Anyone else pray to Satan before going for that PR?

Anyone else pray to Satan before going for that PR?

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I pray to Chaos Undivided


edgy from tumblr huh

conservitard from /pol/ huh
satanism hasn't been edgy since the 80s

reps for jesus

Amen comrade Jesus

edgy and cringey* my b. leave fit with this nonrelated edge

The communist imagery would be appropriate if the verse read:
>And the state seized their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as the state deemed every man had need

What we see in the real verse is a very charitable christian congregation

That's Bahomet you fucking idiot.

If you want to worship a demon go for Beelzebub , demon of gluttony and bulking season. Or go for Asmodeus and enjoy the sweet pussay.

Learn your demons or you won't make it bretheren

Shut up nerd

no, even in the authoritarian communist states (which, again, is not the ideal), private property is seized, not personal possessions.


Have fun in hell


whats the difference between property and possessions?
Regardless, the Christians in the passage were electing to share their wealth and the state was not involved


"private property" is meant to cover private ownership of capital, so factories, land, equipment used to produce, stores of wealth, and so forth. Shit you own that you can use to employ other humans to work for you and exploit them.

Possessions are just personal things you own like your computer, those are fine.

And anyway, for communists the objectives isn't really for the state to control everything either. That is just capitalism where you replace the private owners with the state. (Though that is unfortunately how it has always turned out, i.e. Stalin, Mao, etc.)

I own my house but employ a maid to clean it, does the state deserve to seize it?
Linguistically there is not a difference between possessions and property but I'm just assuming there is some communist legal definition you're referring to.

The bible definitely respects property rights, as your wealth is a gift from God and you're to be a good steward of it, so I recommend against using Christianity and the bible as a supporting argument for communism

Repent and submit to the Pope

conceptually this is the clear distinction between private property and personal possessions. Owning a company and owning a book are two different kinds of ownership.

And yes, in a communist society real estate would be held in common.

I didn't post the image but I think it's less about suggesting Jesus endorses communism, more that his generous, charitable principles are what motivates left-wing philosophy, while the opposite is true of capitalism.

The pope is a cuck
Submit to the grand patriarch

How come the Goetia doesn't detail any demons who give you gains?

Demonstrably false. Free market economies have done more in charity and in raising the standard of living for the impoverished and any socialist or communist state in history.

Left-wing philosophies are anti-charity because the state intrudes on the roles of charity, as in healthcare, education, orphan and widow care. It is no longer charity when it is tax funded, because taxes are involuntary

read "The Wealth of Nations" and learn about the views on charity from the beginning of free market economics

Amen bro

This is true to an extent, and indeed most communists acknowledge capitalism's ability to do this, particularly as the stage that followed feudal societies. But free-market economies have also allowed slavery, colonialism, and other less-obvious forms of unjust exploitation. The point is to move beyond free-market capitalism to a new, better system in which everybody is free to control their lives.

I don't know how you figure left-wing philosophies are charity. They're opposed to accepting a system where charity is performed at the discretion of the wealthy (the people who have control), and prefer a system where charity and generosity are the core of the society.

>the pope
Dude is antichrist in spirit may as well worship Satan. Christ or nothing

found the college freshman

That system already exists.

It's called social democracy, most industrialized nations moved towards it in the 20th centuries while most backwards agrarian nations and former colonies (who lived little better than feudal pesants) were the only nations which embraced communism/socialism. Yet over time even these nations have been moving closer to social democracy.

Jesus is my friend

Leftists campaign on the idea of redistributing the wealth. This is not charity and generosity, that is not "Robin Hood", that is infringing on individual freedom and property rights.

What you're thinking of, I think, is Keynsian economics. An FDR, New Deal style of government with a welfare state and robust social programs. That's a good start for sure.

B-b-b-b-b-but Marx s-s-said that capitalism would lead to socialism! Could he be wrong? I thought agrarian societies had to go through capitalism first? I thought no capitalist society would ever tax the profits of capitalism to run large social welfare programs and grant unprecedented workers rights, I-I-I thought that we would always have the capitalist system of the late 1800's with evil bosses twiddling their mustasches!

Could my draconian 18th century economic theory be outdated? W-what will my fellow narwhales on /r/cuckold think about this development?

