Get in while you can folks, gotta get that early thread validation or else nobody will see your gains.
1 year lifting from 125-145lb. 5'8
DL 365
Bench 225
Sq 255x4 (too pussy to 1rm)
CBT - Only 3 active threads in the catalog edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>e-statting this hard
why the fuck do people black out their eyes? I don't get it. If I knew you as a friend, you blacking out your eyes wouldn't throw me off. It's pointless
>tfw you see someone the same height as you
>weighs 10-15 lbs less than you do
>lifts a shitload more than you
>realize you don't have as much muscle as you thought you did
Post body, there's no way someone that's 5 foot 8 and 160 pounds can't bench 225 unless they're dyel.
what the fuck is going on on your chest dude is that a scar from heart surgery or a bunch of hair tangled with pus from acne?? whatever the fuck it is it looks awful
My friend is on TRT and swears hes not on roids.
I'm like nigga, you go to a DR and he injects you with TEST, wht the fuck r u on about.
He's like na bro. It just makes me normal..
What the fuck is normal. I get lethargic, I don't always want to go to the gym. Sometimes my workouts suffer, i'm hurting mentally. But over the past 9 years or so 8 of those were 5 days a week 11/2 - 2 hours in the gym. I live 90% of my life on a diet. I do it Natty, I do it because lifting is life and if you do suffer from mental illness like myself (bi-polar) Life is even worse when you are not strong.
Seriously, I feel like ending this shit show, but when I am strong and at a low% I still have some sliver of hope Maybe shit will work out.
If I go to a DR and get TRT
How much better is life? How much better is life on test and winstrol and all that other shit.
Do any of you have any regrets.
you gotta realize this is Veeky Forums and e-statting is rampant.
1 year lifting = 2 years lifting
add about 30-50 pounds to your max for everything
decrease 10 pounds so someone won't call you out for looking small at your real weight
Most of that is post-acne macules from cysts I had years ago. They're a type of "post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation" left over from long term cystic acne. I've been trying for ages to get them to go the fuck away.
Honestly, you won't see a big mood increase unless you already had low T. I'm on T right now, and I feel maybe roughly 5-10% better. The real confidence comes from the muscle you gain on cycle, and how you feel yourself getting stronger.
5'8" 190lbs 18yo
idk how is this
170 cm
sucks about the height. But you got a great body for an 18 year old.
You should get on HGH and try to get another 2-4 inches.
Seriously, if you come from money. Beg your parents.
He's holding 3.5 plates in the op pic tho...
Might as well quit lifting, if you can't fix that ugly chest herpes you're never getting aesthetic.
Fucking mirin bro, you're looking fucking solid. I wish I looked like that at 18.
>censoring out some random ass part of your fucking back
oh its a tat im removing and it looks pretty bad sorry
Novice. I'm about 5'8-5'9. What's my frame and how are my "inserts"?
Miring strength gains user, sucks about acne.
It's such a cunt.
Also I'd try and get some hair gains, it's pretty average at the moment.
Hard to tell, you don't have any muscles to actually outline your insertions. Come back in a year.
>deadlifting in the squat rack
2 years lifting
5'6" 145 pounds
Projected maxes : 405 squat / 245 bench / 460 deadlift
Mock Meet maxes: 395 Squat / 225 bench / 440 deadlift
Shower, change your shirt or just take it off and wipe down with a towel IMMEDIATELY after you workout. May help your body acne a bit.
why is it always a gook who will post youtube video.
Nigger stay on reddit.
okie sweetheart :)
People don't realize it's actually due to the way censorship laws used to be, for news media. As long as the eyes were covered, it was okay. So the newspapers shrunk the censor as small as possible and covered up the eyes, and by doing so they were following regulation. Nowadays they usually pixel the whole face.
Help here.
5'11'' 189 lbs
Chest looks bad
Abs looks like absolute shit, scoliosis doesn't help
What do
Yo mate. I'm not gay but i'd suck your dick for buss fare then walk home
5 years in, 5'6 150 lbs, currently focused on filling out upper chest, lats and.shoulders.
5 years.
maybe u should pin
Maybe he should lift.
wow, I look pretty much exactly like you excepting quads, am like an inch taller, 3 kg lighter and I've been lifting for 3months.
Legit curious, how does it make you feel?
My lifts are NOTHING like yours though, my squat is like 150
Post pics or stfu.
Keep up the good work man.
Bulk until February then cut for summer.
