Lifting for girls?

Guys, I'm afraid I'm getting into lifting for all the wrong reasons. I'm doing it for girls, mostly, and I'm afraid that it's not gonna work out in the long run (losing motivation, etc). Is it stupid of me to lift for girls? Is it a phase?

What got you into lifting weights?

It's a choice. The reason we say you shouldn't lift for girls is because it's a factor beyond your control, girls flake and cheat, love comes and goes, relationships wax and wane. But gains will never go away if you put the work in because it's entirely in your control, and there's a definite security in that.

Personally I lift because I want to make up for my lost time as a teen. I didn't do anything but play games and masturbate, was never social, never had a gf, remained permanently skinnyfat.

Never again.

>lift for girls.
>somehow you keep motivated until you get shredded.
>still get no pussy
>realize the problem isn't how you look, it's way deeper than that.
>continue lifting out of habit, and to get big and stronk.


Lifting for girls is probably the reason most straight guys start, but it isn't the reason you continue. Lift long enough and you'll notice the shift in you, from lifting for girls to realizing you're lifting for your health and yourself.

Getting girls is all about your personality, you need to be outgoing. That's it. Don't be too fat or too skinny that's all there is to it. You don't need to be Veeky Forums to get a gf.

Increasing your social skills is far better, lifting and social skills are even better. Just lifting and no social skills? You're fucked.

Social gains >>>> Veeky Forums gains

People only lift for health and girls.

Unless you are a narcissist and vain person, then you should kill yourself.

There's nothing wrong with that.

I lifted "for myself" but yeah deep down I knew it was for girls. Like everyone who lifts.

I started martial arts a few years later and that got me girls, because I was much more confident in social situations

Oh neat a race bait thread. Inb4 shitstorm of /pol/virgins

No one said anything about race until you showed up.

Why does fit claim to be all about the face when u see always nigs with white girls and in 90% nigs never have facial aesthetics.


>I'm afraid of improving my body and life for all the wrong reasons

Knowing this site, it was bound to happen eventually

Now that is a good looking blonde girl.

>Unless you are a narcissist
Literally nothing wrong with being a narcissist.

blond girls look so good with black guys. Its like the perfect contrast

When I make it I'm going to get one too, just like Lotus senpai.

>has this image saved
You are the worlds biggest cuckold

>Veeky Forums
>knowing anything about girls
Pic one and only one hombre

Nononononono, please please please don't derail my thread.

This. Marital arts man, more specifically, bjj for me

Friendly reminder that you aren't entitled to women

Lift to reduce miscegenation

nothing cuck about it. I wouldnt like it if my gf would cheat on me with a black guy, but blond girls look perfect with black guys, its like art

>son, what's all these photos of blondes girls kissing blacks on your computer?
>um... uh... no, you see, it's to just to upset neo-nazis on the weight lifting board of an anime site I like to visit

>straight human male with straight human female
why are you so obsessed with black guys?

>What got you into lifting weights?
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

> I wouldnt like it if my gf would cheat on me with a black guy

As opposed to any other guy?

>"""human""" male

No they don't. You're just a cuck

>letting your daughter think it's a good idea to have a non-white significant other
It's like you want her life to be a total waste

>nothing cuck about it
>but blond girls look perfect with black guys, its like art
You're trying too hard.

I'm quitting vegetarianism after seeing this.

Thanks user, time for me to go for 2 burgers.

And black girls good draped over their white men. It's like it was meant to be, blacks want to breed their genes out of the USA, I guess that's fine with me


noice race b8, m8


i unironically only lift to get chicks.
i i was married i most likely wouldn't be lifting

>If you're white and you care for your own people, you're a racist!

No we all deep down lift for ourselves. We want girls so an attractive body will help us achieve that.

In the end is for you. Not for the girl.

Um sweetie. White genes would be getting bred out if anything. Black genes are dominant.

>if i was married i most likely wouldn't be lifting
So your wife can fuck Jamal behind your skinnyfat back?

No I'm fucking serious. She will either do the right thing or be disowned.

Don't even act surprised that this is where the thread ended up, you all knew what you were in for when you saw the OP pic.

But you still deny racial IQ differences, lol am I right?

>implying black bois can even compete


>dating a coal burner

height weight ?

Implying modern women give a fuck about being disowned

Most young people are rootless nomads who move away from home and only see their family twice a year anyways, you think your daughter would give a fuck that her beta cuck dad doesn't talk to her anymore? Lol

Post link to nudes for full comparison

I think you guys are confusing the term describing a dangerous and unhealthy mental disorder, and the very natural and healthy mentality of loving yourself.

Lifting for girls is fine as long as you also lift your social skills.

P.s. cum in pussy

>Mr. Clarke
>Mr. Cuck

I like how you acknowledge that there's a problem in society of alienation from the family and then pretend it's cool because lol fuck racism.

> Zika

Says the virgin who masturbates to interracial cuckolding.
The behavior you describe is present in low class households, not those with anything worth passing on to their progeny.

Such mental gymnastics probably belong in a /sp/ thread


They could sell their sex tapes to, I'd watch it.

