Surgery doesn't fix being fa-

>surgery doesn't fix being fa-

not even 24h after surgery and he's already watching people eating food

he'll never make it. RIP boogie


Remember how he made that first butthurt video about his fatness and he had a friend that would roast the fuck out of him hoping to change his ways

If only he knew how to shitpost as hard as I can - I could turn anyone anorexic

>Fatties are the scum of the earth hurr stop being fat
>N-No dont lose weight that way! I deem it incorrect!

You people are pathetic. The dude is losing weight for fucks sake why do you care if he "cheated"? Cheated at what exactly? Would you rather he stay fat all his life?

nobody gives a shit on this board. if they want they can go on his twitter and youtube


Boogie doesn't seem to understand that his body is recovering from invasive surgery, I'm sure someone mentioned it to him before the day but it probably just went in one fat ear and out the other.

>Would you rather he stay fat all his life?

Honestly yes.


>Just had major surgery
>I'm not hungry oh wow I'm cured of my glutony surely this will last forever

>our guy is finally making it

man he's trying so hard to attribute his current feelings to the surgery

don't worry boogie, the surgery didn't fix your cravings
the aenesthesia and getting cut open did, temporarily

he still hasn't lost more than 10 lbs on his own in his entire life

>I can barely drink water, that's because of recovery
>I don't feel hungry as fuck, that's because of the surgery
oh man, reality's gonna hit hard in a couple of days

>This surgery cured me of my cravings!

This fucking idiot is toast. He thinks someone just out a magic spell on him that makes him not want Twinkies.

>tfw as an ex addict you recognize that newly Sober excessive glow/happiness and the "Its been a day no cravings that means im cured! Dont even need to work on the deeper emotional issues!" that usually show emotional weakness and extremes and likely will lead to relapse

Good luck on the discipline breh, but I dont have high hopes

>implying that's what he drinks ever

Boogie's wife is a feeder, he needs to break off with her in order for this to be successful

Pain meds kill appetite.


His new puny tummy isnt sending singles to his brain to eat any more..

Yeah. But maybe a placebo is what he needs.

He can only eat less then 1000 cals a day now, his new tummy dosnt shrink or grow

This. When I had my tonsils taken out a few years ago I lost 10 pounds in two weeks because I wasn't hungry because I was trying to recover and plus because it was so painful to eat I think my body just told me to fuck off from eating. But as soon as I was able to eat normal foods again I binged hard for a day or two.

liquid, plus it will stretch out over time

just because he has a stomach of that size it doesn't mean his body still doesn't require the same amount of calories it did

he's just in pain and stressed out from surgery atm so that's why he can't eat anything. it's the same shit as when you have stomach flu; you can't eat shit even if your body needs 5000 calories/day

once he's out of that stage and his body returns to normal he's in for a harsh reality and looking at his past "dieting", he'll never make it

I hope you're wrong. I don't like Boogie, I think he is a manipulative and rotten person on the inside and yet I don't want anyone to hurt except the absolute worst people on the planet.

I hope this changes his life and he become happy and in turn helps other fat fucks get help, whether it's surgery or change of eating habits.

>has to literally have an invasive surgery to strap a band around his gut because he can't even stop eating

fats lack of self control is amazing

>brought to the brink of death with pharmaceutical grade opioids so I can sleep through and survive a precise, prolonged and invasive knife attack
>not very hungry
>I'm gonna make it

>Dont even need to work on the deeper emotional issues!
Except he's allegedly been working on his emotional issues for years. Not saying it's a sure thing, but I don't think optimism is misplaced.

He should really quit social media for like a year to focus on his weight loss, this is all gonna blow up in his face if he keeps making comments like that and then fucks up

why do you think most doctors want their patients to lose a couple of hundred lbs first before they even schedule the surgery? to show them that they have the discipline of eating less because having a surgery doesn't matter if you don't know how to eat less

boogie found some shady doctor that didn't request that and boogie has no self control because he keeps saying he tried everything but nothing worked and keeps making excuses after excuses

he can parrot "this is not easy way out" all he wants. right now he's just a couple of lbs lighter because they fucking cut it out of him but his mentality and food addiction is still there just suppressed from the surgery atm

his wife is half the problem, if she really wanted him to lose weight the best thing she could do is leave him, it would force him to get his shit together

What does he look like now? I don't know about the specifics of the surgery. Is he thin or just thinner but still fat?

he's probably lost like 10lbs from surgery and water weight

he'll need to lose 200lbs for there to be a noticeable difference

when he thought his wife was going to leave him didn't he say something about firing his room mate and then hiring them to be his caretaker or something? Dude's a slob with no shame.