Gained weight after a injury (looked dyel before). How hard should I cut.
like you're sawing through bone
why is there hair only in your chest gap? It looks like you want it to look like an ass crack.
178 cm, 63ish kg. Am I close to ottermode yet?
120kg 6'2
natty :^)
mate I had those stats and more 6 months into SS
you look like my cock after edging for 3 hours
P close. Work on those lats
so many cbt threads lately
People like attention to figure, like your no-name ass using one
>still have lovehandles
Fuck my life
At you seriously asking about why his chest hair grows the way it does? Shoo.
>mixing imperial and metric like this
If that's true then that is a shit pic. You look about 150 there. Where's the 40lbs??
Currently 180lbs at the tail end of a cut, should I keep shredding down for another month or start transitioning to a slow bulk? Stats are:
>Bench 235x4
>OHP 140x5
>Squat 365x5
>Weighted Chins 90x3
>Deadlift 0x0
you mean shoulders?
stop roiding and cut
W I D E H I P S.
What should I do, keep cutting? I'm like 5'7 145 lb rn.
>inb4 pajeet
Don't do this, bulk as hard as you can until March or so, then cut. You have nothing to cut to and relatively low bodyfat as is.
Focus on more core isolations and legs. Don't fall for the "abs are low bodyfat only" meme. They're just like pecs, biceps, delts, legs, calves, etc. They get bigger too, so train them to pop out.
Otherwise I'd honestly start bulking. Too late in the year for cutting so you might as well do it next year, where you can cut down to 155lbs of muscle.
Rock climbing mode
>You should get on HGH and try to get another 2-4 inches.
I'm 18 and 5'7" how much taller can I get? also is there any side effects to it? where I live 5'7" is the national average but I want more
Keep up the bulk, try to keep it clean so you don't gain too much bodyfat. By the time next summer rolls around you can cut in a few months and have a pretty sick build.
5'-10", 163. Been lifting about 4 months now. Really want to get rid of this belly and love handles. Need to lose about 10 more pounds I think.
I'm 21 and 5'8, and given that I've been 5'8 since I was 15, I'm convinced adult growth spurts are bullshit.
You might, MIGHT grab another 1-2 inches by the time you're in your early 20s, but HGH won't make much difference at this point. High calorie dieting and ensuring you get your daily vitamins is about as much you can do in terms of getting taller.
Been a while since I had time to post in these threads.
You look great but I'm getting some serious manlet vibes from your proportions. 5'6" or less I'm guessing.
5'8 147 pounds
What should I focus on? pls help
Legs, I can't even make them out dude
Then gratz bud, you proved me wrong and I'm 2x as impressed without physique
Not working out for a week has got me looking flat. I need a quick pump fix
Dem Beach aesthetics
>implying you didn't get a pump for that photo
He's about to poo in that water.
That was me flat straight out the shower. No pump
Are you one of the migrants who sell €1 beers on the beach in Barcelona?
No i suck dick for 2€
your nips are gross dude
You look good, but just so we're clear, I don't believe you. Everyone pumps up before selfies. Everyone.
And You are a stupid Head
nah they really don't m8, your insecurities are showing
lol keep lying to yourself bud, 99% of the people in this thread have a pump.
>6/10 because you got me to reply.
19 years old
5 foot 7
Used to weigh 150 lbs in the before I dropped to 136 and now weigh 140 in the after pic.
That's the gayest picture in the thread
Woke up a bit dehydrated this morning and actually able to see my lower abs
>why can't I always look like this
benin :^D
Stats you look strong?
Holy shit i made it
I don't roid and someone thinks i do
I finally reached 8% bodyfat
I will stay at that till i find a gf then happily bulk to 90 kg as i'm supposed to be
Sorry to dissappoint but I'm not really strong for the time I spend lifting. (6 years of which 5 seriously)
1rm: deadlift 200kg, squat 160kg (highbar), c&j 101kg, Snatch 80kg. Don't bench cause it fucks with my shoulder.
>5 years for this
Well its my tinder profile pic so its a pic i use to catch honeys
Also me
Why don't you post a pic of yourself?
Well that explains it
Why can't you take a normal pic and crop out your face instead of making akward poses behind your phone.
bw 202
Squat 585
Bench 365
Deadlift 600
I highly doubt those numbers
If you had to guess, what would you say I lift?
You lift the feelings of shame from your gyno everyday
topkek m8
You must be drowning in pussy
That's very rude user