Divorce rates. Crime statistics.

Is Veeky Forums always like this?

All of Veeky Forums is like this because niggers are repulsive.

Ever since /pol9k/ started leaking yes

I just think it's hilarious that you think beta passive aggressive behavior like what is essentially a glorified form of the cold shoulder will have any affect on your hypothetical children's behavior. I'm just imagining you sperging out at your imaginary daughter telling her she's "disowned" for dating a black guy and her just being like alright whatever lmao

Not that you'll ever reproduce though

White women don't seem to think so ahaha

When people can speak anonymously, the truth always leaks out

Most white women don't racemix

It's dumb because most girls couldn't care, and if you dont have the personality and attitude to show up for it you still wont get any girls.
And yeah it's just a phase. The reason why I'm still lifting is because it's really fun lifting heavy shit and getting stronger.

What does this mean?

Shame that's slowly changing as time goes on

Most black men do though. Yeah there are white girls who have never been with a black guy but you'd be pretty hard pressed to find a black dude who hasn't been with at least one white girl who wanted to "try it out"


Come on.

I think a lot of us started lifting because we fell in love. After it turned bitter, we carried on lifting - maybe for reprisal, denial, fun or even hope; that being said the reason you start something isn't always the same as why you continue it.

I lift because it gives me confidence and makes me attractive - one of the only things I truly enjoy. The benefits aren't just reaped in terms of women, everywhere you go you'll be treated amicably and with respect. I speak for everyone when I say my life has improved astronomically after I got in shape.

Being fit breeds a sort of confidence that allows you to act without hindering or limiting yourself. This rubs off in your behaviour, in turn, changing the way people treat you and thus literally changes how your life is lived.

There's a wealth of other benefits for lifting, but these are most significant to me:

>I feel superior to others
>I feel physically strong
>I look forward to lifting
>A perpetual goal which gives your life a purpose
>The gym is surprisingly the only place I feel truly alone

I used to feel insecure at the fact women had prior partners before me, because undeniably whatever female you are talking to/fucking will be comparing you to previous lovers. The mental closure knowing YOU ARE the most attractive is something every self respecting man should live to know. Lifting saved my life.

This. In my uni, i've been with 6 white girls and i'm not even memeing right now. I have no choice since my uni is mostly white. Of course, It'd be nice if I can marry someone in my ethnic group, but it wouldn't be a deal breaker if that wasn't the case. As long as she's qt, is concious about her health and has good morals

Not in any significant matter tho, every racial group tends to stick to eachother. Whites are becoming a minority in their own countries because arabs breed amongst eachother like rabbits

Most white women who have some class wouldn't start a family outside their race. Not because of race itself, but purely out of socioeconomic reasons

They'll still fuck though. And wouldn't you guys consider it "cucked" to start a family with a white woman who has been with a black man?

>They'll still fuck though.
You're just obsessed with nigger dick, aren't you? You literally cannot stop thinking about it.

Us guys? And might I ask what category did you put me in? I don't fucking mind a girl dating a black guy, it's just a pretty good indicator if the said girl is someone I should steer clear of. It's like you wouldn't wanna date a girl who you know is a bitch

>obsessed with nigger dick

So basically /pol/ and 70% of this website?

Stay mad /pol/fag. You always post those "most white girls don't racemix" infographs as if it means the majority of white girls seriously aren't interested in black guys and black dudes have no chance or something. Reality is most black guys do fine with white girls and can fuck them if they want to, there are just so many of them out there that there will always be some left over.

Read pic related and get triggered

>there are just so many of them out there that there will always be some left over.
Yeah, and talk about left overs. I've literally never seen a mixed race couple that wasn't hamplanet trailer trash waddling around Walmart.

Right, a girl like in the OP wouldn't date you, and you wouldn't date her. Some people in the world wouldn't date each other, it's not anything new.

>killing off whites

I fail to see how this'll trigger me

Have you tried not being a working class drone living in a poor southern shithole?

Oh look, a racist

just face it, most white girls have fucked with a black guy at least once, there's nothing you can really do about it so just deal with it and accept it.

Non whites can't be racist hun

Not talking about couples here buddy I'm talking about hooking up. And no, hamplanets are not the only type of white girls who hook up with black guys. You pass a cute white girl on the street and sure, maybe she's never been with a black dude. But consider this, whenever you pass a college age black guy, a filthy nigger who triggers your /pol/fag spergrage, he probably has been with at least one cute white girl.

Brah, being Veeky Forums in the deep South makes me a living god. I get all the best pickings. I can literally get my dick sucked by just posting my abs on tinder.

That's something a racist would say

Your both enormous faggot cock sucking shot fags fighting over penis and women. Your both a waste of space and deserve to have your mothers raped by a gang of Asian klansmen

Fuck off jusy fuck off and get the fuck off this board, if you guys wanna cry and fight about niggers and crackers go do it on your fucking containment board. Holy fuck I wish I could kill you both

>tfw I fucked a Trump supporter with a black guy fetish last semester

Didn't even know they existed. Thx tinder


Not an argument sweetie

Who cares about that? Starting a family is the priority here