Sets for allah here

I would if he was real.

>slaps your ass
>demands jizyah
what do?

Isn't that literally what Robin Hood did? Break the law, stealing wealth from people and infringing on their individual freedom and property rights?

Anyway yeah, that's the point, it's infringing on property rights by abolishing them. But no it's not infringing on personal freedom.

Taxing the profits of capitalism to allow for community development and social welfare is the best system for our modern world. Workers or even worse the state owning the means of production just can't produce the same real world results.

pay up as long as they take care of the jews

You're quite naive if you don't think that system still exists today. Just now instead of Oil Barons and Steel Magnates we have McDonalds and Amazon exploiting a weak working class.

>for communists the objectives (sic) isn't really for the state to control everything either
>charitable principles are what motivates left-wing philosophy
>we prefer a system where charity and generosity are the core of the society

>welfare state and robust social programs are a good start

Do you see the disagreement here?
Tax supported programs are not charity
Property rights are personal freedom

That's a SIkh

>rapes a 9 year old

>being this retarded

The fuck is a satan?
The bible doesn't say anything about a devil.
You mean the ancient babylonian king lucifer morningstar?
Shit, even the HUMANOID ANGELS LEAD BY THE PRETTIEST ANGELS REBEL AGAINST GOD thing is a made up lie propogated to talk the rubes into being good little slaves who don't rebel against the god kings and emperors who shilled religion.
Satan worship?
Tell a bunch of those idiots that the they are worshipping a completley made up idol made of one part of the bitchy shephards and wealthy men complaining about how their wives were getting blacked by the mule dicked dark skinned egyptian lovers, one part nature worship from the seriously fucked up witches that found a way to survive by constructing an entire religion based around the nonexistant satan entity constructed solely to be the ultimate adversary/living embodiment of "ebul slave revolt".

Eternal punishment in hell?
The fuck?
They don't even have a hell in the bible. That's a construct created by dante.
The lake of fucking fire was a place where they threw souls to be obliterated not a place to eternally torture evil souls.
Hel was the worst prison of the time back then. A place to put seriously bad men.

As for pretty angels, you deifinetly don't want to see one of those fucking horrors.

> when I search for buff Muslims I got a bunch of ISIS shit
Sikhs and Muslims both wear turbans so close enough

Have you read the bible?

The state was usually just a totalitarian regime where one person or group of persons stood at the top.
Litterally the kings of old and accepted bloodlines being displaced by different kings and their bloodlines.

The difference is that even McDonalds workers in Western nations today have higher standards of living than factory laborers in the 1800s or laborers in any nation that attempted socialism.

I'd rather work at a McDonalds in Western Europe than live in any nation that attempted socialism or communism.

The Pope LITERALLY sucks refugee feet.
Christianity is the biggest meme. These christ cuck themed fashwave pics always make me cringe

Yes I get what you're saying. You're talking about charity as in a person with some wealth or resource freely giving it, probably out of a sense of wanting to help their fellow man and creating a more just society.

I'm talking about a society built on that sense, which doesn't leave it up to the largesse of a person with wealth, one where everyone has basically everything they need so it isn't even really an issue.

You can stay fixated on the meaning of the word charity if you like, but that isn't what I'm talking about.

Yes. Have you?
I don't mean have things interpreted for you, I mean have you actually read it without the new editions added into it later.

I guess I just disagree on that. I'd rather live in the Soviet Union than be some guy with 0 money staring down America while working at McDonalds for minimum wage.

Stop being such a juvenile retard and come to the realization that humans are selfish pieces of shit and that system will never sustain itself. It will always leads to despotic authoritarianism

I don't believe that. Humans are capable of greed it's true, but they are also capable of being cooperative and caring about each other. Another world, one which emphasizes the latter over the former, is possible.

so kys and get it over with then

Yes. Satan is mentioned by name many times, by Jesus himself.
Hell is mentioned many times. The unsaved will go there forever, and it is a place of weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Sounds terrible

Not under the guise of government coercion you dumb fuck

It's not about government coercion. You're still just thinking about an authoritarian government. Which again, is not the objective.

Stop trying to create utopia, it will never ever happen. Mans true nature is suffering and warfare

I praise any entity willing to listen.

you just said a welfare state and robust social programs are "a good start"

Point out the passages where jesus actually says lucifer morning star or satan or the devil.
I'll wait.

