Planning on joining the marines but the recruiter told me i have to lose 30 pounds. She gave me this meal plan to help lose the weight and was wondering what you guys thought of it. Pic related.
Planning on joining the marines but the recruiter told me i have to lose 30 pounds...
I remember this. This isn't really to help you lose weight fast, it's more to help get you on track of being disciplined in your eating habits.
There are women in the marines?
Cavemen had milk, peanut butter, chocolate, and coffee? But they avoided red meat? Really makes you think
Thats alot of fish... Might substitute for chicken most days. Youre not supposed to eat fish more than a few times a week. The mercury will bio accumulate. Otherwise, it reads just like something the government would make up for a "diet".
>Paleo diet
>hot sauce, chocolate milk, and peanut butter
>You should feel hungry almost all the time
Why does the U.S. Government spend my tax dollars on not just lies but lies that are actually harmful to our troops?
>implying the government cares about the troops's not horrible. She fell for the outdated low saturated fat and lots of small meals memes. Both of those have been debunked.
Simple way to improve would be to eat only breakfast. For that meal I would combine 1. every day and alternate 2. 3. and 4. 5. Then double the eggs and tuna.
So it would be like:
Wake up
1. +2 extra eggs
2. 3. +extra can of tuna
All in one meal. Fast for rest of day.
Wake up
1. +2 extra eggs
4. 5. +extra can of tuna
All in one meal. Fast for rest of day.
And because there's an odd number of days in the week you can just not eat food on sunday.
I believe this will make you lose weight significantly faster. You will also have more protein and spend less time cooking and eating.
>If it doesn't expire in a day or two, don't eat it
No oats or beans or honey or spices for you, lad. End it all.
Basically terrible advice for any outcome you are looking to achieve. Buy some diuretics and learn to sodium/food/water cut before weigh in and that's 20lbs taken care of.
Eat 1.5lbs of protein per lb of bodyweight and eat at a caloric deficit for a couple of months.
GG you're in.
"drink lemon to detoxify your body"
Fuck me, do only retards join the services?
Of course
Uhh, the only place that doesn't have women are is special operations
>fiscally responsible
fucking lol. Also moderate hunger is not harmful.
>1.5 lb of protein per lb of body weight
There are legitimate reasons to eat more protein than is strictly required for optimizing muscle mass retention when cutting.
first of all, its .8g of protein per lb of bodyweight. 2nd of all, he said 1.5 lb per lb of bodyweight, which is what the other guy was making fun of
>first of all, its .8g of protein per lb of bodyweight.
What is?
>he said 1.5 lb per lb of bodyweight, which is what the other guy was making fun of
which is what I was responding to saying it was a legitimate starting point.
They're going to BUDS now and will promptly get fucked right back to the regular fleet
It looks pretty terrible for a diet. Maybe it's aimed at getting you used to eating the shit food they serve in the military?
If the goal is just to lose weight, the macros are awful. Because of the high carb low protein, you are going to be constantly hungry.
Pic related, I plugged it into MyFitnessPal
PS: Why the fuck did they include coffee in the diet?
Compare to this one, which will keep you feeling full longer since it has more protein.
isn't this too much tuna
you know mercury and shit
Good analysis. I like how usmc reccomended one is covered in pseudoscience bullshit.
In reality all they are saying is eat under 1,700 calories per day no matter who you are and "exercise" whatever that means.
Come on guys, it's an obvious troll. No military branch would hand out meal plans with claims like lemon "will help detoxify your body of all the impurities"
Some of the cards like this with lifting and diet advice handed out at local gyms has worse information on it.
I'm not saying it's a not a troll, but I do believe the vast majority of people in the fitness industry are stupid enough to write it and believe it.
yeah they keep to experience easy-mode of the hardest military branch
just giving you a heads up you're gonna get a LOT of shit for being overweight even slightly, not just in boot camp but well after too. Don't be one of those pieces of shit that dehydrates themselves to make weight, stick to losing weight and keeping it off. Not trying to discourage you, you'll be happy you did all this
waterfast for 2 weeks, you'll drop the weight plus more.
>but you'll put it all back on afterwards deSu!!
yeah but you'll be in boot camp, being drillled, doing training, and not able to snak. the weight you put back on will be muscle.
t. green baret
>1 8oz. Glass of Chocolate
This bitch isn't fucking around.
garbage meme diet
>1.5 pounds of protein per pound of bodyweight
Now that the abbreviations are spelled out do you see where the fuck up is?
yeah. the fuck is up your butt, homo.
lol you got me
>I'm on 126099grams of protein per day, babe.
>this is your brain on veganism
Cavemen sure as fuck did not have chocolate, peanut butter or coffee. And they did not avoid red meat either, they ate it, just not as much as fish.
>eating breakfast and snacks
Never gonna make it
1,5 grams not lb
Milfag here.
I wouldn't put it past a recruiter if he legit thinks this is a good way to lose that much weight in a short time span. MEPS (the processing center that deems whether your are physically/mentally fit to join any branch) is hard up to find any reason to give you the boot, and weight is one of those cut and dry things they can nail people on. Recruiters, alternatively, are under a ton of pressure to try to sell as many people past MEPS as possible in order to get a good report. If he thinks he can get this kid to lose 30 lbs on some shitty diet in time for MEPS, then it wouldn't surprise me.
Fuck meant to link to End of night shift has me fried.
Though I was not overweight when first joining, and never got handed any wacky meal plans like this, I had heard of similar shit happening from others while in boot. The level of stupidity and outdated information utilized by the military should never be underestimated.
>mfw I am actually going back in soon
>water with lemon
>no red meat
>8oz glass of chocolate
Huh, I thought trump kicked fags out of the forces
Complete garbage, so much so I must insinuate this this is b8.
1 fucking piece of citrus fruit? How is eating the whole fruit gonna make you fat? Wtf?
Gotta break a lance in favor of the OP, it's drink WATER and lemon.
He'll sweat and pee that water out, and that removes some toxins and deposits.
If the lemon is there to give a flavor and ensure the guy doesn't go full retard and kill himself by drinking way too much water with no electrolytes, well that's legit.