Talking to girls at gym

Qt at the gym. I wouldn't call her smoking hot just a super cute face a little chubby but defiantly potential. I have caught her mirin before and want to talk to her beyond "Hey what's your name?" Any tips for a gym bro to talk to gym crush?

Best I can come come up with is
>Hey my name is user I thought you were really pretty and wanted to ask your name/number?

Is this cringey af? What is a good thing to talk about in the gym?

I've been told I'm a pretty good looking dude but I am autismo as fuck when it comes to first encounters. Please help fellow autists.

why are we cursed with having one of these stupid threads every day


characterized by defiance; boldly resistant or challenging: a defiant attitude

Fuck me

Never ever ever outright tell a girl that she's pretty, you can imply it in flirty ways but never just say it. You need to cultivate a flirty vibe with a little playful banter and see if she reciprocates, if so then maybe ask for number, if not don't risk the awkwardness.

It's not much different talking to a gym crush than it is any other crush. All you need to make sure of is that she isn't working out/busy talking to friends when you approach her.

Talk to her after her workout (if she isn't out of breath), or if she's warming up for a run.

Don't be afraid to approach if she's with friends, just don't cut them off or ignore the other girls; try acting like you want to befriend them all but focus a little more on your crush.

She is normally alone working out. Should I not even try for the number till I have talked to her a couple times? I don't know where the line is from cool to ask for number to gym creeper is. Figured asking her name and a complement of some kind is the best place to start.

Comment on her shitty form.

When random dudes at the gym talk to me I get super self conscious and worried that they're secretly making fun of me l o l

>>Hey my name is user I thought you were really pretty and wanted to ask your name/number?
That... is one awful line.

Honestly, no offense, the fact that you made a thread asking for advice is probably enough to show you don't have what it takes. If it isn't natural to you, it's going to sound forced and she's going to think you've been stalking her for months trying to get the courage to speak up.