Indeed, in the transition to a communist society where everybody has control over their destiny (because they're not exploited by bosses) and the government serves at most an administrative role.

No it's not stupid.
Go jack off in a corner with your guns.

It's called Buddhism you fucking retard. Have fun with your kike fairy tales and paying thousands of dollars to get brainwashed

27 times in Hebrew
36 times in Greek


I see you wrote "where Jesus says"
He calls Peter "Satan" in Matthew 16:23 when he's being influenced by the devil

Jesus is tempted by Satan for 40 days in Matthew 4

So yeah, satan is never described, no one says lucifer, no one says devil, and for all we know satan could just be the ancient equivalent of calling someone hitler or "nimrod" or asshole.

The greatest villians in the bible were people. The bad men and corrupt women.

>The Bible explicitly informs us of the existence of Satan. He is described as the enemy of man (Genesis 3:15), the father of lies (John 8:44b), and the accuser (Revelation 12:10), among other things. The very name “Satan” means “adversary.” Isaiah 14:12–17 explains that Satan was originally an angelic being, but he decided he wanted the honor and worship due only to God and was thrown out of heaven (also see Ezekiel 28:11–17).

Are you saying that there is no satan or Hell? Are you a Jew?

I just tell myself I can do it and not to think of the lift as I go for it.

Most PR's are either made or lost in your head

The ecumenical patriarch is an even bigger cuck than Francis. Orthodox also have to fast for half the year and can't into gains.

The washing of feet is a tradition started by Jesus that all popes before Francis have done. Stop falling for /pol/ memes.

This thread.

I've read the bible.
The hell that is constantly talked about is a recent invention constructed of half read portions of the bible and dante's inferno.

And satan just means enemy, asshole, jerk, hater.

There is classical satan described anywhere in the fucking bible. It's an entirely fake construct made up by the powers that be and the monsterous nature worshipping degenerates who needed a way to survive instead of being completely decimated by the church and christians in their crusades against all other religions.

Get it?

sure thing, Schlomo

I don't pray to Satan
I pray on agents makin'
Shapeable minds
Capable of firing traceable 9's

Yes I know doing queer things with male feet is a christian thing. That's why I'm not a christian and find it funny when people who pretend to be pro-european are.

Stop posting, Varg.

Its things like that that actually make Muslims respect Christianity though (Islam literally means submission) and make Catholicism a viable alternative. They don't respect "Protestant work ethic".

Boy, I don't know.

What if... Demon Worshiping > Steroids

Aesthetics/Gains/Fitness/Degeneracy Aversion rankings from best to worst

Pagan >>> Orthodox >>> Conservative Catholic >> Secular >> Old-World Protestant >>>>>>>>>>> Shit >>> Satanism > Protestant (evangelical, fundamentalism and new world) >> Muslim >> Jewish >> Scientologist

You know the adversary is something that came up in the jew bible before the christian bible right?



>Orthodox >>> Conservative Catholic
>no meat, dairy, or olive oil for half the year

What about Taoism, Hinduism and Alchemy as a religion?

I thought Alchemy was just protochemistry.

unholy gains above all else

Where does atheism fit? Same as satanism?

It just has some interesting insights into human nature and other a little more "spiritual stuff".

But if you eclude its philosophy it is just protochemistey yeah.


lol is that a replica of aragorn's sword

It is, but it was later taken under the umbrella of basic nature worship that popular science has devolved into.

No, stupid.
Atheism isn't just the opposite of christianity. That's just another religion.

Current Atheism actually is just nature worship with a bit of classic "satanism" sprinkled in to be honest. So..yeah. It kinda is satanism right now.

Atheism used to be simply not believing in any religion or god at all only acceptance of humanity as it is.

Thats Baphomet not satan.

>Atheism used to be simply not believing in any religion or god at all only acceptance of humanity as it is.

That's exactly what 99% of atheism is. Most westerners now grow up without religion. Atheists are only really edgy in certain subcultures or those that live places surrounded by religious people angry at them (including arab atheists, who can be pretty refreshingly edgy against islam)

For weak willed faggots

>Most westerners now grow up without religion.
Factually incorrect