift but still plays basketball in a recreation league at 55 years old. He loves it and I always wanted that same kind of passion for a sport. Turns out I didn't find it until I started lifting. I've always kind of looked up at my dad as always being way more athletic than I am, but the last time I saw him it kind of fucked me up that my arms are bigger than his and I just recently beat his mile time.

My dad grew up in Southern Ohio, working in steel mills, jackhammering slag off the still-red hot ingots. He got drafted to serve in Vietnam, and got a bunch of bronze stars and marksmanship/rifleman medals in the process. He moved out to California where he met my mom, and worked as a city planner for forty years.

He doesn't really ever tell me he's proud of me, but I think (or perhaps hope) he is in his heart. He sent me to a prep school in the ninth grade so I'd have opportunities that he didn't. I remember crying as he put his foot down when he forced me to go to some prep school I didn't want to attend, thereby leaving my middle school friends behind. He said I had to go, because "kids who go to that school write their own ticket in life". I guess it's worked to some extent; I'm about to go to Stanford for grad school next month. Still working on writing my own ticket, though.

I remember the theme in the Homeric epics that one can never measure up to his ancestors, because every generation that passes means the blood of the Gods in you is further diluted. I don't think I'll ever be as much of a man as my dad.

future generations of the west will curse this flippant selfish attitude

that's beautiful, user

yeah he's supremely narcissistic. he gets angry at us and others for doing things he does himself every day

by college by nonexistent social skills and general annoyance of people basically ruined me

I suggest you look into the book How To Win Friends and Influence People.

If I were tasked with training a machine to function in society I would use this book as a guide. It can teach you how to manipulate and gain favor in others even if your feelings aren't genuine.

Book 2 of The Odyssey has a more hopeful accounting: "Few sons indeed are like their fathers; most are worse, few better than their fathers".

yeah i listened to the audiobook of that. im really afraid im too far gone for help... adhd, weirdness, autism

There's adhd, weirdness, and autism in even the mightiest chad. Functioning socially is a conscious act much like moving weight around in the gym is. Practice makes perfect, learning to be social is very comparable to learning to ride a bike. Can you ride a bike?

Fucked up dads in this thread yet another symptom of the great spiritual decline

My dad is a functioning alcoholic but he's still my nigga and he would be fine if our country wasn't so fucked up (east euro) - he's still very proud of me for making good money and living well on my own.

I'm sorry man. I'm worried about my dad too, because he was diagnosed with cancer (albeit a very different type) over two years ago and managed to beat it. We're not sure if he's actually cured or if it's just in remission, but hearing stuff like this scares me. I'm sure he'd be proud of you user

i wish my dad would say things like that to me

My dad is a lazy, unemployed, arrogant, alcoholic leech. He had every opportunity in the world and he pissed it away so he could lie in bed and drink vodka while living off his parents money and a government benefit.

why do you hate mommy

Zozo, grandson of Zeus!
You'll be the first of a new era!
An age not of gods or demigods, but of human heroes!
>Post pic to prove that you're worthy of being the first Veeky Forums hero
>It doesn't have to be perfect, you aren't supposed to be a god

Would always tease me that his arms/chest/legs whatever would be bigger than mine, but when I got bigger than he used to be he was really proud like "well done son" more proud than of my sister who became a doctor

ex-soldier. puts up with my shit and lets me live in his house. a bit too demanding and strict but that's what comes with years of being a soldier. lends me money regularly while supporting my education. we get on well, I guess. almost completely absent for the first few years of my life. my first memory of him is literally him in a military uniform. got more involved when I was 7 or 8 which took some time to get used to since I had been brought up by my mom mostly. eventually things worked out, I guess.

ridiculously hard-working which makes it hard to see him as a role model since I'll never work as hard.

It felt weirder to write this than I'd thought it would.

My dad is an alcoholic and I haven't spoken to him in 3 years. The only time I ever remembering him trying to "teach" me anything was when he was drunk when he was sober he wouldn't even talk to me.

My dad died years ago.

He was in good shape and played rugby professionally for a while, but after my mother and he divorced he fucked his life up. He quit everything, lost contact with everyone and drunk himself to death. It happened pretty fast.

I played rugby when I was younger trying to be in his stride, I suppose, so to some extent he inspired my fit lifestyle.

