How in the seven hells are you supposed to lose this fucking thing?

How in the seven hells are you supposed to lose this fucking thing?

if your 5% bf and still have it you will be scientifically studied

Go and get a colonic

poop, seriously

6 1 at 140lbs, test me, also ohp 110lbs so im weak but not free of muscle

Isn't that just bad posture?


low bf doesnt mean skinny

Liposuction is designed for situations like this.

this desu

Whenever you're fasting and don't have any extra shit in your colon, you'll look way more lean than you would after you just ate or whenever you need to take a shit.

I notice that I usually look best after my morning shit.

but can you shit while fasting? serious question desu, I have some constipation and I'm scared I won't shit if I stop eating, pls help

>he doesn't min max his eating/drinking for maximizing torso aesthetics

I bet you guys also drink and eat a big meal before going out, or you drink a lot of water before bed......

Literally get good and learn how to time your meals and liquid intake to avoid bloating from occurring in the first place.

You haven't made it unless you goto bed at night with a flat lean 6 pack after eating a few thousand calories.

fix your posture


nice meme

just pull your swim trucks up higher, people only care about shoulders and pecs, solid

staying at 5% for long would kill you

It's called transverse abdominus for a reason. Ffs, it's like I have to think for everyone around here.

Go for Lenny mode.

Keep losing weight until you become a skelly. Or roid and clen

Wtf it looks like his nipple is falling off in the 2nd pic

Look at that dude


stand up straight. stop letting your chest cave in and suck that motherfucker back.

Not related on your question but I wan to know you exercise/work out routine and your diet

kill yourself.

newfag redditor detected

>his nipple position


whats the acronym of "to be honest"?



Is it deSu famalam?

not him but miralax + high fiber diet

wew, sucks that i have bad constipation 24/7

my pussy is constipated. poop sludge only comes out of it once or twice a week.

If you have visible abs but a stomach forward like that, you have anterior pelvic tilt. Your back is in other words, slightly tilted forward when it should be straight up.
Work your core, hamstrings and glutes more, and stretch them a lot. Reduce lower back work for a while.