Then what was the point? Is the "fat breeds stupid" meme true?

yeah he's the type of guy where everyone around him needs to collectively say "fuck off" so he has to take care of himself

same as before but smaller stomach since they cut out around 10-20 lbs

>he is still alive

not fair bros

he's looking for a magic cure rather than just stop eating

It makes me feel bad for the guy, really. To be so ignorant... but alas, it's willful ignorance, so I guess I shouldn't shed a tear.
If any of the doctors had any sort of dedication, they'd give him a probiotic + prebiotic + microbiome transplant. Otherwise his cravings will return, and he alone has not the will that it requires.

He just posted a video of himself on Youtube blending an entire packet of Doritos with a bottle of mountain dew and then drinking it.

def not goin to make it.

If she really wanted him to lose weight she could have simply not fed him. It's not as if he can get up and feed himself easily so she must be enabling him guzzling down thousands of calories every day.

>the placebo effect is masking my urges that come from 30 years of bad behavior ingrained into my character
this guy is totally delusional to the reality of his behavior. he is going to slip up again. he is going to commit suicide or die of a heart attack within the next 2 years.


He's going to kill himself soon enough if he's this delusional that his suppressed hunger is going to last.
There's correlation. People being ridiculously fat usually derive from those with either lack of discipline, or ignorant about nutrition.

I know that feeling, had a couple surgeries in the past, I lost weight for a good 2-3 weeks before my normal appetite was finally back. I was freaking 11 when I realized this.
But anyway, Boogie has pretty much hit rock bottom in terms of options. The next 1-2 months is guaranteed to be a shit show with bragging how he's losing weight, and then gaining it back and feeling stomach pains because now he'll be stuffing his face with a stomach that literally can't handle it.

>changing his microbiome won't affect his cravings
The best moment to change his microbiome is after surgery, when he's too weak to not eat what he's given. The longer he can keep a healthy microbiome, the longer he'll be disgusted by unhealthy food.

It wasn't liposuction, it was just gastic bypass. No fat was removed, the surgery is to assist in lowering his hunger and thus caloric intake so he can lose weight on his own.
You can't just yank like 60% of someone's bodyweight out of them at once. Lipo is for people who are already slim.

Serious question, what would happen if he was locked in a room with only water for like a month? Would he die?

Probably, from lack of essential vitamins and minerals. But there was that Scottish guy who ate nothing for like an entire year and had doctors supervising to give him his micros, and he was fine.

I saw some thumbnail on YouTube about a guy who only drank water for 28 days and he lost a load of fat but I didn't watch because I knew it was just click bait.

His wife should just lock him in a room with a few bottles of water and vitamin tablets every day at this point

fasting uses bodyfat as your primary source of energy. thing is if you go 28 days without eating, where are you getting your nutrients? where are you getting your protein and fibre?

supplements can only go so far. which is why fasts longer than a day are only recommended like once a month

bone broth apparently has decent protein and why are you worried about fibre?

Honestly all his tweets feel like he's trying to convince himself the surgery fixed literally everything, physical and mental. He'll crack, unfortunately.

Not fitness related

>why are you worried about fibre
who wants to come out of a fast with the digestive system of a 100 year old? fibre is essential to keeping your gut flora from going to total shit


sounds like the first and last tweets are confirmation bias. only way i have found to 'reset' my cravings is to fast for a day.

why are you worried about digesting stuff you arent eating

i would be worried about digesting stuff when i AM eating again.

then start eating fibre when you eat again

break fast with veggies and stuff

And if only you had friends to motivate.

Not getting enough protein? He afraid of losing dem gains or what?

>jabba the cuck

lol, he's mentally ill like 90% of fat people. MDs can only do so much for fats, user, they have to want to fix themselves

i think having weight loss surgery constitutes wanting to fix themselves