>is a former high ranking police officer and was personally involved in both the death of princess diana case and 9/11 and has some shocking info on both
>now works abroad attempting to expel terrorism, mostly ISIS, from that country
>was unwaveringly good to my brothers and I and my mum despite it being thankless for many years
>always took the time out of his day to talk shit with my brothers and i and laugh it up
>was always a staunch supporter of justice at his work and took on entire departments on occasion to help the subjugated, even ousted a corrupt assistant CC despite huge risk to his job, won a medal for it
>has been lifting for years, currently trains with a bunch of roided out eastern Europeans and one huge Nigerian bodybuilder who now sends our family Christmas cards
>women find him attractive and mire him
>stuck by my mum for years as she struggled with depression and pushed him away
Maybe I bigging him up cause he's my dad but I feel lucky as fuck to have him as a dad.

Cats and dogs can get allong pretty well, your stepmom was a dumb bitch.

What a cunt. How anyone can treat their kids like that is beyond me.

53 years old and a natty physical wonder, IMO. He was always in shape and we started working out together 6 years ago when I was 21. He did some research (in the way that Dads do...) and got us on some ridiculous 3x a week full body program. We did that for a bit and I made okay gains. I moved into my own place which forced us to stop working out together, so I started a strength program. I made some pretty serious gains and he asked what I was doing - it took some convincing but I got him on SL 5x5 and he put on 6lbs of muscle fucking quick. At 50+ years old.

>TFW your Dad's deadlift & bench is stronger than yours
>TFW your Squat & OHP is better than your Dad's
>TFW you're still competing with your freak of a father 6 years into your lifting career

He's a fat, lazy, angry alcoholic who is quick to get offended over literally anything and hold a grudge over days, but treats me and my mother like utter shit
He ruined/stole my childhood/teenagehood and now resents me for not becoming a pro in his sport of choice and for having lost all drive to study and flunked 3 years of uni, since my adhd exploded, after years of being a nerd recluse.
Cant wait till he and my mother die, she's ok but I just want to be alone and die, but not when she's alive, that would kill her

this, and he thinks lifting is a waste of time.

My dad is unhappy as fuck. He and my mom never look happy. He hates his job, which he used to whine about every single day when I was a kid. It fucked with my motivation to work or make a career, because Im scared Ill turn into a depressed sack of shit like him. To cope with life he just drinks till he passes out on the couch every weekend all weekend long, despite my mom hating on him drinking he never quit. He never bothered getting involved in my life, or even try to teach me anything useful on how to get through life, because he was always only occupied getting through his own life. I blame him for alot of bad decisions I made in my life. I never had his guidance and he was a bad role model.

Honestly he shouldve never gotten kids. Fucking asshole

He used to, from 22 to 29yo. Never loved him though, he's always been an angry asshole as far as I remember, getting real pissed and violent (both physically and verbally) over stupid shit. He beat on my mother several times and verbally abuses her on the regular. The only few good moments we had together have always been spoiled by his mood swings and shitty temper. Plus we never connected on any level, contrarily to him I was never much into sports (apart from strength sports that I discovered much later in life), and he was never into music, art, or anything I like. I don't blame him for it though. I do blame him for not being kinder to his kids, and not teaching me anything. That is something I'll always feel I'm missing on.

>It's another Veeky Forums dad thread

Always hit me right in the feels

i'm literally him before he lost his patience to deal with people, proud, ambitious and hard working, he's my role model and the only person allowed to give me orders

36/12=3 years
Leave 4 kids when oldest was 2
> does not compute.

Antisocial acid casualty. Raised me in a very hands off manner, but set a good example as far as work ethic goes. Far too interested in old religious cults to be considered "normal". Often dips out of family events to read quietly in a different room.

My dad doesn't lift but he's been a chef for most of his career coupled with unused powerlifter genetics (wide back, broad shoulders) so he's got forearms bigger than most of you faggots' calves

My dad was a graphic design director in Japan. He got hooked on drugs and started abusing my mom, my older sister and me. I was 3 and my sister was just turning 5. Dad strangled me and drowned me in the tub while he was bathing us one time, I don't remember what happened after, I think I woke up in my moms arms. He was never really home, came home every once a month and eventually that turned into every 3 month, 6 month.. etc. One day he gave mom a call and told her that he sold the house that we were living in, took all the money in the bank and that was it. At least me and my sister got a good drawing skill from him tho

My dad died 2 years ago. He was a far greater man than any of the retards here will ever be, including me.

How dumb can you get? They simply close their eyes and think of some nice man glutes. Vagina feels good anyway.

>Besides significant financial support
Thats all you ever need. Also, you are trying to blame someone else for you being a loser. Just stop being a loser.

Yeah. He benches 2pl8 which is fucking more than me

Can i fuck your sister?

im not gay but I am 100% sure i could fuck your little faggot ass

>Muhh dogg
You are such a child

>implying you wouldn't get hard with a dude sucking your dick
>implying viagra isn't a thing